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How We Can Make Jehovah Happy by the Way We Talk

How We Can Make Jehovah Happy by the Way We Talk

When Jehovah made us, he gave us wonderful gift. That gift, that to be able to talk. You think the way we use that gift important to Jehovah? Yes, it really important to him! (Read James 1:26.) So how we must use that gift to make Jehovah happy?

1. How we must use this gift?

The Bible tell us to “keep encouraging one another and building one another up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) You know anybody who need encouragement? Wetin you can do to help them? Tell them you care for them. You can also tell them what you like about them. You know any Bible verse that can encourage somebody? Plenty scriptures in the Bible that you can use. You must also remember that what you say and how you say it can really encourage people. So, always try to talk to people good.—Proverbs 15:1.

2. What kind na way of talking we must avoid?

The Bible say: “Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth.” (Read Ephesians 4:29.) That mean, we must not use bad word or say something rude that will hurt other people feelings. We must not gossip about other people or lie on them to spoil their name.—Read Proverbs 16:28.

3. What will help us to know how to talk to people good?

Most of the time, what we say can make other people to know what in our heart or the thing we thinking on. (Luke 6:45) So we must try to focus on things that righteous, things that clean, things that will make people to show love, and things that people will praise. (Philippians 4:8) To help us do this, we must make good friends and take time to choose what we want enjoy ourselves with. (Proverbs 13:20) It can also help us to think good about what we want say and how we will say it. Think about how other people will feel about the thing you want say. The Bible say: “Thoughtless speech is like the stabs of a sword, but the tongue of the wise is a healing.”Proverbs 12:18.


Learn how you can talk to make Jehovah happy and encourage other people.

4. Be careful about what you say

Sometime we can say things that we can later regret. (James 3:2) Read Galatians 5:22, 23, and answer the question them together:

  • Which of this quality them you can pray for to help you be careful about what to say? How this quality them can help you?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:33, and answer the question together:

  • How your friends and what you choose to enjoy yourself with can affect the way you talk?

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7, and answer the question together:

  • What time it will be good for you not to talk or for you to wait until you find the right time to talk?

5. Say good things about other people

Wetin will help us to avoid cursing other people or saying things that will make them feel bad? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, why the brother was trying hard to change the way he use to talk about other people?

  • Wetin he do to change?

Read Ecclesiastes 7:16, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin we must remember when we want say bad thing about somebody?

Read Ecclesiastes 7:21, 22, and answer the question together:

  • How this verse them can help you to control yourself when somebody say bad thing about you?

6. Talk to your family members with respect

Jehovah want us to show respect and love when we talking with our family members. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Wetin will help you to show respect when you talking to your family members?

Read Ephesians 4:31, 32, and answer the question together:

  • How you must talk to your family members to make them feel good?

Jehovah tell us how he was feeling about his Son, Jesus. Read Matthew 17:5, and answer the question together:

  • How you can follow Jehovah example when you talking to your family members?

Look for way to tell people thank you

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I can say what in my heart. I not care whether people will like it or not.”

  • You agree with them? Why?


What we say can either make people to feel good or make them to feel bad. We need to take time to think about what we want say, what time we will say it, and how we will say it.


  • What some of the ways we can talk to encourage other people?

  • What kind na way of talking you want avoid?

  • Wetin will help us to know how to always talk to people good?

Try This


Wetin can help us to use good words when we talking to people?

How We Can Learn to Talk Like Wise Person (8:04)

Learn what can help you to stop using bad words.

“It Really Bad to Curse?” (Web article)

See what can help you not to gossip.

How I Can Stop the Gossip? (2:36)

Learn how Jehovah help one man who was fighting hard to stop using bad words.

“I Was Really Thinking About How My Life Will Be” (The Watchtower, August 1, 2013)