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Willing for Mekem Sakrifaes

Willing for Mekem Sakrifaes

Principle: “From mifala lovem iufala tumas, mifala hapi for sharem gud nius bilong God witim iufala and for givim tu laef bilong mifala for helpem iufala.”​—1 Thess. 2:8.

Wat Jesus Duim

1. Watchim VIDEO, or readim John 3:​1, 2. Then ting raonem olketa kwestin hia:

  1.    Why nao Nicodemus disaed for visitim Jesus lo naet?​—Lukim John 12:​42, 43.

  2.   Hao nao Jesus showim hem willing for mekem sakrifaes for mek disaepol?

Wat Nao Iumi Lanem From Jesus?

2. Iumi showim iumi lovem pipol taem iumi willing for mekem sakrifaes for helpem olketa kamap disaepol.

Followim Example blo Jesus

3. Study lo taem and ples wea fitim Bible student blo iu. Maet hem laekem wanfala day or taem lo week. Hao, hem laek for study lo waka ples, haos blo hem, or lo wanfala pablik ples? If olsem, adjustim schedule blo iu for fitim wat hem laekem.

4. No Misstim Study. If iu no fit for go duim study lo datfala day, no cancelim study. Bat, tingim:

  1.    Hao, iu savve conductim study lo eni narataem lo datfala week?

  2.   Hao, iu savve conductim study lo phone or videoconferencing?

  3.   Hao, iu savve askem nara pablisa for conductim datfala study?

5. Prea for garem positive tingting. Askem Jehovah for helpem iu no givap lo student blo iu nomata hem no study evritaem or no kwiktaem for applyim wat hem lanem. (Phil. 2:13) Maet student blo iu garem staka gudfala wei. Prea for Jehovah helpem iu focus lo olketa wei hia.