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Wat Us Gotta Do So God See Us Az Clean?

Wat Us Gotta Do So God See Us Az Clean?

Try tink about one maddah who love her litto boy, helping him get ready fo school. She make shua he wen bafe an dat his clotheses stay nice an clean. Dis keep him healthy an show odda peopo dat his parents take good kea of him. Jalike parents like dea keiki fo be clean, oua Faddah, Jehovah, like oua body fo be clean. But, also clean in da way we tink, talk, an ack. Wen we stay clean, dass good fo us an dat goin show respeck to him.

1. How we can keep oua body an odda stuffs clean?

Jehovah tell us: “Stay good an spesho.” (1 From Peter 1:16) Fo be good an spesho, we gotta be clean on da inside an outside. We can stay clean on da outside by bafin ery day if can, an we make shua oua clotheses, house, o wat we drive stay nice an clean too. We can also help fo clean oua Meeting Place. Wen we keep oua body an odda stuffs clean, we show respeck to Jehovah.​—2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:3, 4.

2. Fo us stay clean, wat kine stuff we gotta stay away from?

Da Bible tell us fo “clean out all da bad kine stuff dat make us pilau inside o outside.” (2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 7:1) So den, we like try real hard fo stay away from anyting dat goin hurt oua body o oua mind. Da tings we tink about gotta make Jehovah happy, so we try oua bestes fo hemo any bad kine tings we tink about. (Songs Fo God 104:34) We try real hard fo no talk pilau kine too.—Read um Fo Da Colosse Peopo 3:8.

Wat odda kine stuffs can make us pilau? Get some tings dat can jam up oua body. So den, we stay away from stuffs like tobacco, chewing betel nut o coca leaves, an using drugs fo fun. Wen we stay away from dis kine stuffs, we stay moa healthy an we show respeck fo da gif of life. We like try real hard fo stay clean on da inside an fight agains pilau stuffs, like masturbation an watchin porn. (Songs Fo God 119:37; Fo Da Efesus Peopo 5:5) Can be hard fo stop doing dis kine stuffs, but Jehovah can help us fo stop doing um.​—Read um Isaiah 41:13.


Learn how come we show respeck to Jehovah wen we stay clean, an learn how fo stop doing pilau kine stuffs.

3. Fo keep oua body an odda stuffs clean, dat show respeck to Jehovah

Wen we read Jehovah’s rules fo da Israel peopo, we learn why az importan dat his peopo stay clean. Read um Outa Egypt 19:10 an 30:17-19, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat dese verses show about how Jehovah feel about being clean on da outside?

  • Wat you can do erytime fo stay clean?

Fo stay clean on da outside take time an we gotta work hard. But no matta wea we live, o if we stay rich o pooa, we can do um. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How come da peopo we preach to goin respeck Jehovah moa wen dey see oua tings stay clean?

4. No do pilau kine stuffs anymoa

Jehovah can help us fo no do pilau kine stuffs anymoa

If you smoke o you use drugs fo fun, maybe you know how hard can be fo stop doing um. Wat can help you? Read um Matthew 22:37-39, an den talk story about wat using tobacco o abusing drugs goin do to . . .

  • somebody’s frenship wit Jehovah.

  • somebody’s ohana an da peopo aroun dem.

Make one plan fo no do pilau kine stuffs anymoa. a Play um da VIDEO.

Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:13, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wen you pray, learn da Bible, an go meetings on da regula, how dat give somebody da powa fo no do da bad kine stuff anymoa?

5. Fight agains tinking about o doing pilau kine stuffs

Read um Fo Da Colosse Peopo 3:5, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How we know dat Jehovah tink porn, sexting, an masturbation stay pilau?

  • You tink make sense fo Jehovah tell us fo be clean on da inside o wat? How come?

Check out how fo fight agains pilau kine tinking. Play um da VIDEO.

Jesus wen use one word picha fo show dat we gotta do ertyin we can fo stay clean on da inside. Read um Matthew 5:29, 30, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Jesus neva tell us fo hurt oua body. But, we gotta do wateva we can fo stay clean. Wat kine stuff somebody can do fo stay away from pilau kine tinking? b

If you stay fighting real hard fo hemo da pilau kine tinking, Jehovah stay real happy you stay trying. Read um Songs Fo God 103:13, 14, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How dis scripcha kokua you fo keep fighting if you stay strugglin fo stop doing someting dat stay pilau?

If you wen give in, no mean you gotta give up!

Ony easy fo tink, ‘I wen give in so might az well give up awready.’ Wat you tink: Jus cuz one runna huli maka flip, no mean he wen lose da race o he gotta start all ova again. Same same, jus cuz you wen give in, dat no mean you gotta give up fighting agains pilau kine stuffs. An dat no mean dass poho awready, da stuffs you wen do. Wen you stay fighting agains pilau kine stuffs, sometimes we goin give in. But no give up! Wit Jehovah’s kokua, you can stop doing pilau kine stuffs.

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “I no can stop. I hooked awready.”

  • Wat scripcha you can use fo show somebody dat wit Jehovah’s kokua, dey can stop doing pilau kine stuffs?


We make Jehovah happy wen we keep oua body, wat we tink about, an da way we ack, clean.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come az supa importan fo stay clean?

  • How you can stay clean on da outside?

  • How you can stay clean wit how you tink an how you ack?

Someting Fo Do


Wat kine tings you can do fo stay clean on da outside even if you no moa da stuff fo do um?

Health and Hygiene​—Handwashing (3:01)

Check out some tings you can do fo stop smoking.

“How to Quit Smoking” (Awake!, May 2010)

Try look how one braddah who was hooked on porn was able fo stop.

“I Failed Many Times Before I Succeeded” (The Watchtower No. 4 2016

aHow to Quit Smoking” in da Learn Some Moa part of dis lesson tell wat you can do fo no be one addict anymoa.

b Fo kokua you fo no masturbate no moa, check out “How Can I Conquer the Habit of Masturbation?” inside da book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work, Volume 1, chapta 25.