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Kastom Biliv 6: God Acceptim Wei for Iusim Image and Piksa Long Worship

Kastom Biliv 6: God Acceptim Wei for Iusim Image and Piksa Long Worship

Hao nao kastom biliv hem start?

Olketa firstfala Christian no iusim image long worship bilong olketa . . . Wei for iusim olketa image long church long mek-foa and mek-faev century hem kamap bikos olketa tingse pipol wea no skul gud savve lanem tru samting abaotem Christian church from olketa image hia winim wei for herem olketa sermon or readim buk.”​—⁠ Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, by McClintock and Strong, Volume 4, page 503 and 504.

Wanem nao Bible talem?

“Iu mas no wakem for iuseleva wanfala image bilong eni samting long skae antap or long earth andanit or long wata andanit long earth. Iu mas no baodaon long olketa or worshipim olketa.” (Exodus 20:​4, 5) Aposol John talem olketa Christian long first century olsem: “Iufala olketa smol pikinini, stap klia from olketa idol.”​—⁠1 John 5:​21.

Olketa church sei olketa iusim image for story witim and for showimaot honor long datwan wea image stand for hem. Waswe, datwan hem tru? The Encyclopedia of Religion talem hao “long firstaem, olketa iusim image for teach and for mekem ples luk naes nomoa. Olketa talem diswan olsem reason why nao olketa iusim image. Bat gogo olketa image kamap samting for worshipim. Diswan hem tru taem olketa piksa kamap barava important samting long Eastern Orthodox church.” Nomata olsem, profet Isaiah hem sei: “Hu nao hem olsem God? Waswe, iu savve wakem eni image for luk olsem God?”​—⁠Isaiah 40:⁠18.

Lukim olketa scripture hia: Isaiah 44:​13-​19; Acts 10:​25, 26; 17:29; 2 Corinthians 5:7


God no acceptim wei for iusim olketa image and piksa


Wanem nao iumi lanem from samting wea iumi storyim finis abaotem olketa kastom biliv wea olketa gohed for teachim long staka church? Olketa “kleva kastom biliv [Greek, myʹthos] wea no tru,” olketa no fitim olketa simpol and tru samting wea Bible teachim.​—⁠2 Peter 1:​16.

Dastawe, hem barava important for markem samting wea iu lanem finis witim tru samting wea Bible hem teachim. (John 17:17) Then, bae iu lukim disfala promis bae kamap tru: “Iufala bae savve long samting wea tru, and datwan bae mekem iufala free.”​—⁠John 8:​32.