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Wat Da Bible Say About Sex?

Wat Da Bible Say About Sex?

Plenny peopo feel shame fo talk about sex. But, wen da Bible talk about sex, az straight up wit choke respeck. Wat it tell az good fo us. Dat make sense cuz Jehovah wen make us, an he da One know wat bes fo us. He tell us in da Bible how fo make him happy an wat goin make us live good foeva.

1. Wat Jehovah tink about sex?

Sex is one gif from Jehovah. He wen make um fo one husban an wife enjoy um togedda. Dis gif fo couples let um not ony have bebes, but is one way dey can show dea love. Dass how come da Bible tell: “Yoa wife . . . she da one make good tings happen fo you, an you feel good wen you stay wit her.” (Smart Guys 5:18, 19) Jehovah expeck Christians dat stay married fo stick tight togedda so dey neva goin fool aroun.​—Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:4.

2. Wat is da wrong kine sex God no like?

Da guys dat make wrong kine sex, da Bible tell “no way dey goin get God fo dea king.” (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:9, 10) Da guys who wen write da Bible wen use da Greek word por·neiʹa fo talk about wrong kine sex. Dat word cova tings like (1) sex a between peopo dat no stay married, (2) guys wit guys an girls wit girls, an (3) sex wit animals. We goin make Jehovah happy an tings goin be good fo us wen we “no go fool aroun.”​—1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 4:3.


Try tink about how you can stay away from wrong kine sex, an how goin be good fo you if you do dat.

3. Run away from wrong kine sex

Joseph, one guy dat was tight wit Jehovah, had fo fight fo stay clean inside. Read um Da Start 39:1-12, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat wen make Joseph like run away?​—Go look verse 9.

  • You tink Joseph wen do da right ting? How come?

How da younga guys can copy Joseph an run away from wrong kine sex? Play um da VIDEO.

Jehovah like all us stay far away from wrong kine stuff. Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:18, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat can happen fo make um easy fo do wrong kine sex stuff?

  • How you can run away from wrong kine stuff?

4. You can fight wrong kine presha

Wat can make um hard fo fight agains presha fo do wrong kine sex stuff? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • Wen da braddah in da video wen figga dat da way he tink an da way he ack goin cause him fo cheat on his odda half, wat he wen do?

Even solid Christians get hard time fo no tink bad kine stuff. How you can stop yoaself from tinking plenny about bad kine stuff? Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:8, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat kine stuff we should tink about?

  • How can reading da Bible an doing plenny fo Jehovah kokua us fo fight agains presha fo do bad kine stuff?

5. Wat Jehovah tell us fo do is good fo us

Jehovah know wat da bestes ting fo us. He tell us how fo stay clean in da inside an how come dass good fo us. Read um Smart Guys 7:7-26 o play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How dis young guy wen put himself in one place wea get presha fo do bad?​—Go look Smart Guys 7:8, 9.

  • Smart Guys 7:23, 26 tell dat pilau sex can make tings come out real bad. Wat kine pilikia we can dodge if we stay clean inside?

  • How can staying clean inside help us fo live good foeva?

Some peopo tink dat wat da Bible tell about mahu kine sex, not loving. But Jehovah, da God of love an aloha, like erybody live good foeva. But fo do dat, we gotta live da way he like. Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:9-11, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Fo like do mahu kine stuff, dass da ony ting wrong to God?

Fo make God happy, all us guys need fo change. Worth it o wat? Read um Songs Fo God 19:8, 11, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • You tink wat Jehovah tell us fo do is good an make sense? How come?

Jehovah wen kokua plenny fo live good da way he like. He can kokua you too

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Az long az two peopo love each odda, sex is ok.”

  • Wat you goin tell um?


Sex is one gif from Jehovah fo one husban an wife enjoy.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Wat kine sex is wrong?iz

  • Wat goin kokua us fo stay away from wrong kine sex?

  • How az good fo us if we lissen wat Jehovah like us do?

Someting Fo Do


Try look how come it matta to God if da couple stay married o not.

“What Does the Bible Say About Living Together Without Marriage?” (Web article)

Even tho da Bible tell dat mahu kine sex is wrong, no mean dat we hate da guys who do um.

“Is Homosexuality Wrong?” (Web article)

Learn how God’s rules about all kine sex stuff proteck us.

“Is Oral Sex Really Sex?” (Web article)

In dis real life story “They Treated Me With Dignity,” see wat wen make one mahu guy change his life fo make God happy.

“The Bible Changes Lifes” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2011)

a Some tings dat Jehovah no like can be regula kine sex, using da mout o okole fo sex, o even playing wit each odda’s private parts.