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Be Akamai Wen You Pick Yoa Frenz

Be Akamai Wen You Pick Yoa Frenz

Close frenz make us moa happy wen eryting stay goin good. An dey help us hang in dea wen tings not so good. But da Bible tell us fo watch out, cuz not erybody stay one good kine fren. So how you can pick good kine frenz? We go check out dese questions.

1. How da frenz you pick goin affeck you?

We start fo ack jalike da peopo we hang out wit. Dis can be good o bad. An dass true if we spend time wit dem in person, o on top da Internet. Jalike da Bible tell: “Hang out wit smart kine guys, you come smart jalike dem. But if you good frenz wit stupid peopo [da guys who no love Jehovah], you goin come jalike dem, an suffa.” (Smart Guys 13:20) Frenz who love an worship Jehovah can help you fo come close to him an fo make good kine choices. But close frenz who no love Jehovah can pull us away from him. Dass how come da Bible tell us fo be akamai wen we pick oua frenz. Wen we get frenz who love God, dat goin be good fo us an dem. We can “give each odda good kine words an help each odda come moa solid inside.”—1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 5:11.

2. How da frenz you pick goin make Jehovah feel?

Jehovah kea who he pick az his frenz. “Da peopo dat stay do wass right, dey stay his good frenz.” (Smart Guys 3:32) How Jehovah goin feel if we pick frenz who no love him? He would be all bum out wit you. (Read um From James 4:4.) But, if we no hang out wit da bad kine peopo, an come close to Jehovah an da guys who love him, den he goin be happy wit us an pick us az his frenz.—Songs Fo God 15:1-4.


Check out how come is importan fo pick da right kine frenz, an go look how you can make frenz dat goin make yoa life betta fo real kine.

3. Watch out fo peopo who no love Jehovah

Peopo who no love God an wat he tell, no good fo us hang out wit dem. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How we can start fo hang out wit da wrong kine peopo an not even know?

Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 15:33, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat kine peopo would be bad fo you hang out wit? How come?

Read um Songs Fo God 119:63, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How you can tell if somebody da right kine fren fo you?

One rotten apple goin make da res of um rotten. Wat one bad fren goin do to you?

4. We can come good frenz wit peopo who no stay like us

Da Bible talk about David an Jonathan, two guys from befoa time. Dey was supa close frenz, even if dey wen grow up diffren, o no was same age. Read um 1 Samuel 18:1, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come oua frenz no gotta be same age, o raise da same way az us?

Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 1:11, 12, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How frenz who love Jehovah can help each odda stay moa strong an moa solid inside?

Inside dis video, try look how one young braddah wen find frenz in places he neva even tink. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Inside da video, how come Keli’i’s parents was worried about da kine frenz he had in school?

  • How come at firs he wen like be frenz wit dem?

  • Wat wen help him fo no be all by himself?

5. How you can make good kine frenz

Try look how you can find fo real kine frenz, an how you can be one too. Play um da VIDEO.

Read um Smart Guys 18:24 an 27:17, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How fo real kine frenz kokua each odda?

  • You get good kine frenz lidat o wat? If you no moa, how you can make some?

Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 2:4, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Fo have good kine frenz, you gotta be one good kine fren. How you can do dat?

Fo have good kine frenz, you gotta be one good kine fren

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Neva mind who yoa frenz stay. Anyting betta den notting.”

  • Wat you goin tell dem?


Fo be akamai wen we pick oua frenz, dat goin make Jehovah happy an is good fo us.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come da kine frenz we pick stay importan to Jehovah?

  • Wat kine frenz we gotta stay away from?

  • How you can come tight frenz wit da right kine peopo?

Someting Fo Do


Try look how da right kine frenz can help us wen we get hard time.

“Build Strong Friendships Before the End Comes” (The Watchtower, November 2019)

Wat you gotta know about being frenz wit peopo on da Internet?

Be Akamai On Social Network (4:12)

In da story “I Yearned for a Father,” try look wat wen make one guy pick diffren kine frenz.

“The Bible Changes Lifes” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2012)