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I Ready?

I Ready?

I Ready to Preach With the Congregation?

Maybe you will be ready to be unbaptize publisher if  . . .

  • You continue to study the Bible, pray, and go to meetings all the time.

  • You love and believe what you learning and you want tell other people about it.

  • You love Jehovah and make friends with people who love him.

  • You not member of any political party or false religion again.

  • You living by Jehovah laws and you decide that you want be Jehovah Witness.

If you feel that you ready to start preaching with the congregation, your Bible teacher will tell the elders. The elder them will set time for yor to meet and discuss how you can qualify.

I Ready to Get Baptize?

Maybe you will be ready to get baptize if . . .

  • You already unbaptize publisher.

  • You always in field service and doing what you able to do in the ministry.

  • You can support and follow the direction from “the faithful and discreet slave.” —Matthew 24:45-47.

  • You already finish giving yourself to Jehovah in prayer and you want serve him forever.

If you feel that you ready to get baptize, your Bible teacher will tell the elders. The elder them will set time for yor to meet and discuss how you can qualify.