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Iusim Gudfala Tingting

Iusim Gudfala Tingting

Principle: “Toktok bilong iufala mas evritaem kaen and olsem iufala putim solt long hem.”​—Col. 4:6.

Wat Paul Duim

1. Watchim VIDEO, or readim Acts 17:​22, 23. Then ting raonem olketa kwestin hia:

  1.    Hao nao Paul feel taem hem lukim staka idol lo Athens wea pipol worshipim?—Lukim Acts 17:16.

  2.   Hao nao Paul showim hem garem gudfala tingting taem hem storyim gud nius lo olketa blo Athens?

Wat Nao Iumi Lanem From Paul?

2. Pipol bae laek for lisin lo iumi if iumi chusim gud wat iumi talem, hao for talem, and wat taem for talem.

Followim Example blo Paul

3. Careful lo wat iu talem. For example, taem iu story witim samwan wea hem no Christian, iu need for adjustim hao iu introducem Bible and hao iu storyim Jesus.

4. No kwiktaem for stretem man. Letem hem storyim tingting blo hem. If hem storyim samting wea againstim teaching lo Bible, no argue witim hem. (Jas. 1:19) Taem iu lisin, bae iu luksavve wat nao biliv blo hem and why hem bilivim datwan.—Prov. 20:5.

5. Agree and praisem man lo taem wea fitim. Lo tingting blo hem, wat hem bilivim hem stret. Firstaem, storyim samting wea iutufala agree lo hem, then isisi helpem hem for minim wat Bible teachim.