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Papa and Mama

Papa and Mama

Wetin be some reasons why Jehovah make marriage?

Ge 1:​27, 28; 2:​18, 20-24

How papa and mama suppose de see their children?

Ps 127:​3-5; 128:3

Still check “Children; Young People

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ge 33:​4, 5—Jacob see im children as blessing from Jehovah

    • Ex 1:​15, 16, 22; 2:​1-4; 6:20—Amram and Jochebed wey be Moses papa and mama ready to risk their life to protect Moses

Wetin papa and mama suppose do for their children?

De 6:​6, 7; 11:​18, 19; Pr 22:6; 2Co 12:14; 1Ti 5:8

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 1Sa 1:​1-4—Elkanah de carry e family go the festival for Shiloh, and e de make sure say all im children join-am worship Jehovah

    • Lu 2:​39, 41—Joseph and Mary de always travel with their children from Nazareth to Jerusalem to do the festival of the Passover

Why e good to train pikin to always de do wetin go make Jehovah happy?

Pr 1:​8, 9; 22:6

Still check 2Ti 3:​14, 15

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 1Sa 2:​18-21, 26; 3:19—Samuel papa and mama send-am go serve for tabernacle, but them de always visit-am so that them fit care for the things wey e need; this one make-am grow and become man wey really love Jehovah

    • Lu 2:​51, 52—Jesus always obey im papa and mama even though say them no dey perfect

Wetin fit help papa and mama to fit train their children?

De 6:​4-9; Eph 6:4; 2Ti 3:​14-17

Still check Ps 127:1; Pr 16:3

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Jg 13:​2-8—After one angel tell Manoah say im wife go born pikin, Manoah beg Jehovah to help-am know how to train the pikin

    • Ps 78:​3-8—Jehovah want make papa and mama teach their children wetin them don learn from Bible

Even if them born pikin for family wey love God, why e fit still choose say e no go serve Jehovah?

Eze 18:​1-13, 20

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ge 6:​1-5; Jude 6—Even though say the angels don spend many years with Jehovah for heaven, some of them still choose to disobey

    • 1Sa 8:​1-3—Even though Samuel na prophet wey de serve Jehovah well, im children de do bad things

When papa and mama suppose start to teach their children the things wey God want?

2Ti 3:15

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • De 29:​10-12, 29; 31:12; Ezr 10:1—When Israel people de gather to learn about Jehovah, children de join them to learn about Jehovah

    • Lu 2:​41-52—Every year Joseph and Mary de carry Jesus and their other children go the festival of the Passover for the temple wey dey Jerusalem

Which example papa and mama fit follow to protect their children from people wey want do them bad thing?

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ex 19:4; De 32:​11, 12—Jehovah compare imself to eagle wey de carry, protect, and care for im children

    • Isa 49:15—Jehovah promise say e go care and protect im servants pass the way mama de care for im pikin

    • Mt 2:​1-16—Satan try to kill Jesus when e still be small pikin as e direct the people wey de use star talk wetin go happen go meet wicked King Herod, but Jehovah protect Jesus as e tell Joseph to carry im family go Egypt

    • Mt 23:37—Jesus compare the way e really want help im people to the way fowl de gather and protect im children under im wings

Why papa and mama suppose teach their children about sex matter?

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Le 15:​2, 3, 16, 18, 19; De 31:​10-13—The Law of Moses talk things about sex matter for correct way, and Jehovah talk say make children listen when them de read the law

    • Ps 139:​13-16—David thank Jehovah for the wonderful way Jehovah make our body, and as e give us the power to born pikin

    • Pr 2:​10-15—The sense wey Jehovah de give fit protect us from people wey want deceive us and do us bad

Why papa and mama need to use love correct their children?

Pr 13:24; 29:17; Jer 30:11; Eph 6:4

Still check Ps 25:8; 145:9; Col 3:21

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ps 32:​1-5—Even though Jehovah punish King David for e sin, David mind come down when e learn say Jehovah de forgive people wey really repent from their sin

    • Jon 4:​1-11—Even though Jonah use vex talk to Jehovah anyhow; Jehovah dey patient with-am and sofri teach-am how to show pity

Why we fit talk say na love de make papa and mama correct their pikin?

Pr 3:​11, 12; 13:24

Still check Pr 15:32; Re 3:19