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Wat Da Bible Tell About Being Single An Getting Married?

Wat Da Bible Tell About Being Single An Getting Married?

Some cultures tink dat da ony way fo be happy is you gotta get married. But, not erybody who stay married, stay happy. Jus cuz you single, dat no mean you not happy. Da Bible tell dat being single an being married both stay gifs.

1. How come is good fo be single?

Da Bible tell: “Good ting fo . . . marry . . . but mo betta . . . no get married.” (Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 7:32, 33, 38.) How is “mo betta” fo be single? Single Christians no moa one odda half fo take kea of. So dey get moa free time. Fo exampo, some can do moa fo Jehovah like go anodda place fo preach. Mos importan, dey get moa time fo come close to Jehovah.

2. How come is good fo be married?

Jalike being single, being married get good tings about um. Da Bible tell: “Two mo betta den one.” (Da Teacha 4:9) Dass even moa true fo da guys who wen try do wat da Bible tell inside dea marriage. Couples who make dea marriage legal make one promise fo love, respeck, an take kea each odda. An cuz of dat, mos times dey feel moa solid den da couples who ony live togedda. An dat goin make dea keiki feel moa safe.

3. How Jehovah look at marriage?

Wen Jehovah wen make da firs marriage, he wen tell: “Da guys go way from dea faddah-muddah guys, an come tight wit dea wife.” (Da Start 2:24) Jehovah like one husban an wife fo love an stick to each odda dea whole life. Da ony time Jehovah tell az ok fo divorce is if one of dem fool aroun. If dat happen, Jehovah give da one dat neva fool aroun da right fo choose if dey like get divorce. a (Matthew 19:9) Jehovah no let Christians have moa den one odda half at da same time.​—1 Fo Timoty 3:2.


Learn how fo be happy​—an make Jehovah happy—​wedda you single o married.

4. No wase da gif of being single

Jesus wen look at being single az one gif. (Matthew 19:11, 12) Read um Matthew 4:23, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Cuz Jesus was single, how he wen make use of dat gif fo serve his Faddah an help odda peopo?

Single guys can use dea time good jalike Jesus. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How single guys can use dea time an be happy?

You wen know?

Da Bible no give one age you gotta be fo get married. But, it tell you should be “ol enough,” pas da time wen sex-kine feelings can make one young person no see tings clear.​—1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 7:36.

5. Be akamai wen you choose yoa odda half

Picking who you goin marry is one of da mos importan choices you eva goin make. Read um Matthew 19:4-6, 9, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come no good fo get married too fas?

Da Bible can help you know wat kine person fo marry. Da numba one ting, look fo somebody who love Jehovah. b Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 7:39 an 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:14. Den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come we should ony marry anodda Christian?

  • How you tink Jehovah would feel if you marry somebody who no love Him?

If you put two diffren animals togedda fo work, dey both goin suffa. Same ting, one Christian who marry somebody who no trus God goin get plenny pilikia

6. See marriage like how Jehovah see um

Long time ago, guys in Israel wen divorce dea wifes fo any kine selfish reasons. Read um Malakai 2:13, 14, 16, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come Jehovah hate one wrong kine divorce?

Wen you fool aroun an divorce, you hurt da odda half who neva do notting wrong an da kids

Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • If you married to somebody who no trus God, wat you can do fo make yoa marriage good?

7. Lissen to Jehovah wen come to marriage

Maybe you gotta work hard fo do wat Jehovah tell wen come to marriage. c But if you do, Jehovah goin bless um. Play um da VIDEO.

Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:4, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • You tink wat Jehovah tell about marriage make sense o wat? How come?

Jehovah expeck Christians fo make dea marriage an divorce legal. Read um Fo Titus 3:1, an den talk story about dis question:

  • If you stay married, you wen make shua yoa marriage stay legal to da govament?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Wat fo, get married? No can jus live togedda?”

  • Wat you goin tell um?


Being single an getting married is both gifs from Jehovah. Both can make you happy if you do um da way Jehovah tell.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How one single person can use dea gif in one good way?

  • How come da Bible tell fo ony marry one odda Christian?

  • Wen da Bible tell is ok fo divorce?

Someting Fo Do


Wat dat mean fo marry “ony if da odda guy stay tight wit Da One In Charge”?

“Questions From Readers” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2004)

Watch dis video dat goin help you make good choices about dating an marriage.

Preparing for Marriage (11:53)

Try see how come one braddah had feel wat he wen get from Jehovah was way moa betta den wat he wen give up.

I Was Hoping That She Would Learn the Truth (1:56)

Wat some tings one person gotta know befoa tinking about divorce o splitting up?

“Honor ‘What God Has Yoked Together’” (The Watchtower, December 2018)

a Check out Endnote 4 fo learn about splitting up wen nobody fool aroun.

b Some cultures, da parents pick who dea kids goin marry. If stay lidat wea you live, good parents, wen trying fo find somebody fo dea kid marry, goin tink firs about how much da person love Jehovah, not about how much money dey get, wea dey went school o wea dea from.

c If you living wit somebody an you not married to dem, is up to you wedda you leave da person o marry um.