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How Your Family Can Be Happy? —Part 2

How Your Family Can Be Happy? —Part 2

Children that gift from Jehovah. He want parents to take good care of them. Jehovah give good-good advice that can help parents to do it. His advice can also help children to do things that will make the family happy.

1. What advice Jehovah give to parents?

Jehovah want parents to love their children and spend plenty time with them. He also want for parents to protect their children from anything that will harm them, and to use the advice in the Bible to train their children. (Proverbs 1:8) He tell fathers: “Go on bringing [your children] up in the . . . admonition of Jehovah.” (Read Ephesians 6:4.) Jehovah can be happy if parents follow his direction to raise their children and not to send them to live with other people.

2. What advice Jehovah give to children?

Jehovah tell children: “Be obedient to your parents.” (Read Colossians 3:20.) When children respect and obey their parents, they can make Jehovah happy and make their parents happy too. (Proverbs 23:22-25) Jesus set good example when he was small. Even though he was perfect, he still obey his parents and show them respect.—Luke 2:51, 52.

3. How the whole family can draw close to God?

If you parent, you will really want for your children to love Jehovah the same way you love him. How you can help them to love Jehovah? By doing what the Bible say: “You must inculcate [Jehovah’s words] in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road.” (Deuteronomy 6:7) To “inculcate” mean to teach by saying something over and over. For your children to remember things, you need to tell them it over and over. This scripture mean that you must look for ways to talk to your children about Jehovah every day. So, it good for the family to take some time every week to worship Jehovah together. If yor not get children, you and your wife will still benefit if yor take time every week to study the Bible together.


Learn some thing them yor can do to make the whole family safe and happy.

4. Train your children with love

It hard to train children. How the Bible can help you? Read James 1:19, 20, and answer the question them together:

  • How parents can show love when they talking with their children?

  • When parents vex, why that not the right time for them to discipline their children? a

5. Protect your children

For you to protect your children, it important to talk to them about man and woman business. It can be hard for some parents. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • Why it hard for some parents to talk to their children about man and woman business?

  • How some parents can explain about man and woman business to their children?

Satan world getting wicked more and more just how the Bible talk about it. Read 2 Timothy 3:1, 13, and answer the question together:

  • Some of the wicked people verse 13 talk about, can spoil people children. So why it important for parents to explain to their children about man and woman business? Why it important to teach children how to protect theirself from people who can spoil children?

You na hear this one before?

Jehovah Witnesses get plenty materials that can help parents to teach their children to understand the right thing about man and woman business. This material them can also help parents to protect their children from people who can spoil children. For example, see:

6. Respect your parents

Children and young people can show respect for their parents by the way they talk to them. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • Why it good for young people to show respect when they talking with their parents?

  • How young people can show respect when they talking with their parents?

Read Proverbs 1:8, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin young people must do when their parents give them direction?

7. The family must Worship Jehovah together

Jehovah Witness families can set special time every week to worship Jehovah together. How they can do this family worship? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • Wetin family can do so they can’t miss their Family Worship?

  • Wetin parents can do for everybody to learn something from the family worship and enjoy it?—See the first picture in this lesson.

  • What some of the thing them that can make it hard for the family to study together?

Way back in Israel, Jehovah always wanted for families to talk about the Scriptures together. Read Deuteronomy 6:6, 7, and answer the question together:

  • How you can apply this Bible advice?

Some thing them you can do for family worship:

  • Prepare for congregation meetings.

  • Read and discuss one Bible account that your family will enjoy.

  • If you get small-small children, go to and download or print something that children can do.

  • If you get big size children, discuss one article for young people on

  • Take one Bible story for you and your family to make small drama from it.

  • Watch and discuss one video on

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I too busy, I not able to teach my children the Bible.”

  • Wetin you will say?


Jehovah want for parents to love, train, and protect their children. He want for children to respect and obey their parents. And he also want for families to worship him together.


  • How parents can train and protect their children?

  • How children can show honor to their parents?

  • How the family can benefit when they set time to worship Jehovah together every week?

Try This


What lessons you can teach your child that will help them when they get big?

“Six Lessons Children Need to Learn” (Awake! No. 2 2019)

Learn some Bible advice you can follow when you taking care of your old parents.

“What the Bible Say About Taking Care of Your Old Parents?” (Web article)

See how one man who never knew how to raise children was able to bring his children up good.

Jehovah Taught Us How to Raise Our Children (5:58)

Learn how fathers can make their relationship with their sons strong.

“What Can Help Fathers to be Close to Their Sons?” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2011)

a In the Bible, discipline mean to teach and guide the child and help him to change his wrong thinking or behavior. It not mean you must treat the children bad. Proverbs 4:1.