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Interest in Others

Interest in Others

Principle: “Love . . . does not look for its own interests.”​—1 Cor. 13:4, 5.

What Jesus Did

1. Watch the VIDEO, or read John 4:6-9. Then consider the following questions:

  1.    What did Jesus observe about the woman before starting a conversation?

  2.   Jesus said: “Give me a drink.” Why was this an effective way to begin the conversation?

What Do We Learn From Jesus?

2. We are more likely to have a good conversation if we start with a topic that interests the other person.

Imitate Jesus

3. Be flexible. Do not insist on starting a conversation on a topic you had in mind. Start with something that others are thinking about today. Ask yourself:

  1.    ‘What is in the news?’

  2.   ‘What are my neighbors, coworkers, or classmates talking about?’

4. Be observant. Ask yourself:

  1.    ‘What is the person currently doing? What might he be thinking about?’

  2.   ‘What do the person’s clothing, appearance, or home tell me about his beliefs or culture?’

  3.   ‘Is this a good time to talk to the person?’

5. Listen.

  1.    Don’t talk too much.

  2.   Encourage the other person to express himself. When appropriate, ask questions.