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How Yoa Ohana Can Be Happy?—Part 2

How Yoa Ohana Can Be Happy?—Part 2

Kids are a gif from Jehovah. He like parents fo take good kea dat gif. Jehovah tell parents wass good fo do fo help dem take kea dea kids. He even tell da kids wat dey can do fo make dea ohana happy.

1. Wat Jehovah tell parents fo do?

Jehovah tell parents fo love dea kids an fo spend az much time az can wit dem. He also like parents fo proteck dea kids fo keep dem safe, an fo use da truts in da Bible fo teach dem. (Smart Guys 1:8) He tell da faddahs: “Teach [yoa kids] right, an show um eryting Da One In Charge like um fo know an fo do.” (Read um Fo Da Efesus Peopo 6:4.) Jehovah stay happy wen parents lissen to him wen come to taking kea dea kids, an no give dat kuleana to somebody else.

2. Wat Jehovah tell keiki fo do?

Jehovah tell da kids: “Lissen eryting yoa faddah an muddah tell.” (Read um Fo Da Colosse Peopo 3:20.) Wen keiki respeck an lissen dea parents, dey make both Jehovah an dea parents feel good inside. (Smart Guys 23:22-25) Jesus wen show how fo do dis wen he was one keiki. He wen respeck an lissen to his parents, even if he was perfeck.—Luke 2:51, 52.

3. How yoa ohana can come moa close to God?

If you one parent, fo shua you like yoa keiki love Jehovah az much as you. How you can do dis? By doing wat da Bible tell: “Make [wat Jehovah tell] da main ting you teach yoa kids. Talk bout um erytime, wen you guys stay inside yoa house, wen you walk on top da road.” (Da Rules Secon Time 6:7) Garans you know, ova an ova you gotta tell yoa kids someting fo dem rememba um. Dis scripcha mean dat you should look fo time eryday fo talk to yoa keiki about Jehovah. Is good fo make time ery week fo learn da Bible togedda az one ohana. If you no moa keiki, is still good fo take time ery week fo learn da Bible fo yoaself.


Check out some tings you can do fo help all in da ohana fo be happy an feel safe.

4. Show love wen you teach yoa kids

Is hard sometimes fo teach yoa kids, aah? How da Bible can help you? Read um From James 1:19, 20, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How parents can show love wen dey talk wit dea keiki?

  • How come one parent should neva punish his keiki wen he stay mad? a

5. Proteck yoa keiki

Fo proteck yoa keiki, is supa importan dat you talk to each child about sex. Maybe can be hard. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • How come is hard fo some parents fo talk to dea keiki about sex?

  • How some parents wen explain um to dea keiki?

Jalike dey wen tell befoa time, Satan’s world stay coming moa an moa pilau. Read um 2 Fo Timoty 3:1, 13, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Some of da bad kine peopo dey talk about in verse 13 sexually abuse keiki. So den, how come is importan fo parents teach dea keiki about sex, an how fo proteck demself from peopo who like abuse dem?

You wen know?

Witnesses Fo Jehovah make plenny tools dat help parents fo teach dea keiki about sex, an fo proteck dem from abuse. Try check out dese tings:

6. Respeck yoa parents

Keiki an teens can show respeck fo dea parents by how dey talk to dem. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • How come is good fo one young person fo show respeck wen he talk to his parents?

  • How he can do dat?

Read um Smart Guys 1:8, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How one young person suppose to ack wen his parents tell him wat fo do?

7. Worship Jehovah az one ohana

Ohanas who stay Witnesses Fo Jehovah make time ery week fo worship Jehovah togedda. Wat ohana worship stay like? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • How one family can have ohana worship ery week?

  • Wat one parent can do fo make ohana worship good fo dem an good fun?—Go look da firs picha of dis lesson.

  • Wat can make um hard fo yoa family fo learn togedda?

Long time ago in Israel, Jehovah wen like ohanas fo talk erytime about da Bible. Read um Da Rules Secon Time 6:6, 7, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How you can do dis?

Tings you can do fo ohana worship:

  • Make ready fo meetings wit da local hui.

  • Read an wala’au about one story from da Bible dat yoa ohana goin like.

  • If yoa keiki stay young yet, download o print someting fo dem do from

  • If you get teenagers, wala’au about one article fo teens on

  • Ack out one story from da Bible wit yoa keiki.

  • Watch an talk about one video on

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Is too hard fo kids undastan da Bible.”

  • Wat you would tell um?


Jehovah like parents fo love, teach an proteck dea keiki. He like keiki respeck dea parents, lissen, an do wat dey tell; an he like da ohana fo worship him togedda.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How parents can teach an proteck dea keiki?

  • How keiki can show respeck to dea parents?

  • How come is good fo make time ery week fo worship az one ohana?

Someting Fo Do


Wat can help yoa keiki fo wen dey grow up?

“Six Lessons Children Need to Learn” (Awake! No. 2 2019)

Try look wat da Bible tell fo help da guys who take kea dea olda parents?

“What Does the Bible Say About Caregiving for Elderly Parents?” (Web article)

Dis man neva know how fo raise kids befoa time. Try look how he had learn fo be one good faddah.

Taught by Jehovah to Raise Our Family (5:58)

Try look how faddahs can make dea relationship wit dea sons moa strong.

“How Can Fathers Stay Close to Their Sons?” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2011)

a In da Bible, “fo punish” mean fo teach, guide, an correck. It neva mean abusing dem, o making dem suffa.—Smart Guys 4:1.