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Why Give Yoa Life To Jehovah An Get Baptize?

Why Give Yoa Life To Jehovah An Get Baptize?

You give yoa life to Jehovah wen you promise him in prayer dat you goin worship ony him an he goin be da numba one ting in yoa life. (Songs Fo God 40:8) Afta dat, den you get baptize. Wen you do dat, you show erybody you wen give yoa life to Jehovah. Dis da mos importan choice you goin eva make. Wat goin make you like do dis?

1. Wat make somebody like give dea life to Jehovah?

We give oua life to Jehovah cuz we love him. (1 From John 4:10, 19) Da Bible tell: “Go all out fo show love an aloha fo Da One In Charge, yoa God, wit eryting inside, wit how you feel, wit how you tink, an wit all yoa powa.” (Mark 12:30) We no ony show God we love him by wat we say but we show um by wat we do. Jalike one couple who love each odda get married, oua love fo Jehovah goin make us like give oua life to him an get baptize.

2. Wat good tings Jehovah give to da guys who get baptize?

Wen you get baptize, you come part of Jehovah’s ohana. You goin feel his love in plenny ways an you goin come even moa close to him. (Read um Malakai 3:16-18.) Not ony you goin have Jehovah az yoa Faddah, you goin have one spiritual ohana of braddahs an sistahs all ova da world who love him an love you. (Read um Mark 10:29, 30.) But get stuffs you gotta do befoa you get baptize. You gotta learn about Jehovah, love him, an trus his Boy. Den you gotta give yoa life to Jehovah in prayer. If you do all dese tings an get baptize, you goin be on da road fo live good foeva. Da Bible tell: “Wen you guys get baptize . . . God stay take you guys outa da bad kine stuff.”​—1 From Peter 3:21.


Try go look how come az importan fo you give yoa life to Jehovah an get baptize.

3. All us gotta choose who we goin follow

Befoa time in Israel, some peopo thought dey could worship Jehovah an da fake god Baal. But Jehovah wen send da guy who wen talk fo him, Elijah, fo go fix dea wrong kine tinking. Read um 1 Kings 18:21, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat da Israel peopo had fo choose?

Jalike da Israel peopo, us too gotta choose who we goin work fo. Read um Luke 16:13, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come no can worship Jehovah an somebody o someting else?

  • How we show Jehovah we choose fo worship him?

4. Tink hard about Jehovah’s love fo you

Jehovah give us plenny good tings. Wat us can give him? Play um da VIDEO.

How Jehovah show his love to you? Read um Songs Fo God 104:14, 15 an 1 From John 4:9, 10, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat gifs from Jehovah you really tankful fo?

  • How dose gifs make you feel about him?

Wen we get one real nice gif, we like show oua mahalos to da one who give um to us. Read um Da Rules Secon Time 16:17, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wen you tink about all da stuff Jehovah wen do fo you, wat you like give him?

5. Good tings happen wen you give yoa life to Jehovah

Plenny peopo tink dat if you famous, get one good job, o get plenny money, dat goin make you happy. Dass true o wat? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Even tho da braddah in da video love fo play soccer, how come he wen bag from dat job?

  • He wen choose to give his life to Jehovah, not to soccer. You tink dat was smart? How come?

Befoa da aposal Paul wen come one Christian, he was goin afta one real importan job. He wen go learn da Jewish law from one famous teacha. But he wen go leave all dat fo come one Christian. Paul wen feel like he wen lose out o wat? Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 3:8, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come Paul wen tell wat he wen do befoa he wuz one Christian was “ony rubbish”?

  • But wat he wen get?

  • Using yoa life fo serve Jehovah o using um fo someting else, which one you tink is betta?

Wen Paul had come one Christian, he had get way moa den wat he had give up

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “No make sense, fo go an give yoa life to God.”

  • How come you tink is good you give yoa life to Jehovah?


We give oua life to Jehovah an get baptize cuz we love him.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come Jehovah deserve oua love an worship?

  • Wat good kine tings Jehovah give his guys who get baptize?

  • You like give yoa life to Jehovah?

Someting Fo Do


Try see why one musician an one athlete wen choose fo give dea lifes to Jehovah.

Young People Ask​—What Will I Do With My Life?​—Looking Back (6:54)

Tink about odda reasons fo give yoa life to Jehovah.

“Why Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah?” (The Watchtower, January 15, 2010)

In dis music video, try look how happy da guys stay dat wen give dea life to Jehovah.

I Give My Life to You (4:30)

In da story “For Years I Wondered, ‘Why Are We Hea?’” try look wat wen make one lady tink about wass importan to her.

“The Bible Changes Lifes” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2012)