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Principle: “Let your words always be gracious.”—Col. 4:6.

Wetin Paul Do

1. Watch the VIDEO, or read Acts 17:​22, 23. Then answer this question them:

  1.    How Paul was feeling about the way the people was worshiping false gods in Athens?—See Acts 17:16.

  2.   Instead of condemning the people in Athens, how Paul use their beliefs to preach the good news to them with respect?

Wetin We Learn From Paul?

2. People will want listen to us if we careful with what we say, how we say it, and if we say it the right time.

Follow Paul Example

3. Think good-good about what you want say. For example, when you talking with somebody who not from Christian background, sometime you will need to change the way you can talk about the Bible or how you talk about Jesus.

4. Don’t be quick to correct the person. Let the person be free to talk. If he say something that not in line with what the Bible teach, don’t argue. (Jas. 1:19) When you listen to him, you will be able to learn what he believe and why he believe it.—Prov. 20:5.

5. If it possible, agree with the person and tell them thank you. Maybe the person really believe that what his religion teaching that the true. Try to talk about something that two of yor agree with, and then help the person small-small to understand what the Bible teach.