Som nuh ke koano an

Som nuh ke koano an


Sulaclah Wo Mwet Kawuck Lom

Sulaclah Wo Mwet Kawuck Lom

Kuht engan fin oasr mwet kawuck lasr suc arlac fototo nuh sesr. Ke pacl ma oasr ma upac lasr elos kuh in kahsre kuht. Tuhsruhktuh, Bible uh sensenkackihn kuht lah tiac mwet nuhkewa mwet kawuck wo. Pwacnacng, kom ac sulaclah fuhkah kawuck wo? Nuhnkuh ke kihsen siyuck inge.

1. Kawuck suc kom sulaclah kuh in ahkkweye kuh ahkkolukye kom fuhkah?

Kuht kuh in etahi mwet suc kuht kwacna asruoki nuh se, finne eltahl wo kuh koluk. Pwacye ma inge finne kuht wi mwet inge kuh asruoki nuh selos ke social media. Oacna ma Bible uh fahk, “Kuhpahsr nuh sin mwet lahlmwetmwet, ac kom fah lahlmwetmwet. Kom fin asruoki nuh sin mwet lahlfon, kom ac fah sun ongaiyac.” (Soakas 13:20) Kawuck suc luhngse ac alu nuh sin Jeova kuh in kahsre kom in fototo nuh sin God ac in oruh sulaclah wo. Tuhsruhktuh, fin mwet kawuck fototo lasr uh tiac alu nuh sin Jeova, eltahl kuh in kihfaskuhtlac in forlah luhkwel. Ke ma inge, Bible uh ahkkweye kuht in sulaclah in wo kawuck lasr uh! Mwet kawuck lasr elos fin luhngse Jeova, elos ac ahkkweye kuht ac kuht ac ahkkweyelos pac. Kuht kuh in “ahkkweye sie sin sie ac kahsruh sie sin sie.”​—1 Thessalonica 5:11.

2. Meac puhlakihn luhn Jeova ke mwet kawuck suc kuht sulaclah?

Jeova el sulaclah wo mwet kawuck lal uh. “El insraelak nuh sin mwet suwohswohs.” (Soakas 3:32) Meac Jeova elac puhla kuht fin sulaclah in kawuck nuh sin mwet suc tiac luhngse El? Pwacye lah el ac ahsor na pwacye! (Riti James 4:4.) Ke ohiyac sahyac, kuht fin ac fahsr liki asruoki koluk ac ahkfototoye kuht nuh sin Jeova ac nuh sin mwet suc luhngse el, El ac fah insewowo ac el ac kawuck nuh sesr.​—Psalm 15:1-4.


Liye lah efuh yohk srihpac in sulaclah mwet suc kuht ac kawuck nuh se, ac lah fuhkah mwet kawuck lom elos kuh in kahsre kom.

3. Taran liki asruoki koluk

Mwet suc tiac luhngse God ac tiac ahkos oakwuck fuhlwact lal eltahl mwet asruoki koluk. Liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge.

  • Sahp kuht muhtwacwacack in asruoki tari nuh yurin mwet suc tiac luhngse Jeova. Ma inge kuh in sikyak fuhkah?

Riti 1 Corinth 15:33, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge:

  • Mwet fuhkah ac kuh in asruoki koluk nuh sum? Efuh?

Riti Psalm 119:63, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • Ohiyac fuhkah kom enenuh in suk ke sie mwet kawuck?

Apple se kuh in oruh apple nuhkewa sahyac in kuluklac. Asruoki koluk kuh in ahkkolukye kom fuhkah?

4. Kuht kuh in kawuck nuh sin sie mwet finne el mahtuh liki kuht, kahsruhp kuh suhkahsruhp

Bible uh ahkkahlwemye ke mwet luo inge in acn Israel in pacl meet ah, Jonathan ac David. Jonathan el mahtuh luhkwel David ac el wen nuhtin tohkohsrah. Ne ohinge eltahl kawuck fototo na pwacye. Riti 1 Samuel 18:1, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • Efuh kuht kuh in kawuck nuh sin sie mwet el finne mahtuh liki kuht, kahsruhp kuh suhkahsruhp?

Riti Rome 1:11, 12, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • Mwet kawuck suc luhngse Jeova eltahl kuh in ahkkweye sie sin sie fuhkah?

Ke video se inge, liye lah mukul lili fuhsr se inge konwacack fuhkah mwet kawuck wowo. Liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge.

  • Ke video sac, efuh kuh pahpah ac ninac kiyacl Akil ac sramsram nuh sel ke tuhlihk kawuck lal ke lohm lutlut ac?

  • Ke muhtwacwacack, efuh kuh el luhngse in kawuck nuh seltahl?

  • El ahkwacngihnyelah fuhkah ahsor ma el puhla?

5. Kom ac konwacack fuhkah kawuck wowo

Liye lah kom ac konwacack kawuck pwacye fuhkah​—ac lah fuhkah kom ac fah eklac sie kawuck wo nuh seltahl. Liye VIDEO se.

Riti Soakas 18:24 ac 27:17, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge:

  • Mwet kawuck pwacye eltahl kahsruh sie sin sie fuhkah?

  • Yac oasr kawuck lom oacna mwet inge? Fin wacngihn, kom ac konwacack kawuck wo inge fuhkah?

Riti Philippi 2:4, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • Tuh kom in konwacack kawuck pwacye, kom enenuh in ahkkahlwemye lah kom mwet kawuck pwacye. Kom ac oruh fuhkah?

Tuh kom in konwacack kawuck pwacye, kom enenuh in ahkkahlwemye lah kom sie mwet kawuck pwacye

KUHTUH MWET UH FAHK: “Kom kuh in orek kawuck nuh sin kain in mwet nuhkewa.”

  • Meac kom ac fah fahk?


Kuht fin sulaclah wo mwet kawuck lasr, kuht kuh in ahkenganye Jeova ac kuht ac fah eis ma wo kac.


  • Efuh kuh yohk srihpac nuh sin Jeova mwet kawuck kuht sulaclah?

  • Mwet fuhkah kuht ac tiac kawuck nuh se uh?

  • Kom kuh in kawuck fototo fuhkah nuh sin mwet suc luhngse Jeova?

Srihke in Oruh Ma Inge


Liye lah kawuck pwacye lasr uh kuh in kahsre kuht fuhkah ke pacl oasr ma upac.

“Build Strong Friendships Before the End Comes” (The Watchtower, November 2019)

Meac kom enenuh in etuh ke kom suk kawuck ke online?

Be Social-Network Smart (4:12)

Ke mwe sramsram se inge “I Yearned for a Father,” liye lah efuh kuh mukul se inge forlah liki mwet kawuck lal meet ah.

“The Bible Changes Lives” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2012)