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Olketa Mirakol Bilong Jesus Tru Wan Or Laea Wan?

Olketa Mirakol Bilong Jesus Tru Wan Or Laea Wan?

Olketa Mirakol Bilong Jesus Tru Wan Or Laea Wan?

“PIPOL tekem go long hem [Jesus Christ] staka man wea garem demon; and hem raosem aot olketa spirit taem hem tok long olketa, and hem healim evriwan wea sik.” (Matthew 8:16) “Hem [Jesus] getap and tok strong long wind and sei olsem long sea: ‘Inaf nao! Stap kwaet!’ And wind hem stop, and sea hem barava stap kwaet.” (Mark 4:39) Wanem nao tingting bilong iu abaotem toktok hia? Waswe, iu bilivim hao hem story abaotem tru samting wea happen long history, or waswe, hem tokpiksa or kastom story nomoa?

Staka pipol no barava sure sapos olketa mirakol bilong Jesus hem tru. From distaem olketa samting saed long science, olsem telescope, microscope, wei for lanem niu samting abaotem skae and genetic engineering, hem kamap normal samting, pipol no laek bilivim olketa mirakol and samting wea God duim.

Samfala ting olketa story abaotem olketa mirakol hem samting wea man tingim nomoa or hem tokpiksa. Man wea raetem buk wea sei hem faendemaot “real” Jesus, hem sei olketa story abaotem olketa mirakol bilong Christ hem “for advertise” for spreadim Christian Wei.

Nara pipol ting olketa mirakol bilong Jesus no tru. Samfala taem pipol sei Jesus man for trik. Olsem Justin Martyr bilong mek-tu century C.E. sei, samfala wea laek faendem eni samting wea no stret abaotem Jesus, “kolem hem tu magic man and man for trikim pipol.” Samfala sei tu hao Jesus “no duim olketa mirakol from hem wanfala Jew profet, bat from hem wanfala magic man, wea kasem training insaed olketa heathen temple.”

Mining Bilong “Hard Tumas”

Kaen wei for daot olsem maet mekem iu ting hao masbi wanfala important reason stap why pipol hol bak for bilivim olketa mirakol. Long olketa, hem hard, maet hard tumas, for acceptim hao samting wea man no savve lukim nao mekem olketa mirakol kamap. Wanfala young wan wea no sure sapos God stap sei: “Olketa mirakol barava hard for happen.” Bihaen, hem talem toktok bilong savveman from Scotland long mek-18 century, David Hume, wea raet olsem: “Mirakol hem samting wea no followim law bilong nature.”

Bat, staka bae no kwiktaem for sei mirakol hem hard tumas for happen. The World Book Encyclopedia sei mirakol hem “wanfala samting wea man no savve explainim thru long wanem pipol savve abaotem olketa law bilong nature.” For fitim datfala mining, pipol wea stap wan handred year bifor nomoa bae sei wei for travel long skae, story thru long wire, and satellite navigation hem “olketa mirakol.” Hem no wise for iumi sei hem hard tumas for mirakol happen just bikos iumi no savve explainim long wei wea fitim savve wea iumi garem distaem.

Sapos iumi lukluk gud long samfala pruv from Bible abaotem olketa mirakol bilong Jesus Christ, wanem nao iumi bae faendem? Waswe, olketa mirakol bilong Jesus tru wan or laea wan?