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Olketa Mirakol Bilong Jesus—Wanem Nao Iu Savve Lanem?

Olketa Mirakol Bilong Jesus—Wanem Nao Iu Savve Lanem?

Olketa Mirakol Bilong Jesus​—Wanem Nao Iu Savve Lanem?

MAET iu sapraes for savve hao olketa story long Bible abaotem laef bilong Jesus taem hem stap long earth no iusim datfala Greek word for “mirakol.” Datfala Greek word (dyʹna·mis) wea samfala taem olketa transleitim “mirakol,” hem really minim “paoa.” (Luke 8:46) Hem savve minim tu “savve for duim” or “olketa waka wea showimaot paoa.” (Matthew 11:20; 25:15) Wanfala savveman sei, disfala Greek word “mekhae long big waka wea olketa duim finis, and especially, paoa wea bihaenem datfala big waka. Olketa storyim disfala samting olsem wanem paoa bilong God duim.”

Narafala Greek word (teʹras) olketa staka taem transleitim olsem “saen” or “olketa samting wea mekem man sapraes.” (John 4:48; Acts 2:19) Disfala toktok mekhae long hao pipol feel taem olketa lukim mirakol. Staka taem, pipol and olketa disaepol sapraes long olketa waka wea showimaot paoa bilong Jesus.—Mark 2:12; 4:41; 6:51; Luke 9:43.

Mek-thri Greek word (se·meiʹon) wea story abaotem olketa mirakol bilong Jesus minim “saen wea pruvim God nao givim paoa.” Wanfala savveman Robert Deffinbaugh sei diswan “point go long deepfala mining bilong mirakol.” Hem sei moa: “Wanfala saen hem wanfala mirakol wea mekem pipol savve long tru samting abaotem Lord Jesus.”

Trik or Paoa wea Kam From God?

Bible no sei olketa mirakol bilong Jesus hem olketa trik for mekem pipol hapi. Hem showimaot klia “nambawan paoa bilong God,” olsem taem Jesus raosem demon from wanfala boy. (Luke 9:37-43) Waswe, olketa waka wea showimaot paoa olsem bae hard for Olmaeti God—Wan wea garem “staka paoa”? (Isaiah 40:26) Barava nomoa nao!

Olketa Gospel story abaotem samting olsem 35 mirakol bilong Jesus. Bat iumi no savve long full namba bilong olketa mirakol bilong hem. Olsem example, Matthew 14:14 sei: “Hem [Jesus] lukim pipol; and hem feel sorre long olketa, and hem healim olketa wea sik.” Iumi no savve haomas sik pipol nao hem healim long datfala taem.

Kaen waka wea showimaot paoa olsem hem important part long wei wea Jesus sei hem Son bilong God, Messiah wea God promisim from bifor kam. Bible showimaot klia hao paoa wea God givim long Jesus nao mekem hem fit for duim olketa mirakol. Aposol Peter story abaotem Jesus olsem “wanfala man wea God showimaot long pablik long iufala thru long olketa waka wea showimaot paoa and profesi and saen wea God duim thru long hem midolwan long iufala, wea iufala seleva savve.” (Acts 2:22) Long narataem, Peter talemaot hao “God anointim hem [Jesus] witim holy spirit and paoa, and hem go insaed long land and duim olketa gudfala samting and healim olketa wea Devil hem spoelem; bikos God hem stap witim hem.”—Acts 10:37, 38.

Olketa mirakol bilong Jesus join gud witim message bilong hem. Mark 1:21-27 talemaot feeling bilong pipol abaotem teaching bilong Jesus and abaotem wanfala mirakol wea hem duim. Mark 1:22 sei pipol “sapraes tumas long wei bilong hem for teach,” and verse 27 talemaot hao pipol “sapraes fogud” taem hem raosem wanfala demon. Olketa waka wea showimaot paoa and message bilong Jesus pruvim hao hem nao Messiah wea God promisim.

Jesus no just sei hem nao Messiah; toktok wea hem talem, wanem hem duim, paoa wea God givim hem wea showaot long olketa mirakol bilong hem pruvim hao hem nao Messiah. Taem olketa askem kwestin abaotem waka and paoa wea hem garem, Jesus no fraet for tok aot and sei: “Mi garem witness wea winim datwan bilong John, [Baptaesa], from olketa waka wea Father bilong mi markem mi for duim, olketa waka hia nao mi duim, wea witness abaotem mi hao Father nao sendem mi.”—John 5:36.

Pruv wea Showimaot Olketa Mirakol Tru

Why nao iumi savve sure olketa mirakol bilong Jesus tru? Tingim samfala pruv wea showimaot hem tru.

Taem hem duim olketa waka wea showimaot paoa, Jesus nating mekhae long hemseleva. Hem mek sure God nao kasem praise and glory for evri mirakol. Olsem example, bifor hem mekem man wea blind lukluk moa, Jesus mekhae long wei wea diswan bae happen “for mekem olketa waka bilong God mas showaot klia.”—John 9:1-3; 11:1-4.

Jesus hem no olsem olketa man for trik, magic man, and pipol wea prea for healim man. Hem no iusim wei for kontrolem mind bilong pipol, trikim olketa, mekem big show, duim magic, or kastom samting saed long feeling. Hem no iusim kastom or olketa samting wea pipol sei hem holy. Lukim hambol wei wea Jesus mekem tufala blind man lukluk moa. Datfala story sei from hem “barava feel sorre, Jesus tasim eye bilong tufala, and semtaem nomoa tufala savve lukluk, and tufala followim hem.” (Matthew 20:29-34) No eni kastom, ceremony, or wei for show-off insaed diswan. Jesus duim olketa mirakol front long pipol, planti taem staka pipol nao lukim. Hem no iusim olketa samting wea pipol for healim man iusim distaem. Long wei wea difren, olketa mirakol bilong distaem no garem eni pruv.—Mark 5:24-29; Luke 7:11-15.

Jesus samfala taem talem hao pipol wea hem healim garem faith. Bat nomata sapos man no garem faith diswan no stopem Jesus for duim mirakol. Taem hem stap long Capernaum long Galilee, “pipol tekem go long hem staka man wea garem demon; and hem raosem aot olketa spirit taem hem tok long olketa, and hem healim evriwan wea sik.”—Matthew 8:16.

Jesus duim olketa mirakol for helpem physical need bilong pipol, hem no for pipol wea laekem tumas for lukim mirakol. (Mark 10:46-52; Luke 23:8) And Jesus no enitaem duim olketa mirakol for mekem hemseleva kasem gud samting.—Matthew 4:2-4; 10:8.

Story From Olketa Gospel Stret Evribit?

Iumi savve long olketa tru samting abaotem olketa mirakol bilong Jesus thru long olketa story from fofala Gospel. Waswe, eni reason stap for trustim olketa story hia taem iumi ting raonem olketa pruv bilong olketa mirakol bilong Jesus? Ia, olketa reason stap.

Olsem iumi storyim finis, Jesus duim olketa mirakol front long pipol, staka man nao lukim. Olketa raetem olketa first Gospel long taem wea pipol wea lukim olketa mirakol hia still laef. Saed long honest fasin bilong olketa wea raetem olketa Gospel, datfala buk The Miracles and the Resurrection sei: “For sei olketa wea raetem gospel haedem tru samting long history long wei for storyim olketa mirakol for apim nomoa samting saed long lotu, hem no followim justice . . . Olketa trae for recordim nomoa olketa tru samting.”

Olketa Jew wea againstim Christian Wei no daotem olketa waka wea showimaot paoa wea olketa Gospel storyim. Olketa challengem nomoa wea nao paoa for duim olketa mirakol hia kam from. (Mark 3:22-26) Nomata pipol wea bihaen tok againstim hem, olketa no savve win for sei olketa mirakol bilong Jesus no tru. Long narasaed, long first and mek-tu century C.E., olketa samting stap wea story abaotem olketa mirakol wea Jesus duim. Hem klia hao iumi garem strongfala faondeson for sei olketa story abaotem olketa mirakol bilong Jesus tru evribit.

Man wea Duim Olketa Mirakol

Hem no inaf for lukluk nomoa long olketa pruv wea showimaot olketa mirakol bilong Jesus hem tru. Taem olketa Gospel storyim olketa waka wea showimaot paoa bilong Jesus, olketa showimaot man wea garem deep feeling and fasin for kea long pipol, and wea barava interest long laef bilong olketa man.

Tingim story bilong leprosy man wea go long Jesus and barava ask strong: “Sapos iu wantem, iu savve mekem mi klin.” Jesus “barava feel sorre,” and hem tasim hem and sei: “Mi wantem. Kamap klin.” Semtaem nomoa man hia heal nao. (Mark 1:40-42) Long disfala wei, Jesus showimaot fasin for tingim feeling bilong nara pipol wea muvim hem for iusim paoa wea God givim hem for duim olketa mirakol.

Wanem nao Jesus duim taem hem meetim pipol wea kamaot from taon bilong Nain wea tekem go wanfala man wea dae? Datfala young man wea dae hem only son bilong wanfala widow woman. From “feeling for sorre muvim hem” for datfala woman, Jesus go long hem and sei: “Iu no krae.” Then hem mekem son bilong hem laef bak.—Luke 7:11-15.

Wanfala leson wea iumi savve lanem from olketa mirakol bilong Jesus wea comfortim iumi hem wei wea “feeling for sorre muvim hem” and hem duim samting for helpem pipol. Bat olketa mirakol hia no history nomoa. Hebrews 13:8 sei: “Jesus Christ hem semsem yesterday and tuday, and for olowe.” Distaem hem rul olsem King long heven wea redy and fit for iusim paoa wea God givim hem for duim olketa mirakol long wei wea moa big winim taem hem wanfala man and duim olketa mirakol long earth. Klosap nao, Jesus bae iusim paoa bilong hem for healim olketa man wea obey. Olketa Jehovah’s Witness bae hapi for helpem iu for lanem staka samting moa abaotem disfala nambawan hope for future.

[Olketa Piksa long page 4, 5]

Olketa mirakol bilong Jesus showimaot “nambawan paoa bilong God”

[Piksa long page 7]

Jesus man wea garem deep feeling