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Can Hang In Dea Wen Peopo Go Agains You

Can Hang In Dea Wen Peopo Go Agains You

All Christians goin get guys dat go agains dem, o give dem hard time. Maybe dat stay happen now o goin happen bumbye. Dat make you sked?

1. How we know goin get guys who go agains us?

Da Bible make um clear: “Erybody dat like live da way God like, an stay tight wit . . . Jesus Christ, peopo goin make dem suffa.” (2 Fo Timoty 3:12) Peopo wen go agains Jesus cuz he no was part of Satan’s world. We not part of dis world eidda so dass how come no surprise us wen da govaments o religious kine huis of dis world go agains us.​—John 15:18, 19.

2. How we can make ready fo guys go agains us?

Now is da time fo make oua trus in Jehovah moa strong. Make time ery day fo pray to him an read da Bible. Go meetings wit da local hui erytime. All dis goin make you strong fo hang in dea an no be sked wen peopo go agains you, even if is yoa own ohana. Da aposal Paul, who wen get bus up choke, wen write: “Da One In Charge, he da One dat help me wen I need him. Az why I no goin come sked.”​—Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:6.

An wen we preach erytime, dat goin help us no be sked. Cuz wen we preach, we learn fo trus Jehovah an no let peopo make us sked. (Smart Guys 29:25) If we work hard an no be sked fo preach now, den we goin be ready fo keep preaching even if da govament try stop us.​—1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 2:2.

3. How goin be good fo us wen we hang in dea wen guys go agains us?

We no like wen guys go agains us. But wen we get thru um, oua faith come moa strong. We come moa close to Jehovah cuz we see how he help us wen we feel we no can hando. (Read um From James 1:2-4.) Make Jehovah soa inside wen we suffa, but it make him feel real good inside wen he see us hang in dea an no give up. Da Bible tell: “If you do someting good, an suffa fo dat, an dat no bodda you, God goin tell dass good.” (1 From Peter 2:20) If we hang in dea to da end, Jehovah promise we goin live foeva in one world wea erybody goin serve Jehovah an nobody goin go agains dem.​—Matthew 24:13.


Try learn how come we can stay tight wit Jehovah even wen guys go agains us an wat good kine tings he goin give us fo dat.

4. You can hang in dea wen yoa ohana go agains you

Jesus wen know maybe some guys in da ohana no like us serve Jehovah. Read um Matthew 10:34-36, an den talk story about da question afta:

  • Wat can happen in da ohana wen somebody choose fo serve Jehovah?

Fo see one exampo of dis, play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • If one fren o relative try stop you from serving Jehovah, wat you goin do?

Read um Songs Fo God 27:10 an Mark 10:29, 30. Afta reading each scripcha, talk story about dis question:

  • If some of yoa ohana o frenz try stop you from serving Jehovah, how dis promise can help you?

5. Wen guys go agains you, no stop worshipping Jehovah

We gotta be strong fo serve Jehovah, even wen oddas try stop us. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How wat you wen see in da video make you moa strong?

Read um Jesus Guys 5:27-29 an Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:24, 25. Afta reading each scripcha, talk story about dis question:

  • Why we gotta keep worshipping Jehovah even if da govament tell us fo no preach o meet togedda?

6. Jehovah goin help you hang in dea

Witnesses Fo Jehovah from all ova da world, young an old, wen stay tight wit Jehovah an serve him, even wen oddas go agains dem. Fo see wat wen help dem, play um da VIDEO. Den talk story about da question afta.

  • Inside da video, wat wen help dese Witnesses fo hang in dea?

Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 8:35, 37-39 an Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:13. Afta reading each scripcha, talk story about dis question:

  • How dis scripcha make you know fo shua dat you can hang in dea, no matta wat kine pilikia you get?

Read um Matthew 5:10-12, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come you still can be happy, even if guys go agains you?

Millions of Witnesses Fo Jehovah wen hang in dea even wen peopo go agains dem. You can too!

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Ho, if guys go agains me, I no can hando dat.”

  • Wat scripchas can help dem know dey can hang in dea?


Wen we serve Jehovah even wen guys go agains us, dass real spesho to him. Wit his kokua, we can hang in dea an come out winnas!

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How Christians know goin get guys dat go agains dem?

  • Wat you can do now fo make ready wen guys go agains you?

  • Wat can help you know fo shua you can serve Jehovah no matta wat?

Someting Fo Do


One young braddah tell how Jehovah wen help him hang in dea wen he was in da calaboose cuz he neva take sides.

Enduring Despite Persecution (2:34)

Try look wat wen help one couple stay tight wit Jehovah an serve him fo long time even wen guys go agains dem.

Serving Jehovah During Times of Change (7:11)

Learn how fo stay strong an no be sked wen guys go agains you.

“Prepare Now for Persecution” (The Watchtower, July 2019)

Wen oua ohana go agains us, wat we can do fo keep da peace an still yet stay tight wit Jehovah?

“The Truth Brings, ‘Not Peace, But a Sword’” (The Watchtower, October 2017)