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Letta From Jesus Luna Guys

Letta From Jesus Luna Guys

Howzit Braddahs an Sistahs:

Wen we get love an aloha fo God an peopo, dis goin move us fo do wat Jesus wen tell: “Go all ova da world an teach all da diffren peopos fo dem learn bout me an come my guys. Baptize dem.” (Matt 28:19, 20; Mar 12:28-31) Dis kine love goin touch da hearts of “peopo dat get da right kine attitude fo get da real kine life.”​—Jesus Guys 13:48, NWT.

Befoa time, da main ting we used to do was try fo memorize wat we was going say an try leave um someting fo read. Now we gotta get moa betta talking story wit peopo. We like show love an aloha to oddas by talking story about subjecks dat dey like. Dat means we goin be ready fo change um up, an pay attention to wat dey stay going thru, an wass on dea minds. How dis brochure goin help us do dat?

Da brochure get 12 lessons dat teach us wat kine person we like be, so dat we can show love to peopo an help dem be one followa. Each lesson stay about one Bible story wea Jesus, o anodda preacha from befoa, wen show one certain quality in da ministry. Da main ting we like do is look fo ways to show oua love fo peopo, not jus memorizing wat we goin say. We need all of da qualities dat stay in dis brochure fo ery part of oua preaching work, but we goin see how we really need certain qualities wen we try fo talk story da firs time, try fo talk story again, o wen we help peopo learn da Bible.

Az you go thru each lesson, tink hard about how you can show each quality wen you talk story wit peopo in yoa neighbahood. Do yoa bestes fo make yoa love fo Jehovah an fo peopo moa strong, cuz dat goin help you reach yoa goal fo make followas. Dat kine love is moa importan den any kine technique we try do.

We stay tankful fo da awesome chance fo work togedda wit you. (Zef 3:9) We like Jehovah bless you big time az you keep on showing love to peopo an help um be followas!

Yoa braddahs,

Jesus Luna Guys Of Witnesses Fo Jehovah