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How Fo Use You Can Live Good Foeva! Fo Teach Da Bible

How Fo Use You Can Live Good Foeva! Fo Teach Da Bible

Da braddahs wen pule an tink real hard on wat fo put in You Can Live Good Foeva! Fo use um da bestes way, try follow dis wen you teach da Bible:

Befoa da sesh

  1. 1. Make ready real good. Wen you do dat, try tink about wat da learna need, wat dey going thru, an wat dey believe. Try tink if get anyting dey might get hard time undastand, o use, in dea life. Try look at “Learn Some Moa” fo see if get someting dat can help yoa learna, an be ready fo use um.

During da sesh

  1. 2. If it’s ok wit yoa learna, pray befoa an afta da sesh.

  2. 3. No talk too much. Stick to da lesson, an let da learna tell how dey feel.

  3. 4. Wen starting a new part, read “Wat Is About” an poin out some of da titles.

  4. 5. Wen you pau each part, use da “Wat We Wen Talk About” fo help yoa learna rememba wat dey wen learn.

  5. 6. Wen you go thru each lesson wit yoa learna:

    1. Read da paragraph.

    2. Read da scripchas dat tell “Read um.”

    3. If need, read da odda scripchas dat stay dea.

    4. Play all da videos dat tell “Play um” (if get).

    5. Ask da learna each question.

    6. Check out da pichas in da “Dig Moa Deep” part, an ask da learna wat dey tink about um.

    7. Use da “Someting Fo Do” box fo help yoa learna see if dey growing wen come to spiritual tings. You can try get um fo use wat stay in da “Someting Fo Do” box, o “Wat else you like do”, o both of um.

    8. Ask yoa learna if dey really wen like one of da videos, o articles in da “Learn Some Moa” part wen dey was getting ready fo da sesh.

    9. Try fo finish one lesson in each sesh.

Afta da sesh

  1. 7. Keep tinking about yoa learna. Ask Jehovah fo help yoa learna keep growing, an fo give you da smarts fo know how fo help dem.