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Olketa wea Saportim Tru Worship Bifor and Distaem

Olketa wea Saportim Tru Worship Bifor and Distaem

Olketa wea Saportim Tru Worship Bifor and Distaem

WASWE, iu rememberim nem bilong man wea krae taem hem lukim datfala taon bilong Jerusalem bifor? Maet iu sei ‘Jesus’—and, tru tumas, Jesus duim olsem. (Luke 19:28, 41) Bat, planti handred year bifor Jesus laef long earth, nara faithful servant bilong God krae for Jerusalem tu. Nem bilong hem Nehemiah.—Nehemiah 1:3, 4.

Wanem nao mekem Nehemiah barava sorre gogo hem krae for Jerusalem? Wanem nao hem duim for helpem datfala taon and olketa wea stap long hem? And wanem samting nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong hem? For ansa, bae iumi reviewim samfala samting wea happen long taem bilong hem.

Wanfala Man wea Garem Strongfala Feeling and wea Strong for Duim Samting

Nehemiah kasem appointment olsem governor bilong Jerusalem, bat bifor datwan, hem wanfala bigman long kot bilong Persia long taon bilong Shushan. Nomata olsem, gudfala living bilong hem no daonem wei wea hem wari abaotem living bilong olketa Jew brata bilong hem wea stap farawe long Jerusalem. Tru nao, first samting hem duim taem wanfala sekson bilong olketa Jew from Jerusalem visit kam hem for “askem olketa abaotem

olketa Jew, olketa wea ranawe, olketa wea stap yet bihaen olketa stap olsem prisoner, and tu, abaotem Jerusalem.” (Nehemiah 1:2) Taem olketa visitor talem hao olketa pipol bilong Jerusalem “insaed barava nogud living” and hao olketa enemy “brekem daon” wall bilong datfala taon, Nehemiah “sidaon and start for krae and feel sorre for samfala day.” Bihaen datwan, hem talemaot olketa sorre feeling bilong hem long Jehovah insaed wanfala prea wea kam from heart bilong hem. (Nehemiah 1:3-11) Why nao Nehemiah barava sorre olsem? Bikos Jerusalem hem barava ples for worshipim Jehovah long earth, and olketa pipol no ting strong long diswan. (1 Kings 11:36) And tu, wei wea olketa building and wall bilong taon brek daon hem showimaot hao olketa pipol stap nogud long spiritual wei.—Nehemiah 1:6, 7.

Wei wea Nehemiah wari abaotem Jerusalem and garem feeling for olketa Jew wea stap long there muvim hem for want for servem olketa. Stretawe bihaen king bilong Persia letem hem for lusim waka bilong hem for lelebet taem and go, Nehemiah start for planim longfala gogo bilong hem for kasem Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 2:5, 6) Hem laek for givim strong, taem, and savve bilong hem for saportim datfala waka for repairim Jerusalem. Tu-thri day bihaen hem arrive, hem mekem finis wanfala plan for repairim full wall bilong Jerusalem.—Nehemiah 2:11-18.

Nehemiah divaedem barava bigfala waka hia for repairim wall midolwan long planti famili, wea waka tugeta long diswan. * Winim 40 difren grup kasem assignment for repairim wanfala “sekson olketa measurem.” Wanem nao kamaot from diswan? From staka wakman—parents witim olketa pikinini tu—givim taem and strong bilong olketa, olketa fit for duim disfala waka wea luk olsem hem hard tumas for duim. (Nehemiah 3:11, 12, 19, 20) Insaed tufala month wea staka samting hem happen, olketa finis for wakem full wall! Nehemiah talem hao diswan forcem olketa wea againstim datfala waka for luksavve hao “God bilong mifala nao helpem mifala for duim disfala waka.”—Nehemiah 6:15, 16.

Wanfala Example for Rememberim

Nehemiah givim moa samting winim taem and savve bilong hem for organizem samting. Hem iusim material samting bilong hemseleva tu for saportim tru worship. Hem iusim selen bilong hemseleva for baem bak olketa Jew brata bilong hem from wei for slave. Hem givim selen long olketa and no askem interest. Hem nating “putim hevi” long olketa Jew long wei for askem selen olsem governor, samting wea hem fit for kasem. Bat haos bilong hem evritaem open for feedim “wan handred and fifti man, and olketa wea kam long mifala from olketa nation wea stap raonem mifala.” Each day hem provaedem “wanfala buluka, sixfala best sheep and bird” for olketa guest bilong hem. And tu, wantaem evri tenfala day hem offerim “staka long evri difren kaen wine”—evriting hia hem nao baem.—Nehemiah 5:8, 10, 14-18.

Nehemiah showim barava nambawan example bilong kaenfala fasin for evri servant bilong God long datfala taem and distaem! Disfala servant bilong God wea no fraet willing for iusim material samting bilong hem for saportim olketa wakman for mekem tru worship muv ahed. Hem fitim for hem askem Jehovah: “Plis rememberim . . . O God bilong mi, for gud samting mi duim, evri samting mi duim for helpem pipol hia.” (Nehemiah 5:19) Iumi sure Jehovah bae barava duim datwan.—Hebrews 6:10.

Planti Followim Example Bilong Nehemiah Distaem

Hem gud tumas for lukim pipol bilong Jehovah distaem showim semkaen feeling, willing wei, and wei for sakrifaesim seleva for saportim trufala worship. Taem iumi herem hao olketa brata bilong iumi safa long olketa hard taem, iumi barava tingim olketa. (Romans 12:15) Olsem Nehemiah, iumi saportim olketa brata bilong iumi wea garem sem faith taem iumi prea long Jehovah and ask: “Plis, letem ear bilong iu lisin long prea bilong servant bilong iu and long prea bilong olketa servant bilong iu wea barava hapi for fraet long nem bilong iu.”—Nehemiah 1:11; Colossians 4:2.

Bat, wei wea iumi wari for spiritual and physical living bilong olketa Christian brata bilong iumi and laekem trufala worship for muv ahed hem no just affectim feeling bilong iumi nomoa. Hem muvim iumi for duim samting tu. Love muvim samfala wea savve duim, for lusim gud living long hom bilong olketa and, olsem Nehemiah, muv go long nara ples for helpem olketa wea garem need. Olketa nating letem hard living olsem for stopem wei wea olketa saportim trufala worship long there, and serve tugeta witim olketa Christian brata bilong olketa. Olketa fit for kasem praise for spirit wea olketa showimaot for sakrifaesim seleva.

Duim Share Bilong Iumi Long Hom

Tru nao, klosap iumi evriwan no savve muv go long nara ples and stap long there. Iumi saportim trufala worship long hom bilong iumi. Diswan hem showaot long buk bilong Nehemiah tu. Lukim wanem Nehemiah hem talem abaotem samfala faithful famili wea share long datfala repair waka. Hem raet: “Jedaiah son bilong Harumaph . . . duim repair waka long front bilong haos bilong hem . . . Benjamin and Hasshub duim repair waka long front bilong haos bilong olketa seleva. Bihaen long olketa Azariah son bilong Maaseiah son bilong Ananiah duim repair waka klosap long haos bilong hemseleva.” (Nehemiah 3:10, 23, 28-30) Olketa man hia and olketa famili bilong olketa barava help for mekem trufala worship muv ahed taem olketa duim share bilong olketa long datfala repair waka klosap long haos bilong olketa.

Distaem, planti long iumi saportim trufala worship long community bilong iumi long olketa difren wei. Iumi share long olketa Kingdom Hall construction project, disaster relief and, samting wea barava important, disfala Kingdom preaching waka. Nara samting, nomata iumiseleva savve share long construction or relief waka or nomoa, iumi evriwan barava want for saportim trufala worship witim material samting bilong iumi, olsem Nehemiah kaen tumas for duim long taem bilong hem.—Lukim box “Olketa Samting Insaed Wei for Willing for Give.”

Maet samfala taem, hem luk olsem hem hard tumas for faendem inaf selen for duim printing waka bilong iumi wea go ahed for grow, provaedem relief, and duim planti nara samting wea go ahed raonem world. Nomata olsem, no forgetim hao hem luk olsem datfala waka for repairim bigfala wall bilong Jerusalem hard tumas for duim tu. (Nehemiah 4:10) Bat, bikos olketa divaedem datfala waka midolwan olketa famili wea willing, datfala waka hem win. Olsem tu distaem, sapos iumi evriwan go ahed for duim part bilong iumi, bae iumi fit for duim disfala big waka bilong iumi raonem full world.

Datfala box “Olketa Wei wea Samfala Chus for Give” showim samfala wei wea iumi savve saportim Kingdom waka saed long selen. Insaed year wea just go pas, planti from midolwan long pipol bilong God givim kaen saport olsem, and Governing Body bilong Olketa Jehovah’s Witness laek for talem bigfala thankiu long evriwan wea heart muvim olketa for share long disfala willing wei for give. Main important samting, iumi thankiu long Jehovah for bigfala wei wea hem blessim waka bilong pipol bilong hem wea duim best bilong olketa for saportim tru worship long full world. Tru nao, taem iumi tingim hao hand bilong Jehovah leadim iumi for planti year, diswan muvim iumi for talem sem toktok bilong thankiu wea Nehemiah talem: ‘Hand bilong God bilong mi, hem barava gud taem hem stap long mi.’—Nehemiah 2:18.


^ par. 8 Nehemiah 3:5 talem hao samfala “bigman” bilong olketa Jew no willing for help long datfala waka, bat evri narawan willing nomoa. Pipol from evri difren kaen living—olketa priest, man for waka witim gold, man for mixim ointment, olketa prince, man for sellim and baem samting—saportim datfala project.—Verse 1, 8, 9, 32.

[Box/Olketa Piksa long page 28, 29]

Olketa Wei wea Samfala Chus for Give Contribution FOR WAKA RAONEM WORLD

Planti markem haomas olketa bae putim insaed contribution box wea garem toktok “Contribution for Waka Raonem World—Matthew 24:14.”

Each month olketa kongregeson sendem selen hia long world headquarters bilong Olketa Jehovah’s Witness or long branch office wea klosap long olketa. Iu savve sendem donation stret go long Treasurer’s office, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483, or long branch office long kantri bilong iu. Man savve donatem tu jewelry or olketa nara samting wea garem hae price. Man mas raetem wanfala shortfala leta wea talem hao diswan hem wanfala present and sendem witim contribution hia.


Man savve donatem selen followim wanfala spesol arrangement wea hem savve tekem bak selen bilong hem bihaen sapos hem garem need. For moa information, plis raet long Treasurer’s Office long address antap.


Witim olketa present olsem selen and conditional donation bilong selen, samfala wei moa hem stap for givim samting for helpem Kingdom service evriwea long world. Samfala wei hem olsem:

Insurance: Man savve putim nem bilong Watch Tower Society olsem wan wea bae kasem laef insurance policy or retirement/pension plan.

Bank Account: Man savve putim bank account, certificate bilong deposit, or retirement account bilong hem long trust for or for peim taem man hem dae long Watch Tower Society, fitim arrangement bilong bank long area bilong hem.

Stocks and Bonds: Man savve givim stocks and bonds long Watch Tower Society olsem present.

Real Estate: Man savve donatem real estate go long Watch Tower Society long wei for givim olsem present or for keepim olsem laef estate long man wea givim, wea savve go ahed for stap insaed taem hem laef yet. Story witim branch office long kantri bilong iu bifor iu disaed for givim eni real estate.

Gift Annuity: Wanfala gift annuity hem wanfala arrangement wea man hem givim selen or securities long Watch Tower Society. Then man wea givim datwan or samwan wea hem markem, kasem wanfala annuity payment evri year for full laef bilong hem. Datfala man bae kasem wanfala income-tax deduction long year wea datfala gift annuity hem start.

Wills and Trusts: Man savve leavim property or selen long nem bilong Watch Tower Society thru long wanfala legal will, or hem savve putim nem bilong Watch Tower Society olsem datwan wea bae kasem wanfala trust agreement. Wanfala trust for helpem wanfala organization long saed bilong religion savve garem gudfala samting long saed bilong tax.

Olsem disfala toktok “charitable planning” hem showimaot, diskaen wei for give hem minim man wea give mas planim. For helpem olketa man wanwan wea want for helpem waka bilong Olketa Jehovah’s Witness evriwea long world witim wei bilong charitable planning, wanfala brochure hem stap long English and Spanish languis wea garem title Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide. Olketa raetem disfala brochure for ansarem planti kwestin abaotem olketa present, will, and trust. Hem garem tu gudfala information saed long estate, selen, and tax planning. Hem talem olketa difren wei wea man savve givim wanfala present distaem or bihaen hem dae. Iu savve ask for kasem wanfala copy bilong disfala brochure stret from Charitable Planning Office.

Bihaen olketa readim disfala brochure and story tugeta witim Charitable Planning Office, planti fit for saportim Olketa Jehovah’s Witness evriwea long world and long semtaem, no need for peim bigfala tax taem olketa duim datwan. Man shud letem Charitable Planning Office for savve and kasem wanfala copy bilong eni document wea fitim eniwan long olketa arrangement hia. Sapos iu interest long eniwan long olketa charitable planning arrangement hia, iu shud contactim Charitable Planning Office, long wei for raet or telephone, long address long daon or long office bilong Olketa Jehovah’s Witness long kantri bilong iu.

Charitable Planning Office

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

100 Watchtower Drive

Patterson, New York 12563-​9204

Telephone: (845) 306-​0707

[Box long page 30]

Olketa Samting Insaed Wei for Willing for Give

Long leta wea hem raetem long olketa long Corinth, aposol Paul talem thrifala important samting saed long wei for give. (1) Taem hem raet abaotem wanfala kolekson for selen, Paul givim disfala instruction: “Long first day bilong evri week, letem iufala wanwan long haos bilong hem markem samfala selen.” (1 Corinthians 16:2a) So, wei for give hem samting iumi need for planim firstaem, and iumi need for duim evritaem. (2) Paul sei tu hao each wan shud givim samting “wea fitim living bilong hem.” (1 Corinthians 16:2b) So, man wea want for givim samting savve duim long wei wea fitim wanem hem garem. Nomata wanfala Christian kasem smol selen, and dastawe hem givim smol contribution nomoa, Jehovah tinghae long datwan. (Luke 21:1-4) (3) Paul sei moa: “Letem each wan duim wanem hem disaedem long heart bilong hem, no long wei wea no willing or from samwan forcem hem, from God lovem man wea hapi for give.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) Olketa trufala Christian give from heart—and hapi for duim.

[Olketa Piksa long page 26]

Nehemiah hem man wea garem feeling and wea strong for duim samting

[Olketa Piksa long page 30]

Olketa contribution saportim printing waka, relief waka, Kingdom Hall construction, and olketa nara waka wea helpem pipol raonem world