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Who ”‏Da Akamai Worka Guy Dat Da Boss Trus,”‏ An Wat He Do?

Who ”‏Da Akamai Worka Guy Dat Da Boss Trus,”‏ An Wat He Do?

Jesus, he da head of da Christian hui. (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 5:23) Today, az King in heaven, Jesus use “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus” fo tell his peopo wat fo do. (Read um Matthew 24:45) Jesus da one who wen put da “worka guy” in charge, an wen give him da kuleana fo make some choices. Still yet, da worka guy gotta lissen to Christ, an work fo da odda guys God wen pick fo go heaven. Who da worka guy? An how dat worka kea fo us?

1. Who da “worka guy da boss trus”?

Jehovah wen always use one guy, o one small group of guys, fo tell his peopo wat fo do. (Malakai 2:7; Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 1:1) Afta Jesus wen mahke, his guys an da eldas in Jerusalem wen show da way fo go. (Jesus Guys 15:2) Da same way today, one small group of eldas show da way fo go. Dis group stay called Jesus Luna Guys of Witnesses Fo Jehovah. Dey give da spiritual kine food an tell how fo do da preaching work. Dis group is “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus,” da one Jesus wen make luna. (Matthew 24:45a) All of Jesus Luna Guys stay Christians who God wen pick fo go heaven. Dey no can wait fo be rulas wit Christ in God’s Govament up in heaven wen dea life on earth stay pau.

2. Wat kine spiritual food da worka guy dat da boss trus give?

Jesus wen tell dat da worka guy dat da boss trus was goin give Christian braddahs an sistahs “dea food wen da time stay right.” (Matthew 24:45b) Da food we eat help oua body fo stay strong an healthy. Same same, spiritual kine food—da tings da Bible tell us fo do—make us strong so we can stick tight to Jehovah an do da work Jesus wen give us fo do. (1 Fo Timoty 4:6) We get dat spiritual kine food thru meetings wit da local hui, an big kine meetings. We also get tings fo read an watch dat come from da Bible dat help us fo undastan wat God like, so we can come moa close wit him.


Try look how come we need “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus”​—Jesus Luna Guys.

Jesus Luna Guys give Witnesses Fo Jehovah all ova da world spiritual kine food, tell dem wass good fo do, an give dem all da help dey need

3. Jehovah’s peopo gotta work togedda

Jesus use his Luna Guys fo help Witnesses Fo Jehovah work togedda. Jesus wen help da firs Christians da same way. Play um da VIDEO.

Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 14:33, 40, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How dese scripchas show dat Jehovah like his Witnesses fo work togedda?

4. Da worka guy dat da boss trus organize oua preaching work

Preaching was da mos importan work da firs Christians wen do. Read um Jesus Guys 8:14, 25, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • From da firs Christians, who wen tell how fo do da preaching work?

  • Wen da odda aposals wen tell Peter an John wat fo do, how dey wen ack?

Da mos importan work Jesus Luna Guys organize is preaching. Play um da VIDEO.

Jesus wen tell dat preaching is supa importan. Read um Mark 13:10, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come da preaching work stay supa importan to Jesus Luna Guys?

  • How come we need “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus” fo organize dis work all ova da world?

5. Da worka guy da boss trus tell us wass good fo do

Jesus Luna Guys tell Christians all ova da world wass good fo do. How Jesus Luna Guys choose wat fo tell? Try look how da luna guys of da firs Christians wen do um. Read um Jesus Guys 15:1, 2, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat wen make some of da firs Christians like beef wit each odda?

  • Who Paul, Barnabas, an oddas wen ask fo help?

Read um Jesus Guys 15:12-18, 23-29, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat da firs luna guys wen do fo get God’s tinking befoa choosing wat fo do?—Go look verses 12, 15, an 28.

Read um Jesus Guys 15:30, 31 an 16:4, 5, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wen da luna guys wen tell dem wat fo do, how da firs Christians wen ack?

  • How Jehovah wen bless dem cuz dey wen lissen?

Read um 2 Fo Timoty 3:16 an From James 1:5, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Today, wea Jesus Luna Guys look fo help wen trying fo choose wat fo do?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “If you lissen to Jesus Luna Guys, you jus following peopo.”

  • How you know fo shua dat Jesus stay showing his Luna Guys da way fo go?


Jesus Luna Guys is “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus” dat Christ wen pick. Dey tell wass good fo do an give spiritual kine food to Christians all ova da world.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Who wen pick “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus”?

  • How Jesus Luna Guys kea fo us?

  • You believe dat Jesus Luna Guys is “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus” o wat?

Someting Fo Do


Try look how Jesus Luna Guys stay organize fo do da work dey do.

“What Is the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses?” (Web article)

Try learn how Jesus Luna Guys make shua dat we get spiritual kine food we can trus.

Producing Accurate Publications (17:18)

How da ones who stay part of Jesus Luna Guys feel about da work Jesus wen give dem fo do?

A Cherished Privilege (7:04)

How oua meetings an big kine meetings prove dat Jehovah da one who stay show Jesus Luna Guys da way fo go?

Jehovah Is Teaching His People (9:39)