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Friendship With the World

Friendship With the World

Who controls the world of unbelieving mankind?

Eph 2:2; 1Jo 5:19

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Lu 4:5-8​—Satan offers worldly rulership to Jesus, and Jesus does not deny that Satan has such authority

How would wanting to be a friend of the world affect our relationship with Jehovah?

Jas 4:4; 1Jo 2:15, 16

See also Jas 1:27

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • 2Ch 18:1-3; 19:1, 2​—Good King Jehoshaphat is rebuked for allying himself with King Ahab, whom Jehovah has judged as wicked

How does a proper view of this world affect our choice of associations?

See “Associations

Why do we shun the world’s attitude toward material things?

See “Materialism

Why do we shun the world’s view of immoral fleshly desires?

Why do Christians avoid idolizing men, women, and organizations?

Mt 4:10; Ro 1:25; 1Co 10:14

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ac 12:21-23​—Jehovah strikes down King Herod Agrippa I because he accepts idolatrous adulation

    • Re 22:8, 9​—A mighty angel refuses to allow the apostle John to bow down to him, insisting that worship go to Jehovah alone

Why do Christians remain neutral regarding politics and nationalism?

Why do Christians refuse to get involved with other religions?

See “Interfaith

Why do Christians refuse to compromise on Jehovah’s standards?

Why does this world often hate and persecute Christ’s followers?

Why is it unwise to become attached to this world?

How do Christians show love and kindness to those who do not serve Jehovah?

Why should Christians respect secular laws, rulers, and officials?

Mt 22:21; Ro 13:1-7

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ac 25:8; 26:2, 25​—The apostle Paul is obedient to secular laws and respectful toward rulers