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Why You Need to Dedicate Yourself and Get Baptize?

Why You Need to Dedicate Yourself and Get Baptize?

To dedicate yourself mean to promise Jehovah in prayer that you will worship only him and put him first in your life. (Psalm 40:8) Then you can get baptize. It will show to other people that you na give your life to God. The most important decision we can ever make, that to give ourselves to Jehovah. Wetin will move you to make this important decision that will change your life?

1. What can move someone to give their life to God?

That love for Jehovah will move us to give our life to him. (1 John 4:10, 19) The Bible say: “Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.” (Mark 12:30) We can show that we love God not only by the thing we say but also by the thing we can do. Just how when man and woman really love one another they can get marry, that the same way when we love Jehovah we will give our life to him and get baptize.

2. How Jehovah can bless those who already baptize and serving him?

When you get baptize, you will be member of Jehovah happy family. Then you will see the different-different ways that Jehovah love you and it will make your friendship with him thick more than before. (Read Malachi 3:16-18.) Besides that one, Jehovah will be your father, and you will be part of one big family with brothers and sisters all over the world who love Jehovah and love you too. (Read Mark 10:29, 30.) But you need to prepare yourself before you get baptize. How? You need to learn about Jehovah, love him, and put faith in his son. The last thing you need to do, that to give your life to Jehovah. If you do this thing them and get baptize, you will be able to enjoy life forever. The Bible say: “Baptism . . . is also now saving you.”1 Peter 3:21.


Learn why it important for you to give your life to God and get baptize.

3. All of us must choose who we want serve

Way back in Israel, some people use to think that they can worship Jehovah and at the same time worship the false god Baal. But Jehovah sent his prophet Elijah to correct the Israelite them wrong thinking. Read 1 Kings 18:21, and answer the question together:

  • What kind na decision the Israelite them were suppose to make?

Like the Israelite them, we ourselves must decide who we will serve. Read Luke 16:13, and answer the question them together:

  • Why we can’t worship Jehovah and worship someone or something else at the same time?

  • How we can show to Jehovah that we choose to worship him?

4. Take time to think about the way Jehovah love you

Jehovah na give us plenty good-good gifts. Wetin we can give him too? Play the VIDEO.

How Jehovah na show that he love you? Read Psalm 104:14, 15 and 1 John 4:9, 10, and answer the question them together:

  • What some of the gifts from Jehovah that you really thankful for?

  • How this gift them make you feel about Jehovah?

When you receive gift from somebody that you really like, it good to show that you thankful for the gift. Read Deuteronomy 16:17, and answer the question together:

  • When you think about all the thing them that Jehovah na do for you, wetin you thinking about giving him?

5. Dedication can bring plenty blessings

Many people believe that when plenty people know them, they get good job or plenty money, they will be happy. You think that true? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • Even though the brother in the video use to like playing football, wetin make him to leave it?

  • He decided to give his life to Jehovah instead of football. You think he made the right decision? Why?

The apostle Paul learn plenty book before he became Christian. He learn the Jewish law under one good teacher. But he left everything behind to be Christian. You think Paul regret because he left this thing them behind? Read Philippians 3:8, and answer the question them together:

  • Why Paul say that the thing them he use to do before he became Christian was “a lot of refuse,” or dirt?

  • How he benefit?

  • What you think will make your life better, serving Jehovah or doing other thing them in your life?

When Paul became Christian, the benefit he got was more than the thing them he left behind

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I know that the truth here, but I not ready to get baptize.”

  • But why you think it make sense to give your life to Jehovah?


That love can move us to give ourselves to Jehovah and get baptize.


  • Why only Jehovah we suppose to love and worship with our whole heart?

  • How Jehovah can bless those who already baptize and serving him?

  • You want give yourself to Jehovah?

Try This


See why one musician and one football player decide to give their lives to Jehovah.

Young People Ask—Wetin I Will Do With My Life?—Looking Back (6:54)

When you watching this music video, see how the people who dedicate their lives to Jehovah happy.

I Give My Life to You (4:30)

In the story “For Many Years I Was Thinking, ‘Wetin We Living For?’” see what help one woman to know the most important thing in her life.

“The Bible Can Change People Lives” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2012)