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  1.  How Fo Know Who Babylon Da Great

  2.  Wen Da Messiah Wuz Goin Show Up?

  3.  Medical Kine Stuffs Wea Get Blood

  4.  Married Guys Splittin Up

  5.  Holidays An Da Tings We Celebrate

  6.  Diseases Dass Easy Fo Catch

  7.  Business An Legal Kine Stuffs

 1. How Fo Know Who Babylon Da Great

How we know dat Babylon Da Great rep all bulai kine religions? (Jesus Show 17:5) Try tink about dis:

  • She work all ova da world. Babylon Da Great stay sitting on top “nations, [an] countries.” She get “powa ova all da odda kings inside da world.”​—Jesus Show 17:15, 18.

  • She no can be one govament o one business dat get plenny powa. Da kings from all ova da world an da trader guys no goin get wipe out wit her.​—Jesus Show 18:9, 15.

  • She bulai about God. She stay called one hooka cuz she hui up wit govaments fo money an odda kine stuffs lidat. (Jesus Show 17:1, 2) She bulai peopo all ova da world an cuz of her, plenny peopo wen mahke.​—Jesus Show 18:23, 24.

Return to lesson 13 point 6

 2. Wen Da Messiah Was Goin Show Up?

Da Bible wen tell befoa time dat dea was goin be “seven times seven year, an den sixty-two times seven year” befoa da Messiah was goin show up.​—Read um Daniel 9:25.

  • Wen dat time wen start? In 455 B.C.E., dat time Govna Nehemiah wen show up in Jerusalem “fo build [da] town one mo time.”—Daniel 9:25; Nehemiah 2:1, 5-8.

  • How long dat time wen las? 7 times 7 year, dass 49 years an 62 year times 7 year, dass 434 years. (Census 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6) So den you put um toggeda, dass 483 years.

  • Wen dat time wen pau? If you count 483 years from 455 B.C.E., you goin end up at 29 C.E. a Dass da exack year wen Jesus had get baptize an wen come da Messiah!—Luke 3:​1, 2, 21, 22.

Return to lesson 15 point 5

 3. Medical Kine Stuffs Wea Get Blood

Get medical kine stuffs wea dey use somebody’s own blood. Some peopo give dea own blood fo oddas use o save um fo use layta on if dey get surgery, but Christians no goin do dat.​—Da Rules Secon Time 15:23.

But, get odda kine stuffs dat maybe az ok jalike blood tests, hemodialysis, hemodilution, o using one cell-salvage o heart-lung bypass machine. Each Christian gotta choose fo demself wat goin happen wit dea blood wen come to any kine medical kine stuffs, medical tes, o therapy dat stay happening right now. Ery docta might do da medical kine stuffs dea own way. So befoa you tell is ok fo do any kine medical kine stuffs, medical tes, o therapy, one Christian gotta find out exackly wat da docta goin do wit dea blood. Tink about dese questions:

  • Some medical kine stuffs might make da blood flow outside yoa body thru someting else an den back inside yoa body. If dat flow wen stop, I would be good wit dat? Dat blood still part of me o I gotta “pour um out on top da groun”?​—Da Rules Secon Time 12:23, 24.

  • Wat if get one machine dat stay connecked to my body dat stay take my blood, fix um up, an put back inside me? I would feel good about um, dat it match up wit wat da Bible tell?

Return to lesson 39 point 3

 4. Married Guys Splitting Up

Da Bible tell is no good fo split up an make um clear dat jus cuz you leave yoa odda half, dat no mean is ok fo marry somebody else. (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 7:10, 11) But, get some times wea one Christian might tink about splitting up.

  • No like take kea: Da ohana no moa da stuff dey need fdo live cuz da husban no like an not goin take kea dem.​—1 Fo Timoty 5:8.

  • Mayjah abuse to da body: Abuse can get to da poin wea yoa health o yoa life stay in danger.​—Fo Da Galatia Peopo 5:19-21.

  • Somebody’s relationship wit Jehovah stay in total danger: One husban o wife make um impossible fo dea odda half serve Jehovah.​—Jesus Guys 5:29.

Return to lesson 42 point 3

 5. Holidays An Da Tings We Celebrate

Christians no do holidays dat Jehovah no like. But ery Christian gotta figga out fo demself from wat da Bible tell wass ok an not ok fo do wen odda peopo celebrate holidays. How you goin hando wen:

  • Somebody tell you “Happy holidays.” You can jus say, “Mahalo.” You can tell dem how come you no celebrate da holidays if the person like learn some moa.

  • Yoa odda half, who not one Witness Fo Jehovah, like you go eat wit ohana during one holiday. If you tink is ok fo you go, you can tell yoa odda half firs dat if get bulai kine religious kine stuff, you no goin take part in um.

  • Yoa job give you one holiday bonus. You gotta tell um no? Maybe no have to. Da bonus yoa job give you, az fo celebrate da holiday o dey jus like give you someting extra cuz you one good worka?

  • Somebody give you one gif during da holiday season. Maybe dey tell: “I know you no celebrate da holiday, but I like you have dis.” Maybe da person just trying fo be nice. O get anyting dat make you tink dey trying fo tes yoa faith o try fo get you fo celebrate da holiday? Afta you tink about dis, az up to you wedda you goin take da gif o not. In eryting we do, we like show trus in an stay pono wit Jehovah.​—Jesus Guys 23:1.

Return to lesson 44 point 1

 6. Diseases Dass Easy Fo Catch

Cuz we love peopo, we make shua fo no spread diseases dass easy fo catch to oddas. Dass true if we know we sick, o if we tink we might be sick an can make oddas sick. We do dis cuz da Bible tell: “Show love an aloha fo odda peopo jalike you get love an aloha fo you.”​—Fo Da Rome Peopo 13:8-10.

How somebody who stay sick can show dis kine love fo oddas? Somebody who stay sick no goin show aloha by hugging o kissing erybody. Dey no goin get all habut if somebody no invite dem to dea house fo proteck da ohana. An befoa he get baptize, he gotta tell da coordinator of da body of eldas about his disease, so dat he can get baptize in one way dat goin proteck oddas who stay getting baptize too. Anybody who was close to somebody who get one disease dass easy fo catch should volunteer fo go get one blood tes befoa dey start dating. Wen you do dis, you show dat you kea about oddas, cuz “you no ony tink bout da tings you tink stay importan, you tink bout da tings da odda peopo tink stay importan too.”​—Fo Da Philippi Peopo 2:4.

Return to lesson 56 point 2

 7. Business An Legal Kine Stuffs

If we write out one contrack about money an business kine stuff, even if az wit one odda Christian, we can stop plenny problems from happening. (Jeremiah 32:9-12) Still yet, Christians sometimes goin get small kine problems about money o odda kine stuffs. If dat happen, dey suppose to fix um fas kine in private, an wit aloha.

But how we suppose to hando serious kine problems, like if somebody rip you off o bulai about you? (Read um Matthew 18:15-17.) Jesus wen give us three tings we gotta do:

  1. Try fo fix um wit jus you two.​—Go look verse 15.

  2. If dat no work, try ask one o two guys in da local hui who stay solid in da trut fo go wit you.—Go look verse 16.

  3. If you wen do all dat an still neva fix um yet, ony den you goin go talk to da eldas.—Go look verse 17.

Fo da mos part, we no goin take oua braddahs to court cuz dat goin make peopo tink bad about Jehovah an da local hui. (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:1-8) But sometimes you gotta go court fo hando some tings like getting one divorce, custody of da kids, if you gotta pay alimony, if you get one insurance claim, if somebody wen go bankrupt, o if you gotta probate one will. One Christian who go court fo hando dese kine tings, wit az much peace az can, no stay go agains wat da Bible tell.

If get one serious kine crime​—like rape, child abuse, assault, mayjah kine theft, o murda—​den one Christian who report um to da govament guys in charge no go agains wat da Bible tell.

Return to lesson 56 point 3

a From 455 B.C.E. to 1 B.C.E. dass 454 years. From 1 B.C.E. to 1 C.E. dass one year (no moa one zero year). An from 1 C.E. to 29 C.E. dass 28 years. Put um togedda, you get 483 years.