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Gohed Strongim Frenship blo Iu Witim Jehovah

Gohed Strongim Frenship blo Iu Witim Jehovah

Lo disfala Bible study course, iu lanem finis staka samting abaotem Jehovah. Datwan mekem iu for lovem hem tumas and maet iu dedicate lo hem and baptaes finis. If nomoa yet, hem gud for iu no delay for duim diswan. Bihaen iu baptaes, iu need for gohed fren gud witim Jehovah. Wat nao iu savve duim for gohed strongim frenship blo iu witim Jehovah?

1. Why nao iu shud gohed strongim frenship blo iu witim Jehovah?

Iumi mas waka hard for gohed strongim frenship blo iumi witim Jehovah. Why nao olsem? “Nogud iumi isisi go difren” from Jehovah. (Hebrew 2:1) Wat nao savve helpem iumi for gohed faithful for worshipim Jehovah? Hem nao for gohed strong for duim preaching waka and traem best for duim samfala samting moa lo organization blo Jehovah. (Readim Philippi 3:16.) For worshipim Jehovah hem best samting for duim lo laef!​—Sams 84:10.

2. Wat moa iu shud gohed for duim?

Nomata diswan hem last leson blo disfala Bible study course, iu need for gohed duim olketa samting wea showim iu wanfala Christian. Bible sei iumi “mas garem niufala wei.” (Ephesus 4:23, 24) Taem iu gohed for studyim Bible and attendim olketa meeting, iu bae lanem olketa niu samting abaotem Jehovah and olketa wei blo hem. Traem best for followim example blo Jehovah. Gohed changem samfala samting lo laef blo iu for mekem Jehovah hapi.

3. Wat nao Jehovah bae duim for helpem iu gohed fren gud witim hem?

Bible sei ‘God bae finisim training bilong iu mekem iu barava strong.’ (1 Peter 5:10) Iumi evriwan bae kasem test for duim samting wea no stret. Bat Jehovah bae helpem iumi for winim datwan. (Sams 139:23, 24) Hem promis for mekem iu laek duim samting and for duim datwan mekem iu faithful lo hem.​—Readim Philippi 2:13.


Bae iumi storyim wat iu savve duim for strongim frenship blo iu witim Jehovah and hao hem bae blessim iu.

4. Gohed story and lisin lo best Fren blo iu

Samting wea helpem iu for fren witim Jehovah hem for prea and studyim Bible. Hao nao datwan savve helpem iu for fren gud witim hem?

Readim Sams 62:8, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • For strongim frenship blo iu witim Jehovah, wat nao iu savve prea abaotem?

Readim Sams 1:2, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • For strongim frenship blo iu witim Jehovah, wat nao iu savve duim for kasem gud samting from Bible reading?

Wat nao iu savve duim for kasem gud samting from personal study? For savve lo samfala idea, pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Which idea lo video nao iu laek followim?

  • Wat kaen topic nao iu laek for studyim?

5. Markem olketa spiritual goal

Taem iu markem olketa spiritual goal, datwan bae helpem iu for fren gud witim Jehovah. Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, wat nao gud samting wea Cameron kasem from hem markem olketa spiritual goal?

Samfala nomoa savve muv go lo nara kantri for preach. Nomata olsem, iumi evriwan savve markem olketa spiritual goal wea iumi fit for kasem. Readim Proverbs 21:5 (NW), then tingim olketa goal wea iu laek for markem . . .

  • lo kongregeson.

  • lo ministry.

Hao nao principle lo verse hia savve helpem iu for kasem olketa goal wea iu markem?

Samfala Goal

  • Prea from heart.

  • Readim full Bible.

  • Savve lo evriwan lo kongregeson.

  • Startim and conductim wanfala Bible study.

  • Duim auxiliary pioneer or regular pioneer waka.

  • If iu wanfala brata, waka hard for ministerial servant.

6. Enjoyim laef for olowe!

Readim Sams 22:26, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao iu savve duim for enjoyim laef distaem and for olowe?


Gohed strongim frenship blo iu witim Jehovah and markem olketa spiritual goal. If iu duim datwan, iu savve enjoyim laef distaem and for olowe!


  • Why nao iu sure Jehovah bae helpem iu for gohed faithful for worshipim hem?

  • Wat nao iu savve duim for strongim frenship blo iu witim Jehovah?

  • Hao nao olketa spiritual goal savve helpem iu for fren gud witim Jehovah?

Goal for Wan Year


Hu nao Jehovah tinghae lo hem, man wea duim wanfala big samting for showim hem worshipim hem or man wea faithful evritaem?

Faithful Olsem Abraham (9:20)

Samwan wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah maet gogo hem no hapi. Lukim hao nao hem savve hapi moa.

Wei for Study and Ting Raonem Bible Bae Mekem Iu Hapi Moa (5:25)

Read abaotem olketa spiritual goal wea iu savve markem and waka hard for kasem.

“Iusim Olketa Spiritual Goal for Givim Glory Long Creator Bilong Iu” (Wastaoa, July 15, 2004)

Why nao hem important for kamap strongfala Christian, and wat nao iu savve duim for kasem datwan?

“Waka Hard for Kamap Strongfala Christian Bikos ‘Day Bilong Jehovah Klosap’” (Wastaoa, May 15, 2009)