Continue Making Progress

Continue Making Progress
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Throughout this Bible course, you have learned a lot about Jehovah. The things you have learned have made you love him so much that you probably dedicated yourself to him and got baptized. If not, perhaps you are thinking of doing this in the near future. But your progress does not end at baptism. You can keep drawing closer to Jehovah forever. How?

1. Why should you continue to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah?

We must work hard to continue strengthening our friendship with Jehovah. Why? “So that we never drift away” from him. (Hebrews 2:1) What can help us to keep serving Jehovah faithfully? We can stay busy in the preaching work and look for other ways to serve our God more fully. (Read Philippians 3:16.) Serving Jehovah is the best way of life!​—Psalm 84:10.

2. What else should you continue to do?

Although this Bible course is now ending, your life as a Christian will continue. The Bible says we need to “put on the new personality.” (Ephesians 4:23, 24) As you continue studying God’s Word and attending congregation meetings, you will learn new things about Jehovah and his qualities. Look for ways to imitate his personality more closely in your life. Continue making any changes necessary to make Jehovah happy.

3. How will Jehovah help you make progress?

The Bible says: “God . . . will himself finish your training. He will make you firm, he will make you strong, he will firmly ground you.” (1 Peter 5:10) All of us face temptations. But Jehovah gives us what we need in order to resist them. (Psalm 139:23, 24) He promises to give you both the desire and the power to serve him faithfully.​—Read Philippians 2:13.


Consider how you can continue to make progress and how Jehovah will bless you.

4. Keep communicating with your best Friend

Prayer and Bible study have helped you to become Jehovah’s friend. How can those activities help you draw even closer to him?

Read Psalm 62:8, and then discuss this question:

  • To strengthen your friendship with Jehovah, how can you improve the quality of your prayers?

Read Psalm 1:2 and footnote, and then discuss this question:

  • To strengthen your friendship with Jehovah, how can you improve your Bible reading?

How can you make your personal study more meaningful? To see some ideas, play the VIDEO, and then discuss the questions that follow.

  • Which of the suggestions in the video could you apply?

  • What topics would you like to study?

5. Set spiritual goals

Having goals in Jehovah’s service will help you to continue making progress. Play the VIDEO, and then discuss the question that follows.

  • In this video, how did Cameron benefit from setting spiritual goals?

Not everyone can move to preach in another land. However, we can all set reasonable goals. Read Proverbs 21:5, and then consider what goals you would like to set . . .

  • in the congregation.

  • in the field ministry.

How can the principle in the verse help you to reach your goals?

Goals to consider

  • Improve the quality of your prayers.

  • Read the entire Bible.

  • Get to know everyone in your congregation.

  • Start and conduct a Bible study.

  • Serve as an auxiliary pioneer or a regular pioneer.

  • If you are a brother, reach out to become a ministerial servant.

6. Enjoy life forever!

Read Psalm 22:26, and then discuss this question:

  • What can you do to enjoy life now and forever?


Continue to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and to set spiritual goals. Then you can enjoy life forever!


  • Why can you be confident that Jehovah will help you to serve him faithfully?

  • How can you strengthen your friendship with Jehovah?

  • How can spiritual goals help you to progress?

Long-Term Goal