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Stay Faithful to Jehovah

Stay Faithful to Jehovah

True Christians will not let anything to stop them from worshiping Jehovah. We sure that how you feeling too. Jehovah value your faithfulness. (Read 1 Chronicles 28:9.) What some of the situations that can make it hard for you to stick to Jehovah and wetin can help you?

1. How other people can make it hard for us to stick to Jehovah?

Some people will try to stop you from serving Jehovah. Who you think can want do this bad thing? Some people who na stop serving Jehovah can say lie-lie things about the organization to make our faith weak. They call them apostates. Also, some big-big God people can say lie-lie things about us to make some people who not careful to stop serving Jehovah. We will be putting ourselves in danger if we argue with anybody who against the truth, or when we read their books and story, watch their videos or go to their website. Jesus talk about those who can try to discourage other people from staying faithful to Jehovah. He say: “Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”Matthew 15:14.

Suppose we know somebody who say he not want be Jehovah Witness again? It can really hurt our heart when the person close to us. Maybe the person will want force us to choose between them and Jehovah. We must decide in our heart to stick to Jehovah more than anybody or anything. (Matthew 10:37) So we obey Jehovah command not to make friend with people like that.—Read 1 Corinthians 5:11.

2. What some of the decisions we can make that show we sticking to Jehovah?

When we love Jehovah, it will make us not to get anything to do with false religion. Not even our job, or the organization that we in or anything we want do must get something to do with false religion. Jehovah warn us: “Get out of [Babylon the Great], my people.”Revelation 18:2, 4.


Learn what you can do so that you can’t allow anybody to make your faith weak. Also see how you can show that you sticking to Jehovah by getting out of Babylon the Great.

3. Be careful with false teachers

Wetin we must do when we hear bad things about Jehovah organization? Read Proverbs 14:15, and answer the question together:

  • Why we must be careful not to believe everything we hear?

Read 2 John 10, and answer the question them together:

  • How we must treat apostates?

  • Even if we not talk with apostates face to face, how we can still get in contact with their teachings?

  • How you think Jehovah will feel if we listen to or watch the bad things people can say about him and his organization?

4. Stick to Jehovah when someone commit serious sin

Wetin we suppose to do when we know that someone in the congregation na commit serious sin? See this advice in the law God give to the Israelite them way back. Read Leviticus 5:1.

According to this Bible verse, if we know that someone in the congregation na commit serious sin, we must go to the elders and tell them what we know. But before we do it, it will be good for us to encourage the person to go to the elders and confess their sin. If the person refuse to go to the elders, we can show that we sticking to Jehovah by going to the elders and tell them what we know. When we do this, how it will show that we get strong love . . .

  • for Jehovah?

  • for the person who na commit sin?

  • and for other people in the congregation?

Try to help any brother or sister who in trouble!

5. Stay away from Babylon the Great

Read Luke 4:8 and Revelation 18:4, 5, and answer the question them together:

  • Any false religion still get my name in their book as their member?

  • I in any organization that get something to do with different religion?

  • The job I doing can support false religion in any way?

  • I still need to do any other thing to stay away from false religion?

  • If I answer yes to any of this question them, wetin I must do about it?

In any situation, make decision that will make you to get clean conscience and will show that you sticking to Jehovah.

Wetin you will do when they ask you to support any religious organization that can help people?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I just want know what the apostate them saying about Jehovah Witnesses so I can defend the truth.”

  • You think it make sense? Why?


To stick to Jehovah, we must not make friend with those who not faithful to him. We also need to stay away from false religion altogether.


  • Why we must not watch, read, or listen to anything apostates can say?

  • How we must treat people who say they not want be Jehovah Witness again?

  • How we can listen to the warning to stay away from false religion?

Try This


Learn the thing you must do when you hear people saying lie-lie things about Jehovah Witnesses.

You Know the Whole Story?” (The Watchtower, August 2018)

How you can know that certain organizations or certain things people doing, supporting Babylon the Great?

“Keep Busy In the Last of ‘the Last Days’” (The Watchtower, October 2019, paragraphs 16-18)

Wetin some people who against the truth na do to try to make our faith weak?

Be Careful With Lie-Lie Story (9:32)

In the story, “I Been Trying to Learn About God Since I Was Small,” read about one Shinto priest who decided not to be having anything to do with false religion again.

“The Bible Can Change People Lives” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2011)