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Wanfala Drink Moa

Wanfala Drink Moa

Wanfala Drink Moa

TAEM Allen hem 11 year, hem start for drink nao. * Allen and olketa fren bilong hem actim samting wea olketa lukim long movie taem olketa plei long bush. Olketa actim olketa man long movie wea hem mekap story nomoa, bat drink wea Allen and olketa fren bilong hem drinkim hem really wan.

Tony hem drinkim wanfala or tufala drink evri evening. Bat taem hem 40 year, hem isisi start for tekem faevfala or sixfala. Gogo, hem no savve kaontem haomas drink nao hem tekem evriday.

Allen lukaotem help for problem wea hem garem saed long wei for drink. Famili and olketa fren bilong Tony trae for givim kaenfala help bat hem no acceptim. Allen stap laef yet distaem, bat tu-thri year go finis Tony dae long wanfala accident bihaen hem drunk.

Nomata samwan hem drink seleva, datwan bae affectim and spoelem olketa narawan sapos hem ova tumas. Wei for ova tumas for drink savve mekem man raf and toktok olobaot, faet and killim man dae, accident long trak and garekil long ples man waka, and tu, staka nara problem saed long health. Wei for ova tumas for drink hem weistim staka billion dollar evri year. Diswan affectim tu feeling and laef bilong man wanwan, olketa famili, and olketa pikinini.

Nomata olsem, U.S. National Institutes of Health hem sei: “No evriwan wea drink evritaem savve drunk and no evriwan wea garem problem saed long drink savve drink evriday.” Staka wea no ova tumas for drink firstaem, maet no luksavve olketa start for drink tumas. Olketa narawan drink samfala taem nomoa bat savve drinkim winim faevfala drink wantaem.

Sapos iu disaed for drink, haomas nao hem ova tumas? Hao nao bae iu savve sapos wanfala drink moa hem tumas? Next tufala story long disfala magasin bae explainim information wea bae helpem iumi for ansarem olketa kwestin hia.


^ par. 2 Mifala changem samfala nem.