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Feel Nogud

Feel Nogud

Feel nogud taem olketa narawan no duim samting wea iumi expectim, spoelem iumi, or duim samting for spoelem wei wea iumi trustim olketa

Ps 55:​12-14; Lu 22:​21, 48

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 8:​1-6—Profet Samuel hem feel nogud tumas taem olketa Israelite laek for garem wanfala king

    • 1Sa 20:​30-34—Jonathan hem feel nogud and fraet tumas taem dadi blo hem King Saul kros lo hem

  • Scripture wea givim comfort:

  • Story lo Bible wea givim comfort:

    • Ps 55:​12-14, 16-18, 22—Nomata gud fren blo King David, Ahithophel duim samting wea spoelem trust blo tufala, King David depend lo Jehovah and from datwan, hem kasem comfort

    • 2Ti 4:​16-18—Taem aposol Paul kasem test bikos olketa lusim hem, Paul depend lo paoa blo Jehovah and lo hope wea Jehovah hem givim

Feel nogud lo wik point blo iumiseleva and olketa sin blo iumi

Job 14:4; Ro 3:23; 5:12

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ps 51:​1-5—King David hem feel nogud tumas bikos lo olketa sin wea hem duim againstim Jehovah

    • Ro 7:​19-24—Aposol Paul feel discourage tumas bikos hem mas evritaem faet againstim olketa sin blo hemseleva

  • Scripture wea givim comfort:

  • Story lo Bible wea givim comfort:

    • 1Ki 9:​2-5—Nomata King David duim samfala serious sin, Jehovah ting lo hem olsem man wea faithful

    • 1Ti 1:​12-16—Nomata aposol Paul duim olketa bigfala sin lo laef blo hem bifor, hem trustim hao Jehovah bae showim mercy lo hem