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Subject Index for The Watchtower 2009

Subject Index for The Watchtower 2009

Subject Index for The Watchtower 2009

Indicating date of issue in which article appears


Alive Even in Dead Language, 4/1

Changes Lives, 2/1, 7/1, 8/1, 11/1

Do You Need to Learn Hebrew and Greek? 11/1

Highlights From Revelation​—I, 1/15

Highlights From Revelation​—II, 2/15

How You Can Understand, 7/1

Loved, 6/1

Practical, 6/1

Reaches Big Red Island (Madagascar), 12/15

Recovering a Treasure (Codex Ephraemi Syri rescriptus), 9/1

Survival, 11/1

Vatican Codex, 10/1

Why Part Written in Greek, 4/1

Word Pictures, 5/1


Accept Gratefully, Give Wholeheartedly, 7/15

Allow God to Speak Every Day, 8/1

Avoid Distractions, 8/15

Busy and Joyful in God’s Service, 12/15

Cheerful Giving From the Heart, 11/15

Cooperation Promotes Spiritual Progress, 7/15

Delegating, 6/15

Did You Once Serve? 8/15

Disciplining Children, 2/1

Family Life, 11/1

Fasting, 4/1

Funerals, 2/15

Head Covering When Interpreting Into Sign Language? 11/15

How Endure in the Ministry? 3/15

How Much Should I Donate? 8/1

Husbands, Imitate Christ’s Love, 5/15

Insist on Personal Preferences? 2/15

Ittai, 5/15

Joy in Singleness, 6/15

Managing Money, 8/1

Mary, 1/1

Not Forget Jehovah, 3/15

Prayers That God Hears, 2/1

Prayers That Go Unanswered, 1/1

Preparing Teens for Adulthood, 5/1

Religion​—My Choice or My Parents’? 9/15

“Surpassing Way” of Love, 7/15

“Time for Silence,” 5/15

When Offended, 9/1

When Spouse Has Special Needs, 11/1

Where to Be When End Comes, 5/15


Adversities Punishment From? 6/1

Approve Polygamy? 7/1

Cares, 6/1

Change His Mind? 6/1

Considerate, 6/1

Describes Himself, 5/1

Fasting Draw You Closer? 4/1

Father of Fatherless Boys, 4/1

Fear God Not Man, 3/1

Gives Us a Choice, 11/1

Greatest Proof of Love, 2/1

Holy, 7/1

‘I Know Pains They Suffer’ (Ex 3:1-10), 3/1

Jesus? 2/1, 4/1

Jesus One With, 9/1

Judge Firm for Right, 9/1

Judge Who Always Does What Is Right, 1/1

Not Forget Jehovah, 3/15

Only God Can Save the Earth, 1/1

Promise Wealth? 9/1

Take Children to Become Angels? 3/1

Values Meekness, 8/1

Vatican Eliminates Use of Name, 4/1

Wants Us to Succeed, 12/1

What Does Jehovah Ask of Us? 10/1

Who Is God? 2/1

Will End All Suffering! 12/1


Brooklyn Bethel​—100 Years, 5/1

Can You Step Over Into Macedonia? 12/15

Central America’s Largest Lake, 9/1

Cherish Deaf Brothers and Sisters, 11/15

Diligent Search (Ireland), 3/1

Discovering Hidden Treasures (Estonia), 8/15

Gilead Graduations, 2/15, 9/1

Good News in 500 Languages, 11/1

Happy, Hopeful Despite Poverty, 9/1

‘Jehovah Has Made His Face Shine Toward Them’ (deaf), 8/15

Journey to ‘Edge of Earth’ (Sakha Republic), 6/1

“Keep on the Watch!” Conventions, 3/1

Little Girl With Big Heart, 11/15

Myanmar Cyclone, 3/1

Protestant Religion? 11/1

Remarkable Printery (Watchtower Farms, U.S.A.), 7/1

Seeds Reach Remote Regions (Tuva Republic, Russia), 7/15

Serve Where Need Is Greater, 4/15, 12/15

Special Public Discourse, 4/1

Trip Into Past (Amish in U.S.A.), 12/1

Why Images Not Used, 2/1

You Are Warmly Invited (meetings), 2/1


Census That Led to Birth in Bethlehem, 12/1

God? 2/1, 4/1

One With Father, 9/1

Pharisees Resembled “Whitewashed Graves,” 11/1

Resists Temptation, 5/1

Teachings About Family Life, 11/1

Teachings About Mankind’s Future, 8/1

Teachings About Prayers That God Hears, 2/1

Teachings About “the End,” 5/1

Three Wise Men Really Visit Baby Jesus? 12/1

Why Addressed Jehovah as “Abba, Father,” 4/1

Why Inner Garment So Desirable, 7/1

Why Joseph Contemplated Divorce, 12/1

Why Wash Feet of Apostles? 1/1


“Angel of Jehovah Is Camping All Around” (C. Connell), 3/15

Grateful Despite Tragedies (E. Acosta), 6/1

I Found Meaning in Life (G. Martínez), 9/15

Joy Despite Disabilities (P. Gaspar), 5/1

Man Does Not Live on Bread Alone (J. Hisiger), 3/1

Ninety Years Ago I Began (E. Ridgwell), 7/15

“This Is the Way. Walk in It” (E. Pederson by R. Pappas), 1/15

Three Conventions Shaped My Life (G. Warienchuck), 10/15

What Can I Repay to Jehovah? (R. Danner), 6/15


Adam, Eve Real People? 9/1

All Religions Lead to God? 6/1

“Amen,” 6/1

Apostolic Fathers, 7/1

Are We Predestined? 4/1

Ark of the Covenant, 9/1

Astrology Among Israelites, 3/1

A Time for Everything, 3/1

Baal Worship and Sex Orgies, 11/1

Beekeepers in Ancient Israel? 7/1

Books “of Jashar,” ‘of Wars of Jehovah,’ 3/15

Born Again, 4/1

“Captain of the Temple,” 10/1

Choosing Good Religion, 8/1

Corinth, 3/1

Devil Real? 10/1

Faith in God’s Promises (Abraham), 7/1

Family Worship, 10/15

Fate, 3/1

Fear the Dead? 1/1

Fishing on Sea of Galilee, 10/1

Fought Fear and Doubt (Peter), 10/1

“Herod the King,” 12/1

Hezekiah’s Tunnel, 5/1

Holy Spirit​—Why the Confusion? 10/1

How Far East Could Missionaries Go? 1/1

How Paradise Was Lost, 11/1

Jehoash, 4/1

Jeremiah, 12/1

Jerusalem Surrounded by Pointed Stakes? 5/1

Jews “Acted in Ignorance” (Ac 3:17), 6/15

Josiah, 2/1

King David and Music, 12/1

Learned From His Mistakes (Jonah), 1/1

Learned Lesson in Mercy (Jonah), 4/1

Leprosy in the Bible, 2/1

Lesson of Proverbs 24:27, 10/​15

Locusts a Common Food? (Mt 3:4), 10/1

Lunar New Year (Asia), 12/1

Meaning of Anointing, 8/1

Men Called James, 9/1

Miracle at Pentecost, 9/1

Miraculous Healing, 5/1

Noah’s Ark Found? 7/1

Paul’s Nephew, 6/1

Peace in Troubled World, 7/1

Pilate Have Reason to Fear Caesar? 1/1

Possible to Build Faith in a Creator? 10/1

Protection Against Wicked Spirits, 5/1

Rahab, 8/1

Rain, 1/1

Resurrection for Baby That Dies in Womb? 4/15

Resurrection of Lazarus, 3/1

“Rooted and Established on the Foundation,” 10/15

School Massacre, 12/1

Scribes Who Opposed Jesus, 8/1

Set Aside Time for Bible Study, 10/15

She Acted With Discretion (Abigail), 7/1

Shem, 10/1

Six Myths About Christianity, 11/1

“Sons of Zeus” (Ac 28:11), 3/1

Stronger Faith, 5/1

Tree “Which Does Not Wither,” 3/1

Urim and Thummim, 6/1

War Compatible With Christianity? 10/1

“What Are We to Eat?” 8/1

What Is in a Name? 2/1

When Satan Cast out of Heaven? 5/15

Why Paul’s Preaching in Ephesus Caused Uproar, 2/1

Young Man’s Courage (David), 1/1


Angels​—“Spirits for Public Service,” 5/15

Appreciating Jesus​—The Greater David and the Greater Solomon, 4/15

Appreciating the Greater Moses, 4/15

Are You a ‘Steward of God’s Undeserved Kindness’? 1/15

“Be Aglow With the Spirit,” 10/15

Be Obedient and Courageous as Christ Was, 9/15

“Be Peaceable With All Men,” 10/15

“Be Vigilant,” 3/15

Be “Zealous for Fine Works”! 6/15

Be Zealous for Jehovah’s House! 6/15

Christian Families​—Follow Jesus’ Example! 7/15

Christ’s Love Moves Us to Love, 9/15

“Come Be My Follower,” 1/15

Cultivate Love That Never Fails, 12/15

Displaying Good Manners as Ministers of God, 11/15

Do Jesus’ Sayings Influence Your Prayers? 2/15

Do You Value What Jehovah Has Done to Deliver You? 9/15

Enrich Your Prayers Through Bible Study, 11/15

Everlasting Life on Earth​—A Christian Hope? 8/15

Everlasting Life on Earth​—A God-Given Hope, 8/15

Everlasting Life on Earth​—A Hope Rediscovered, 8/15

Excelling Value of Divine Education, 9/15

Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body, 6/15

Finding Treasures “Carefully Concealed in Him,” 7/15

Find Joy in the Disciple-Making Work, 1/15

How Jesus’ Sayings Promote Happiness, 2/15

Imitate Jesus​—Preach With Boldness, 7/15

Imitate Jesus​—Teach With Love, 7/15

Jehovah Deserves Our United Praise, 3/15

Jehovah’s Servant​—“Pierced for Our Transgression,” 1/15

Jehovah’s Wisdom Observed in Creation, 4/15

Job Held High the Name of Jehovah, 4/15

Keep Christ’s Mental Attitude in You, 9/15

Keep Growing in Brotherly Love, 11/15

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize, 3/15

“Keep Yourselves in God’s Love,” 8/15

Let Jesus’ Sayings Affect Your Attitude, 2/15

Look! Jehovah’s Approved Servant, 1/15

Maintaining Friendships in a Loveless World, 10/15

Maintain Joy in Times of Trouble, 12/15

Make Your Advancement Manifest, 12/15

Press On to Maturity​—“The Great Day of Jehovah Is Near,” 5/15

Righteous Ones Will Praise God Forever, 3/15

Speak Truth With Your Neighbor, 6/15

The Messiah! God’s Means of Salvation, 12/15

They “Keep Following the Lamb,” 2/15

Treasure Your Place in the Congregation, 11/15

What Do Your Prayers Say About You? 11/15

Why Follow “the Christ”? 5/15

“You Are My Friends,” 10/15

Your Integrity Makes Jehovah’s Heart Rejoice, 4/15

Youths​—Make Your Advancement Manifest, 5/15