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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

• In what sense can God make you rich?

In the past, Jehovah blessed some, such as Abraham and Solomon, with material riches. But the riches that Christians need most and that God can help one find include faith, peace, contentment, and happiness.​—9/1, pages 3-7.

• What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ saving Peter as he was sinking in the sea? (Matt. 14:28-31)

If we note a brother’s apparent lack of faith, we can figuratively stretch out our hand and help him to gain more faith.​—9/15, page 8.

• What did our deliverance cost Jehovah?

Jehovah endured his Son’s being tormented and ridiculed. And, as foreshadowed by Abraham’s willingness to offer up his son, Jehovah endured his Son’s being executed as a criminal.​—9/15, pages 28-29.

• Why is the Vatican Codex a treasure?

It is a Greek manuscript dating from less than 300 years after the Bible was completed. It contains an almost complete text of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. It is one tool that scholars use in determining what appeared in the original text of the Bible.​—10/1, pages 18-20.

Proverbs 24:27 conveys what lesson about ‘building up a household’?

A man who wants to marry should prepare for that responsibility. This includes getting ready to provide materially for a family and to be the spiritual head of a household.​—10/15, page 12.

• Why is it improper to speak of Jehovah’s Witnesses as a Protestant religion?

Protestantism arose in 16th-century Europe in an effort to reform the Roman Catholic Church. “Protestantism” applies to those adhering to the goals of the Reformation. Jehovah’s Witnesses deny the universal authority of the pope and wholeheartedly support the primacy of the Bible, yet they reject many unscriptural teachings and practices common in Protestant religions.​—11/1, page 19.

• Does one need to learn Hebrew and Greek to understand the Bible?

No. Having knowledge of those languages does not in itself make a person more likely to understand the Bible’s message. One who has studied those languages is still dependent on dictionaries and grammar books. The fact that God inspired the preserving of the words of his greatest Servant only in translation shows that a person can use and learn the truth from Bible translations in current languages.​—11/1, pages 20-23.

• How did Jehovah and Jesus set examples for us in good manners?

Despite Jehovah’s high position, he treats humans with kindness and respect. He addressed Abraham and Moses using a Hebrew term often translated “please.” (Gen. 13:14; Ex. 4:6) God also listens to humans. (Gen. 18:23-32) Jesus did too, and he was ready and willing to help those around him, often even using their names.​—11/15, page 25.

• Why do true Christians avoid celebrating Lunar New Year?

Lunar New Year is an important festival on Asian calendars. The celebration often involves trying to ensure good luck and to show respect for the spirits. Christians honor and respect their parents, but they do not join in banquets focused on bonding with deceased ancestors for protection or on seeking the favor of household gods.​—12/1, pages 20-23.