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Some Bible verse wey fit make our mind come down when we don tire


Check “Worry-Worry

To feel sad; to de vex

Some people don stop to get joy because of problem or because people no de treat them well

Ec 9:​11, 12

Still check Ps 142:4; Ec 4:1; 7:7

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ru 1:​11-13, 20—After Naomi husband and e two sons die, e come dey sad and de feel say Jehovah don leave-am

    • Job 3:​1, 11, 25, 26; 10:1—Job no happy at all as e lose all im property, im ten children die, and e come de sick

  • Some Bible verse wey fit make your mind come down:

  • Some Bible story wey fit make your mind come down:

    • Ru 1:​6, 7, 16-18; 2:​2, 19, 20; 3:1; 4:​14-16—Na when Naomi go back to live with God people, agree make them help-am and help other people, e come start to happy again

    • Job 42:​7-16; Jas 5:11—Job continue to get faith and endure, and Jehovah really bless-am well-well

Some people don stop to get joy because of the bad things wey other people de do

Ec 4:​1, 2

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 1Sa 1:​6, 7, 10, 13-16—Hannah really feel bad for the bad way wey Peninnah treat-am and as High Priest Eli talk say e don drink

    • Job 8:​3-6; 16:​1-5; 19:​2, 3Job three friends wey suppose make e mind come down judge-am for bad way, and this one make Job really dey sad

  • Some Bible verse wey fit make your mind come down:

  • Some Bible story wey fit make your mind come down:

    • 1Sa 1:​9-11, 18—Hannah mind come down after e tell Jehovah everything wey de im mind

    • Job 42:​7, 8, 10, 17—After Job forgive e three friends, Jehovah bless-am and make-am happy again

To de really feel bad because of past sin

Ezr 9:6; Ps 38:​3, 4, 8; 40:12

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 2Ki 22:​8-13; 23:​1-3—When King Josiah and im people hear wetin them read from the Law of Moses, them come understand say them don really do bad thing

    • Ezr 9:​10-15; 10:​1-4—Ezra and the people really feel bad because some men don disobey Jehovah and marry women wey come from other country

    • Lu 22:​54-62—Apostle Peter really feel bad when e know say e don deny Jesus three times

  • Some Bible verse wey fit make your mind come down:

    • Ps 32:5; 103:​9-14; Isa 1:18; Ac 3:19

    • Still check Isa 38:17; Mic 7:​18, 19

  • Some Bible story wey fit make your mind come down:

    • 2Ch 33:​9-13, 15, 16—Manasseh de among the worst kings wey rule for Judah; but even with that one, e repent and God forgive-am

    • Lu 15:​11-32—Jesus talk the story about the prodigal son to help us see how Jehovah de forgive reach ground

When other people disappoint us, make us vex, or even do wetin really pain us reach bone

When life tire us because of the sin wey dey our body

When we de doubt if we get value

Check “Doubt

When we de feel say we no fit handle problem or do some assignment

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ex 3:11; 4:10—Moses feel say e no qualify when God tell-am to go meet Pharaoh and carry Israel people comot from Egypt

    • Jer 1:​4-6—Jeremiah feel say e too young and never get experience reach when Jehovah send-am to go tell the stubborn people wetin e don decide to do them

  • Some Bible verse wey fit make your mind come down:

  • Some Bible story wey fit make your mind come down:

    • Ex 3:12; 4:​11, 12—Jehovah sofri help Moses wey be prophet see say e go really help-am for im assignment

    • Jer 1:​7-10—Jehovah tell prophet Jeremiah say make e no fear say e go help-am for im assignment wey no easy

Jealousy; long throat

Check “Jealousy

When you no fit do as you de do before because you de sick or don old

Ps 71:​9, 18; Ec 12:​1-7

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 2Ki 20:​1-3—King Hezekiah really cry when e de sick and think say e go die

    • Php 2:​25-30—Epaphroditus really dey sad because the congregation for Philippi hear say e de sick. So, e come de feel say the brothers go think-am say e no go fit do im assignment again

  • Some Bible verse wey fit make your mind come down:

    • Ps 92:​12-14; Isa 40:​29-31; 46:4; 2Co 8:12

  • Some Bible story wey fit make your mind come down:

    • 2Sa 17:​27-29; 19:​31-38—King David really like Barzillai, but Barzillai know say e don old so e no gree accept the invitation wey David give-am to go Jerusalem

    • Ps 41:​1-3, 12—Even though say King David really de sick, e continue to trust say Jehovah go help-am

    • Mr 12:​41-44—Jesus praise one poor widow because e contribute everything wey e get

To continue to feel sad because other people no treat us well

Too much fear

Check “Fear

To suffer because we de worship Jehovah