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Wei for Sei Sorre Wanfala Key for Kasem Peace

Wei for Sei Sorre Wanfala Key for Kasem Peace

Wei for Sei Sorre Wanfala Key for Kasem Peace

“OLKETA wei for sei sorre garem bigfala paoa. Olketa savve finisim raoa long wei wea no iusim raf fasin, finisim wei for divaed midolwan olketa nation, mekem olketa gavman luksavve long wei wea pipol bilong olketa safa, and mekem olketa wei for fren midolwan olketa man wanwan for kamap gud moa.” Hem nao samting wea Deborah Tannen talem, wanfala woman for raet and wea studyim wei for toktok long Georgetown University long Washington, D.C.

Bible agree hao planti taem, wei for sei sorre from heart hem barava help for stretem wei wea wanfala samting hem spoelem wei for fren. Olsem example, long tokpiksa bilong Jesus abaotem olabaot son, taem disfala son hem kam bak and hem sei sorre from heart bilong hem, dadi bilong hem willing tumas for acceptim hem for kam bak insaed famili. (Luke 15:17-24) Tru nao, man mas no letem praodfala fasin for stopem wei for sei sorre and for lukaotem forgiveness. Hem tru, for wanfala man wea hambol, wei for sei sorre bae hem no hard tumas.

Paoa Bilong Wei for Sei Sorre

Abigail, wanfala wisefala woman long Israel bifor, showimaot example hao wei for sei sorre hem garem paoa, nomata hem sei sorre for samting wea hasband bilong hem nao duim. Bifor David hem kamap king bilong Israel hem stap long wilderness witim olketa man bilong hem, and olketa protectim olketa sheep bilong Nabal, hasband bilong Abigail. Bat, taem olketa young man bilong David ask for bred and wata, Nabal les for givim and hem tokspoelem olketa. From hem feel kros, David tekem 400 man bilong hem for go and faetem Nabal and olketa wea stap witim hem. Taem hem herem samting wea happen, Abigail go for meetim David. Taem hem lukim hem, hem baodaon front long hem. Then hem sei: “Long miseleva nao rong hem stap, O lord bilong mi, and plis letem slave girl bilong iu tok for iu herem, and lisin long toktok bilong slave girl bilong iu.” Then Abigail explainim samting wea happen and givim David kaikai and drink olsem present. Then, David sei: “Garem peace taem iu go long haos bilong iu. Lukim, mi lisin long voice bilong iu and mi tingim iu.”—1 Samuel 25:2-35.

Hambol fasin bilong Abigail and toktok bilong hem for sei sorre for nogud fasin bilong hasband bilong hem sevem laef bilong famili bilong hem. David tu hem sei thankiu long hem from hem stopem hem for no kamap guilty long blood. Nomata Abigail no spoelem David and olketa man bilong hem, hem acceptim blame for famili bilong hem and hem go mekem peace witim David.

Wanfala nara example bilong samwan wea savve sei sorre hem nao aposol Paul. Wantaem, hem mas defendim hemseleva long Sanhedrin, hae kot bilong olketa Jew. From hem kros tumas long honest toktok bilong Paul, hae priest Ananias orderim olketa wea standap saed long Paul for slapem mouth bilong hem. From datwan, Paul sei long hem: “God hem bae killim iu, iu wall wea olketa paintim white. Waswe, long semtaem wea iu sidaon for judgem mi followim Law, iu sin againstim Law long wei wea iu komandim olketa for hitim mi?” Taem olketa wea lukluk kam accusim Paul long wei for tok againstim hae priest, aposol hia hem kwiktaem agree hao hem rong, hem sei: “Olketa brata, mi no savve hem hae priest. From olketa raetem finis, ‘Iu mas no tok againstim wanfala ruler bilong pipol bilong iu.’”—Acts 23:1-5.

Samting wea Paul hem talem, hao man wea kasem appointment olsem judge hem shud no iusim raf fasin, hem stretfala samting. Bat nomata olsem, hem sei sorre from hem no savve hem tok long wanfala hae priest long wei wea samfala tingim olsem hem no showaot respect. * Wei wea Paul hem sei sorre hem openem wei for Sanhedrin lisin long samting wea hem laek talem. From Paul savve long raoa wea stap midolwan olketa member bilong kot, hem talemaot hao olketa tekem hem long kot from wei wea hem biliv long resurrection. From datwan, wei for divaed hem kamap and olketa Pharisee saed witim Paul.—Acts 23:6-10.

Wanem nao iu savve lanem from tufala Bible example hia? Long tufala taem hia, honest wei for sei sorre hem mekem wei kamap for story hem go ahed. So toktok for sei sorre savve helpem iumi for kasem peace. Tru nao, wei for agree hao iumi mistek and for sei sorre savve mekem gudfala wei for story kamap.

‘Bat Mi No Duim Eni Rong Samting’

Taem iumi faendaot hao samwan hem feel nogud long samting wea iumi talem or duim, iumi maet feel hao datfala man hem no followim stretfala tingting or hem man wea isi for feel nogud. Bat, Jesus Christ talem olketa disaepol bilong hem: “Sapos iu tekem present bilong iu long altar, and taem iu long there iu remember hao brata bilong iu hem garem samting againstim iu, leavim present bilong iu front long altar, and go; mek-peace witim brata bilong iu firstaem, then taem iu kam bak, offerim present bilong iu.”—Matthew 5:23, 24.

Olsem example, wanfala brata maet feel iu sin againstim hem. Long taem olsem, Jesus sei iu mas go and “mek-peace witim brata bilong iu,” nomata sapos iu feel iu rong or nomoa. Long Greek raeting, word wea Jesus iusim long hia hem ‘minim for tufala evriwan acceptim blame bihaen wei wea tufala enemy.’ (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words) Tru nao, taem tufala man no agree tugeta, maet blame hem stap long tufala saed evriwan, from tufala evriwan no perfect and savve mekem mistek. Diswan hem needim wei for tufala evriwan acceptim blame.

Main point hem no hu nao stret and hu nao rong, bat hem hu nao bae duim samting for mekem peace. Taem aposol Paul lukim hao olketa Christian long Corinth tekem olketa nara Christian long kot from olketa no agree long samfala samting, olsem saed long selen, hem stretem olketa: “Why nao iufala no letem narawan duim rong samting long iufala? Why nao iufala no letem narawan ravem iufala?” (1 Corinthians 6:7) Nomata Paul talem disfala kaonsel for mekem olketa Christian for no tekem raoa bilong olketa go long kot, principle hem barava klia: For garem peace midolwan olketa brata hem moa important winim wei for pruvim hu nao stret and hu nao rong. Wei for tingim olowe disfala principle hem mekem hem moa isi for sei sorre for wanfala rong wea samwan hem tingse iumi duim long hem.

Needim Wei for Honest

Bat, samfala pipol ova tumas for iusim olketa toktok for sei sorre. Example nao, long Japan, disfala word sumimasen, wea planti taem olketa iusim taem olketa sei sorre, pipol talem planti thousand taem. Olketa iusim nomata taem olketa sei thankiu, long wei wea minim man hia feel lelebet shame from bae hem no fit for changem bak gud samting wea hem kasem. From olketa savve iusim datfala word for planti samting, samfala maet ting pipol iusim long wei wea ova tumas and mekem olketa daotem sapos man really tok tru taem hem sei sorre. Long samfala nara kantri tu hem maet luk olsem olketa ova tumas for iusim olketa difren kaen wei for sei sorre.

Nomata long eni languis, hem important for garem honest fasin taem man hem sei sorre. Wei wea man talem and saond long voice bilong hem shud showimaot hao man hem barava sorre tru. Jesus Christ teachim olketa disaepol bilong hem long Sermon Long Maunten: “Just letem Yes bilong iufala minim Yes, No, minim No; from samting wea ovarem diswan hem kam from wicked wan.” (Matthew 5:37) Sapos iu sei sorre, hem mas barava tru wan! For givim example: Wanfala man wea standap insaed wanfala laen for go chek-in long airport hem sei sorre taem basket bilong hem bangam woman wea standap front long hem. Tu-thri minute bihaen, taem evriwan insaed laen muv, basket bilong hem bangam moa woman hia. Long kaenfala wei man hia sei sorre moa. Taem sem samting hem happen narataem moa, wanfala man wea travel witim datfala woman talem man hia hao sapos hem really tok tru, hem shud mek sure basket hia no bangam datfala woman moa. Tru nao, sapos man hem tok tru taem hem sei sorre hem mas showimaot diswan taem hem trae hard for no duim moa datfala mistek.

Sapos iumi barava honest, taem iumi sei sorre iumi bae agree hao iumi rong, iumi lukaotem forgiveness, and trae hard for duim samting for stretem datfala problem. And then, datwan wea feel nogud mas redy for forgivim man wea sei sorre for rong bilong hem. (Matthew 18:21, 22; Mark 11:25; Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13) From tufala evriwan no perfect, wei for mek-peace hem no evritaem isi. Nomata olsem, olketa toktok for sei sorre hem barava help for mekem peace kamap.

Taem Wei for Sei Sorre Hem No Fitim

Nomata toktok wea showimaot iu feel sorre hem savve givim comfort and mekem peace kamap, wanfala wisefala man bae stap klia long wei for iusim olketa toktok olsem long taem wea no fitim. For example, sapos wei for stap faithful long God nao kosim datfala problem. Taem Jesus Christ stap long earth, “hem mekem hemseleva hambol and obey go kasem dae, yes, dae long wanfala torture stake.” (Philippians 2:8) Nomata olsem, hem no sei sorre for samting wea hem bilivim mekem olketa katem daon wei wea hem safa. And Jesus hem no sei sorre long hae priest taem hem strong for ask: “Front long living God mi talem iu for tok tru long mifala sapos iu nao Christ datfala Son bilong God!” Winim wei for shame and sei sorre, Jesus no fraet for ansa: “Iuseleva nao talem datwan. Bat mi talem iufala man, Start from distaem, iufala bae lukim Son bilong man hem sidaon long raet saed bilong paoa and kam witim olketa cloud bilong heven.” (Matthew 26:63, 64) Jesus barava nating ting for keepim peace witim hae priest sapos datwan minim hem mas brekem faithful fasin bilong hem long Dadi bilong hem, Jehovah God.

Olketa Christian showimaot respect and honor long pipol wea garem paoa. Bat, olketa no need for sei sorre long olketa for wei wea olketa obeyim God and for wei wea olketa lovem olketa brata bilong olketa.—Matthew 28:19, 20; Romans 13:5-7.

No Eni Samting Blokem Peace

Distaem, iumi mekem mistek bikos iumi kasem wei for no perfect and sin from laen dadi bilong iumi Adam. (Romans 5:12; 1 John 1:10) Sin bilong Adam hem kamap from hem bighed againstim Creator. Bat long firstaem, Adam and Eve tufala perfect and no garem sin, and God hem promis finis for mekem olketa man kasem bak datfala perfect living. Hem bae aotem sin and evri samting wea kamaot from datwan.—1 Corinthians 15:56, 57.

Tingim samting diswan minim! Taem hem givim kaonsel abaotem wei for iusim tongue, James, haf brata bilong Jesus sei: “Sapos eniwan hem no foldaon long toktok, hem wanfala perfect man, wea fit for bossim tu full body bilong hem.” (James 3:2) Wanfala perfect man savve kontrolem tongue bilong hem, so datwan minim hem bae no need for sei sorre from hem no iusim long rongfala wei. Hem bae ‘fit for bossim full body bilong hem.’ Hem bae nambawan tumas taem iumi kamap perfect! Then, bae no eni samting stopem wei for garem peace midolwan olketa man wanwan. Bat, go kasem datfala taem, wei for sei sorre long honest wei and long taem wea fitim for wanfala rong wea iumi duim bae barava help for mekem peace kamap.


^ par. 8 Maet wei wea Paul no savve lukluk gud nao mekem hem no luksavve long datfala hae priest.

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Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong Paul?

[Piksa long page 7]

Taem evriwan perfect, no eni samting savve blokem peace