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No Hold Back

No Hold Back

Bible trut: “Wen one fren kokua you an tell you how da bestes way fo do someting, az real sweet! Make you feel good inside jalike wen somebody give you olive oil an perfume.”​—Smart Guys 27:9.

Wat Jesus Wen Do

1. Watch um da VIDEO, o read um Mark 10:17-22. Den tink about da questions:

  1. Wat good tings Jesus wen see in da rich guy?

  2. Jesus wen show love an neva hold back, fo tell da guy wat he gotta do. How come he wen need both tings?

Wat We Learn From Jesus?

2. We gotta tell oua learnas strait, an in one nice kine way, wat dey gotta do so dat dey can come moa close to Jehovah.

Copy Jesus

3. Help yoa learna tink about someting dey can work on an help dem fo do um.

  1. Use da “Someting Fo Do” part in ery lesson of You Can Live Good Foeva!

  2. Help yoa learna come fo see tings dey can work on now, an da tings dey can reach fo dat going take moa time.

  3. Give yoa learna good words fo da stuff dey stay doing.

4. You gotta know da stuff dat holding yoa learna back an help dem get thru um.

  1. Try tink about dis:

    • ‘If my learna not doing tings dat show dat dey like get baptize, wat stay holding dem back?’

    • ‘Wat I can do fo help dem?’

  2. Pule fo help you no hold back so you can tell um strait, an in one nice kine way, da tings dey gotta do.

5. If not going anywea, stop um.

  1. Figga out if yoa learna stay getting closa to Jehovah by tinking about dis:

    • ‘Is my learna doing wat da Bible teach?’

    • ‘Dey go meetings wit da local hui an share da good tings from da Bible wit oddas?’

    • ‘Afta learning da Bible fo some time, dey like be one Witness Fo Jehovah o wat?’

  2. If one learna no like do anyting about wat dey wen learn:

    • Ask dem fo tink about wat stay holding dem back.

    • Tell dem in one nice way why you not going teach dem anymoa.

    • Tell dem wat dey gotta do if dey like start up again.