Som nuh ke koano an

Som nuh ke koano an


Meac Bible Uh Fahk Ke Ohsun In Mahno?

Meac Bible Uh Fahk Ke Ohsun In Mahno?

Mwet pucspucs mwekihn in sramsramkihn ma ma kuhpahsr nuhke ohsun in mahno luhn mukul ac muhtwacn. Tuhsruhktuh, ke pacl ma Bible uh fahk ke ohsun in mahno, ma inge orek ke inkacnek suwohs ac oasr suhnak kac. Ma Bible uh fahk kac uh kuh in acse ma wo nuh sesr. Pwacye, mweyen Jeova pa Orekuhtlac, pwacnacng el etuh lah meac ma wo nuh sesr uh. El ahkkahlwemye nuh sesr ma kuht enenuh in oruh in ahkenganyacl ac ke ma kuh in kahsre kuht tuh kuht in engankihn moul ma pahtpaht.

1. Meac nuhnak luhn Jeova ke ohsun in mahno luhn mukul se ac muhtwacn se?

Ohsun in mahno uh sie mwe sang sin Jeova. El luhngse mwe sang inge in use mwe insewowo nuh sin mukul se ac muhtwacn se suc pahyuck. Ke srihpen mwe sang se inge, eltahl kuh in oraclah tuhlihk ac in ahkkahlwemye luhngse lalos nuh sin sie sin sie. Ma inge sang pac insewowo yohk nuh seltahl. Pwacnacng, Kahs luhn God fahk ohinge: “Kom in engan sin muhtwacn kiom, ahok muhtwacn fuhsr se na ma kom tuh pahyuckyak nuh se ah.” (Soakas 5:18, 19) Jeova el luhngse siacnyacn Christian se in oaru kuh inse pwacye nuh sin sie sin sie, ac el sruhnga eltahl in orek kosro.​​—Riti Hebrew 13:4.

2. Meac se inge orekma in kosro?

Bible uh fahk nuh sesr lah mwet suc oruh orekma in “kosro . . . wacngihn sin kain mwet inge fah ipeis ke Tohkohsrahi luhn God.” (1 Corinth 6:9, 10) Mwet sihm luhn Bible uh orekmakihn kahs Greek se inge por·neiʹa in ahkuhtweyac orekma in kosro. Weacng nuhke orekma in kosro uh pa (1) ohsun in mahno a luhn mwet suc tiac pahyuck, (2) mukul nuh sin mukul kuh muhtwacn nuh sin muhtwacn, ac (3) mwet suc oan yurin ma orahkrahk uh. Kuht ac ahkinsewowoye Jeova ac karihngihn kuht sifacna kuht fin liyekuhtyang “liki luhmah fohkfohk luhn kosro.”​—1 Thessalonica 4:3.


Lotwelah lah kuht ac kahinglac fuhkah liki orekma in kosro ac kuht ac fah eis ma wo fuhkah kuht fin moulkihn ohiyen moul nwacsnwacs.

3. Kahinglac liki orekma in kosro

Mukul oaru se inge suc pahngpahng Joseph el kwacfeacng in moulkihn moul nwacsnwacs. Riti Genesis 39:1-12, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge:

  • Efuh kuh Joseph el kahinglac liki orekma in kosro?​—Liye fuhs 9.

  • Kom nuhnkuh muh suwohs ma Joseph el oruh? Efuh?

Mwet fuhsr ke pacl inge kuh in etahel Joseph fuhkah ac kahinglac liki kosro ke pacl inge? Liye VIDEO se.

Jeova el luhngse kuht nuhkewa in tiac oruh orekma in kosro. Riti 1 Corinth 6:18, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge:

  • Ohiyac fuhkah ac kuh in kol sie mwet in oruh orekma in kosro?

  • Kom ac kahinglac fuhkah liki orekma in kosro?

4. Kom kuh in lain mwe srihfe

Efuh kuh kuhtuh pacl uh upac in lain mwe srihfe in oruh orekma in kosro? Liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge.

  • Ke pacl se ma mukul lili se el akihlen lah ma el nuhnkuh ac ma el oruh kuh in srihfacl in tiac oaru nuh sin muhtwacn kiyacl, meac el oruh?

Finne mwet Christian suc oaru, oasr pacl ac upac nuh selos in sruokyac sie nuhnak wo ac nwacsnwacs. Meac kom ac oruh tuh kom in tiac tahfwelah na in nuhnkuh ke orekma fohkfohk? Riti Philippi 4:8, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge:

  • Meac kuht enenuh in nuhnkuh kac?

  • Rit Bible ac kahfofo lasr ke orekma in kuhlwacnsap nuh sin Jeova kahsre kuht fuhkah in lain mwe srihfe in oruh ma koluk?

5. Oakwuck luhn Jeova kuh in kahsre kuht

Jeova el etuh ma wo emeet nuh sesr. El fahk nuh sesr ma kuht enenuh in oruh tuh kuht in karihngihn ohiyen moul nwacsnwacs ac ma wo ma kuht kuh in eis kac. Riti Soakas 7:7-27 kuh liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge.

  • Mukul fuhsr se sroacng fuhkah nuhke sie ohiyac ma kuh in srihfeyuck el?​—Liye Soakas 7:8, 9.

  • In fal nuhke Soakas 7:23, 26, orekma in kosro ac kuh in pwacnacng ma upac yohk. Kuht fin sruokyac ohiyen moul nwacsnwacs, kuht kuh in fahsr liki ma upac fuhkah?

  • Ohiyen moul nwacsnwacs kahsre kuht fuhkah in engankihn moul ma pahtpaht?

Kuhtuh mwet uh nuhnkuh muh ma Bible uh fahk ke orekma luhn mukul nuh sin mukul kuh muhtwacn nuh sin muhtwacn tiac ahkkahlwemye luhngse. Tuhsruhktuh Jeova, suc God luhn luhngse, el luhngse kuht nuhkewa in engankihn moul ma pahtpaht. Kuht fin luhngse in engankihn ma inge, kuht enenuh in ahkos oakwuck lal uh. Riti 1 Corinth 6:9-11, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • Yac orekma koluk luhn mukul nuh sin mukul kuh muhtwacn nuh sin muhtwacn muhkwena ma suhtuhuh ye muhtuhn God?

In ahkinsewowoye God, kuht nuhkewa enenuh in oruh in oasr ma eklac. Yac kwacfeacng lasr inge acse ma wo nuh sesr? Riti Psalm 19:8, 11, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge:

  • Kom nuhnkuh muh oakwuck luhn Jeova ke ohiyen moul nwacsnwacs ac upac in ahkos? Efuh?

Jeova el kahsruh mwet pucspucs in ekuhllah ohiyen moul lalos ac in ukwe oakwuck lal ke ohiyen moul nwacsnwacs. El kuh in kahsre kom pac

KUHTUH MWET UH FAHK: “Ohsun in mahno inmahsrlon kuhtwena mwet luo tiac koluk, fin eltahl luhngse sie sin sie.”

  • Kom ac tohpohklah fuhkah?


Ohsun in mahno pa sie mwe sang luhn Jeova nuh sin siacnyacn se tuh elos in insewowo.


  • Orekma fuhkah weacng nuhke orekma in kosro?

  • Meac ac fah kahsre kuht in fahsr liki orekma in kosro?

  • Kuht fin ahkos oakwuck luhn God ke ohiyen moul nwacsnwacs, ma inge ac kahsre kuht fuhkah?

Srihke in Oruh Ma Inge


Lotwelah lah efuh kuh yohk srihpac nuh sin Jeova lah mukul se ac muhtwacn se suc luhngse in tuhkweni nuh sie in pahyuckyak.

“What Does the Bible Say About Living Together Without Marriage?” (Web article)

Bible uh fahk lah koluk orekma luhn mukul nuh sin mukul kuh muhtwacn nuh sin muhtwacn, tuhsruhktuh ma inge tiac luti lah kuht in sruhnga mwet suc ohinge. Lotwelah lah efuh.

“Is Homosexuality Wrong?” (Web article)

Lotwelah lah masap luhn God ke orekma nuhkewa ma kuhpahsr nuhke kosro kuh in karihngihn kuht fuhkah.

“Is Oral Sex Really Sex?” (Web article)

Ke experience se inge “They Treated Me With Dignity,” liye lah efuh sie mukul suc elahn muhtwacn el ekuhllah inkacnek in moul lal.

“The Bible Changes Lives” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2011)

a Wekuhnacng nuhke ma sapkihnyuck in tiac orek inge pa ohsun in mahno luhn mukul ac muhtwacn, orekmakihn inwacluh in puhsral acn in orek tuhlihk luhn mukul kuh muhtwacn, ohsun in mahno ke orekmakihnyen acn tok ke sie mwet, ac ke sie mwet el puhsral acn in orek tuhlihk luhn mwet sahyac uh.