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Keep Making Yoa Frenship Wit Jehovah Moa Strong

Keep Making Yoa Frenship Wit Jehovah Moa Strong

Goin thru dis book, you wen learn plenny about Jehovah. Da tings you wen learn goin make you love him so much, dat maybe you already wen give yoa life to him, an wen get baptize. If you neva yet, maybe you tink you goin do um soon. But afta you get baptize, you no stay pau yet. You can keep coming moa close to Jehovah foeva. How?

1. How come we gotta keep making oua frenship wit Jehovah moa strong?

We gotta work hard fo make oua frenship wit Jehovah moa strong. How come? So we no drift away from him an “foget um.” (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 2:1) Wat can help us fo trus Jehovah an keep serving him? We can go preach az much az can, an look fo odda ways fo do moa fo Jehovah. (Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 3:16.) Serving Jehovah is da bestes way fo live!​—Songs Fo God 84:10.

2. Wat else you gotta keep doing?

Even tho you goin pau learn from dis book, yoa life az one Christian goin keep goin. Da Bible tell we gotta “live da new kine way.” (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 4:23, 24) Az you keep learning from da Bible an keep goin meetings wit da local hui, you goin learn new tings about Jehovah an who he stay. Try see how you can come moa like him in yoa life. If you see someting you gotta change, do um fo make Jehovah happy.

3. How Jehovah goin help you keep goin?

Da Bible tell: “God goin make you guys come mo betta den befo time. He goin make you guys stan up mo strong an come real solid inside so notting shake you up.” (1 From Peter 5:10) Goin get times wea all us like do bad kine stuff. But Jehovah give us wat we need fo stay strong. (Songs Fo God 139:23, 24) He promise fo make you like serve him an give you da powa fo do um.​—Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 2:13.


Try look how you can keep coming moa close to Jehovah an how he goin bless you.

4. Keep talking to an lissening to yoa bestes Fren

Prayer an learning from da Bible wen help you fo be Jehovah’s fren. How doing dose tings goin help you come even moa close to him?

Read um Songs Fo God 62:8, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Fo make yoa frenship wit Jehovah moa strong, how you can make yoa prayers moa betta?

Read um Songs Fo God 1:2, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Fo make yoa frenship wit Jehovah moa strong, how you can make yoa Bible reading moa betta?

Wen you learn da Bible fo yoaself, how you can make um moa betta fo you? Fo check out some tings you can do, play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Wat kine tings in da video you like do?

  • Wat kine tings you like learn about?

5. Make one plan fo serve Jehovah moa betta

Wen you get someting you like do fo Jehovah, dat goin help you come moa close to him. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • Inside da video, wat good kine tings wen happen cuz Cameron wen plan fo do moa tings fo Jehovah?

Erybody no can move one odda place fo preach, aah? But we can still plan tings we can do fo Jehovah. Read um Smart Guys 21:5, an den talk story about wat kine tings you like do . . .

  • in da local hui.

  • in field service.

How wat da scripcha tell can help you fo do dose tings?

Try tink about doing dese tings

  • Make yoa prayers moa betta.

  • Read da whole Bible.

  • Get fo know erybody in yoa local hui.

  • Start fo help somebody learn da Bible.

  • Come one part time o full time pionea.

  • If you one braddah, work hard fo come one helpa guy fo da local hui.

6. Live good foeva!

Read um Songs Fo God 22:26, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat you can do fo live good now an foeva?


Keep on making yoa frenship wit Jehovah moa strong, an plan fo do tings fo serve him moa betta. Den you can live good foeva!

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come you can be shua dat Jehovah goin help you trus an serve him?

  • How you can make yoa frenship wit Jehovah moa strong?

  • How making one plan fo serve Jehovah can help you come moa close to him?

Someting Fo Do In Da Nex Year


Wat worth moa to Jehovah, doing someting big fo him one time o living oua whole life fo him?

Be Faithful Like Abraham (9:20)

Even somebody who trus an serve Jehovah can get bum out sometimes. Try look how dey can come happy again.

Regain Joy Through Study and Meditation (5:25)

How come is importan fo come one solid Christian, an how you can come one?

“Press On to Maturity—‘The Great Day of Jehovah Is Near’” (The Watchtower, May 15, 2009)