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Be Natural

Be Natural

Principle: “A word spoken at the right time—how good it is!”—Prov. 15:23.

Wetin Philip Do

1. Watch the VIDEO, or read Acts 8:​30, 31. Then answer this question them:

  1.    How Philip start talking with the man?

  2.   Why that was correct way to start talking with the man and teach him something new?

Wetin We Learn From Philip?

2. If we natural when we talking, it will make the person to be free to talk and listen to our message.

Follow Philip Example

3. Learn to observe. We can learn plenty things about somebody from the way they make their face and move their body. The person looking like they want talk with you? Maybe you can share something with the person from the Bible by just asking them, “You know that . . . ?” If the person not want talk with you, don’t force it.

4. Be patient. Don’t feel that you force to start talking about the Bible right away. Wait for the right time so that when you talk about the Bible, it can be natural. Sometime, it will mean that you must wait until you get another chance to talk with the person again.

5. Be willing to change your topic. Maybe the person will start talking about something that you was not thinking about. So be willing to share something that the person will benefit from, even if it mean talking about something different from what you prepare to talk about.