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How God Tink About Blood

How God Tink About Blood

Blood iz supa importan. If we no moa blood, we goin mahke. Cuz God wen make us, he get da right fo tell us how fo use blood. Wat he wen tell us about blood? Can eat o take in somebody’s blood o wat? An how you can choose wass good?

1. How Jehovah tink about blood?

Jehovah wen tell his peopo long time ago: “Cuz da blood, dass wea da life stay inside one animal o one guy.” (Da Prieses 17:14) To Jehovah, blood mean life. Life is one spesho gif from God, so blood is supa spesho too.

2. Wat God tell is kapu wen come to blood?

Jehovah wen tell erybody who worship him fo no eat blood. (Read um Da Start 9:4 an Da Prieses 17:10.) He wen tell dis again wen da luna guys back den wen tell Christians: “No eat . . . da blood.”—Read um Jesus Guys 15:28, 29.

Wat dat mean, fo no eat blood? If da docta wen tell you no drink alcohol, you no goin drink um, aah? But you goin eat food dat get um inside? O shoot alcohol in yoa veins? No way, aah? Same same, wen God tell us fo no eat da blood, dat mean we no goin drink blood o eat meat dat no stay bleed out. An we no goin eat any food dat get blood inside, o put on top.

Wat about using blood fo medical kine stuffs? Some stuffs go agains God’s rules. Dis can be transfusion, o taking in, of whole blood o any of da main parts of blood—red cells, white cells, platelets, an plasma. Fo odda medical kine stuffs, maybe az hard fo tell wedda o not dey go agains God’s rules. Some odda medical stuffs, might use fractions, o real litto bit of one of da main parts of blood. Odda medical kine stuffs use yoa own blood. Wen we tink about all dese tings, each of us gotta choose wat stay pono to us. aFo Da Galatia Peopo 6:5.


Check out how fo choose wat fo do wen come to blood an medical kine stuffs.

3. Choose medical kine stuffs dat make Jehovah happy

How you can make medical kine choices dat keep you pono wit God? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about how come is importan fo do wat tell ova hea.

  • Ask God fo give you da smarts you need.​—From James 1:5.

  • Look wat da Bible tell an how we can use um.​—Smart Guys 13:16.

  • Find out wat kine choices you get wea you live.

  • Figga out wat choices you not goin do.

  • Make shua wat you choose fo do make you feel good inside.​—Jesus Guys 24:16. b

  • Know dat nobody​—not even yoa husban, yoa wife, one elda, o yoa Bible teacha—should tell you wat fo do wen is yoa kuleana fo figga wass ok o not ok.​—Fo Da Rome Peopo 14:12.

  • Wen you choose wat fo do, write um down.

4. Witnesses Fo Jehovah look fo da bestes kine medical kea

Can follow God’s rules about blood an get da bestes medical kea dat no moa blood. Play um da VIDEO.

Read um Fo Titus 3:2, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come we gotta show plenny respeck an make nice ery time wen we talk to da doctas?

No Can

Up To You

A. Blood plasma

Fractions from plasma

B. White cells

Fractions from white cells

C. Platelets

Fractions from platelets

D. Red cells

Fractions from red cells

 5. Wen get blood fractions

Blood get four main parts—red cells, white cells, platelets, an plasma. Dese main parts get plenny smalla parts called blood fractions. c Dey use some fractions in medicines fo help fight diseases o stop bleedin.

Wen come to blood fractions, each Christian gotta choose wat fo do from wat he wen learn wat da Bible tell is ok, o not ok. Some peopo might choose fo no get one surgery, medicine o medical kine tests dat get blood fractions. Odda peopo may feel dass ok fo dem get fractions.

Wen you choose wat fo do, try tink about dis:

  • How I goin tell one docta why I like o no like use da kine blood fractions?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Wassamatta wit getting one blood transfusion?”

  • Wat you tink?


Jehovah like us fo no use blood da wrong way.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come blood stay supa spesho to Jehovah?

  • How we know dat wen God tell no eat blood, dat mean fo no take in blood transfusions too?

  • How you can choose wass good wen come to using blood in medical kine stuffs?

Someting Fo Do


Wat you gotta tink about befoa you choose fo get medical kine stuffs dat get yoa own blood inside?

“Questions From Readers” (The Watchtower, October 15, 2000)

Wat you gotta tink about befoa you choose wedda o not you goin take blood fractions?

“Questions From Readers” (The Watchtower, June 15, 2004)

Wat wen make one docta believe dat da way Jehovah tink about blood, make sense?

“I Accepted God’s View of Blood” (Awake!, December 8, 2003)

Find out how da eldas who work wit da Hospital Liaison Committees help dea braddahs an sistahs.

Jehovah Supports the Sick (10:23)

a Go look Lesson 35, “How Fo Make Good Kine Choices.”

b Go look  poin 5, “Wen Get Blood Fractions,” an Endnote 3, “Medical Kine Stuffs Wea Get Blood.”

c Some doctas tink da four main parts of blood is same same az fractions. So den, you gotta make shua dat yoa docta undastand dat you choose fo no take in whole blood o red cells, white cells, platelets, o plasma.