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Wat Mean Fo No Take Sides

Wat Mean Fo No Take Sides

Jesus wen teach his guys fo “no stay jalike [da world].” (John 15:19) Dis mean we no goin take sides wen come to political kine stuffs an wars. Is not always easy fo no take sides. Peopo might make trouble to us cuz of dis. How we can stick to Jehovah an no take sides?

1. How fo real kine Christians look at da govaments?

Christians respeck da govament. We do wat Jesus wen tell: “Give um to Cesar, wat his.” Dis mean we goin follow da laws wea we live, like paying taxes. (Mark 12:17) Da Bible teach dat da govaments stay ruling ony cuz Jehovah let um. (Fo Da Rome Peopo 13:1) So we know dat da govaments no moa all da powa. Ony God an his Govament goin fix all da pilikia dat we get.

2. How we can show dat we no take sides?

Jalike Jesus, we no get mix up wit political kine stuffs. Wen da peopo wen see wat Jesus could do, dey wanted fo make him king of da earth, but he neva let um. (John 6:15) How come? Cuz he wen tell, “I not da kine king from dis world.” (John 18:36) Cuz we follow Jesus, we show dat we no choose sides in plenny diffren ways. Like, we no go war. (Read um Micah 4:3.) We show respeck fo tings dat rep one nation​—like one flag—​but we no worship um. (1 From John 5:21) We no go agains o support any political kine huis o person runnin fo office. Wen we do dat, we show dat we full on stay tight wit God’s Govament.


Try look some stuffs dat goin make um hard fo no take sides, an look how wat you choose can make Jehovah happy.

3. Fo real kine Christians no take sides

Jesus an his guys wen show us wat fo do. Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 13:1, 5-7 an 1 From Peter 2:13, 14. Den, play um da VIDEO an talk story about da questions afta.

  • How come gotta show respeck fo guys who stay in charge?

  • How we show dat we lissen to dem?

Wen get war, some nations tell dey no take sides, but still yet dey help both sides. Wat mean fo no take sides fo real kine? Read um John 17:16. Den, play um da VIDEO an talk story about da question afta.

  • Wat mean fo no take sides?

Wat if guys who stay in charge tell you, you gotta do someting dat go agains wat God tell? Read um Jesus Guys 5:28, 29. Den, play um da VIDEO an talk story about da questions afta.

  • If da human law no match up wit wat God tell, who you goin lissen?

  • You can tink of one time wea Christians no goin lissen to da govament guys in charge?

4. No take sides in how you tink an how you ack

Read um 1 From John 5:21. Den, play um da VIDEO an talk story about da questions afta.

  • Inside da video, how come Ayenge wen choose fo no join da political hui o salute da flag?

  • You wen tink dat was one smart choice?

Wat odda tings can make um hard fo no choose sides? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about dese questions afta.

  • Wen get sports games between diffren countries, how we can no take sides?

  • How we can no take sides even if wat da govament guys choose goin affeck us?

  • How da news o da guys aroun us can affeck da way we tink?

Wat tings can come up wea you gotta no pick sides in da way you tink an ack?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “How come you no salute da flag o sing da national anthem?”

  • How you goin ansa?


Christians work hard fo no take sides in political kine stuffs in da way dey talk, ack, an tink.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Wat we gotta give to da govaments?

  • How come we gotta no take sides wen come to political kine stuffs?

  • Wen can be hard fo no take sides?

Someting Fo Do


Wat you might have to give up fo no take sides?

Jehovah Has Never Let Us Down (3:14)

Wat da ohanas can do now fo make ready fo wen az hard fo no choose sides?

Maintain Neutrality at Public Events (4:25)

How come fighting fo yoa country is not da bestes ting you can do?

“All Things Are Possible With God” (5:19)

Wen come to yoa job, try look how fo no be like da peopo inside da world.

“Each One Will Carry His Own Load” (The Watchtower, March 15, 2006)