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Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up

Principle: “They continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news.”—Acts 5:42.

Wetin Paul Do

1. Watch the VIDEO, or read Acts 19:​8-10. Then answer this question them:

  1.    Instead of giving up when some people went against him, how Paul continue trying to help those who show interest?

  2.   How many time Paul use to go back to teach the people who show interest, and how long he do it for?

Wetin We Learn From Paul?

2. We must put time and effort if we want make good return visits and start Bible studies.

Follow Paul Example

3. Be willing to go back to the person the time that alright for them. Ask yourself this question them: ‘What time and where place will be alright for me to visit him? What time and where place he will be free for us to talk?’ Even if the person time different from your own, be willing to go back.

4. Ask the person what time yor will talk again. When yor finish talking, try to know the main time you and the person will talk again. Make sure to be to the place the time yor agree on.

5. Be having hope. Don’t be quick to think that the person not get interest just because it hard to find them home or they always busy. (1 Cor. 13:​4, 7) Continue trying to meet the person. But make sure to use your time the right way.—1 Cor. 9:26.