Jehovah’s Way of Ruling Vindicated!

Jehovah’s Way of Ruling Vindicated!

Jehovah’s Way of Ruling Vindicated!

“The Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind.”​—DAN. 4:17.

1, 2. What are some reasons why human rule has failed?

HUMAN rule has failed! Of that there is no doubt. A major reason for that failure is that humans lack the wisdom to rule successfully. The failure of man’s rule is especially evident today when so many rulers have shown themselves to be ‘lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, disloyal, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, and puffed up with pride.’​—2 Tim. 3:2-4.

2 Long ago, our first parents rejected God’s way of ruling. In doing so, they may have thought that they were choosing independence. In reality, though, they were submitting to Satan’s way of ruling. Six millenniums of human mismanagement​—powerfully influenced by “the ruler of this world,” Satan—​have brought us to the current low point in human history. (John 12:31) Commenting on the state of mankind today, The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century states that it is useless “looking for a perfect world.” It explains: “Not only can it not be found, but the attempt to create it leads to disaster, totalitarianism, and war at its worst.” What a frank admission that human rule is a failure!

3. What can we say about the way God would have ruled if Adam and Eve had not sinned?

3 How tragic, then, that our first parents rejected the only kind of rule that does work​—rule by God! Of course, we do not know precisely how Jehovah would have structured his way of governing the earth if Adam and Eve had remained faithful to him. However, we can be certain that divine rulership accepted by all mankind would have been marked by love and impartiality. (Acts 10:34; 1 John 4:8) In view of God’s matchless wisdom, we can also be sure that if mankind had remained under Jehovah’s rule, all the mistakes made by proponents of human rule would have been avoided. God-rule, theocracy, would have been successful in “satisfying the desire of every living thing.” (Ps. 145:16) In short, it would have been a perfect rulership. (Deut. 32:4) How tragic that humans rejected it!

4. To what extent has Satan been permitted to govern?

4 Still, it is good to remember that even though Jehovah permitted humans to exercise self-rule, he at no time relinquished his right to rule over his creatures. Even the powerful king of Babylon was forced to realize that ultimately “the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind.” (Dan. 4:17) In the long run, God’s Kingdom will cause his will to be done. (Matt. 6:10) True, in the short term, Jehovah has allowed Satan to act as “the god of this system of things” in order to provide a convincing answer to the issues that were raised by that opposer. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 5:19) Nevertheless, Satan has never been able to go beyond what Jehovah permits. (2 Chron. 20:6; compare Job 1:11, 12; 2:3-6.) And there have always been some individuals who chose to subject themselves to God, even though they were living in a world ruled by God’s great Adversary.

God’s Rulership Over Israel

5. What commitment did Israel make to God?

5 From the time of Abel up to the time of the patriarchs, a number of faithful individuals worshipped Jehovah and obeyed his commands. (Heb. 11:4-22) In Moses’ day, Jehovah entered into a covenant with the offspring of the patriarch Jacob, and these became the nation of Israel. In 1513 B.C.E., the Israelites committed themselves and their descendants to accept Jehovah as Ruler, saying: “All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do.”​—Ex. 19:8.

6, 7. How was God’s rule of Israel characterized?

6 Jehovah had a purpose in choosing the Israelites to be his people. (Read Deuteronomy 7:7, 8.) This choice involved more than just the welfare of the Israelites. God’s name and sovereignty were also involved, and they were of greater significance. Israel was to serve as a witness to the fact that Jehovah is the only true God. (Isa. 43:10; 44:6-8) Hence, Jehovah said to that nation: “You are a holy people to Jehovah your God, and Jehovah has chosen you to become his people, a special property, out of all the peoples who are on the surface of the ground.”​—Deut. 14:2.

7 God’s way of governing the Israelites took into account that they were imperfect. At the same time, his laws were perfect and reflected the qualities of their Giver. Jehovah’s commandments given through Moses clearly highlighted God’s holiness, his love of justice, his willingness to forgive, and his patience. Later, in the day of Joshua and his generation, the nation obeyed Jehovah’s commandments and enjoyed peace and spiritual blessings. (Josh. 24:21, 22, 31) That period of Israel’s history demonstrated the success of Jehovah’s way of ruling.

Human Rulership Comes at a Price

8, 9. What unwise request did Israel make, and with what results?

8 Over time, though, the Israelites frequently turned away from God’s rule and suffered the loss of his protection. Eventually, through the prophet Samuel, Israel demanded a visible, human king. Jehovah told Samuel to grant their request. However, Jehovah added: “It is not you whom they have rejected, but it is I whom they have rejected from being king over them.” (1 Sam. 8:7) Although Jehovah permitted Israel to have a visible king, he warned them that rule by a human king would come at a price.​—Read 1 Samuel 8:9-18.

9 History demonstrated the truth of Jehovah’s warning. Being ruled by a human king led to serious problems for Israel, especially when that king proved unfaithful. With that example of Israel in mind, it is not surprising that throughout the ages, government in the hands of humans who do not know Jehovah has failed to bring permanent good results. True, some politicians invoke God’s blessing on their efforts to achieve peace and security, but how can God bless those who do not submit to his way of ruling?​—Ps. 2:10-12.

A New Nation Under God’s Rule

10. Why was Israel replaced as God’s chosen nation?

10 The nation of Israel proved unwilling to serve Jehovah faithfully. Eventually, they rejected God’s appointed Messiah, and Jehovah rejected them and purposed to replace them with a group of people who formed a new nation. As a consequence, the year 33 C.E. saw the birth of the Christian congregation of anointed worshippers of Jehovah. That congregation was, in effect, a new nation under Jehovah’s governing authority. Paul spoke of it as “the Israel of God.”​—Gal. 6:16.

11, 12. What similarities as to oversight are there between Israel and “the Israel of God”?

11 Between the original nation of Israel and the new “Israel of God” there are both differences and similarities. Unlike ancient Israel, the Christian congregation has no human king and it has no need for offering animal sacrifices in behalf of sinners. One similarity between the nation of Israel and the Christian congregation is the arrangement of older men, or elders. (Ex. 19:3-8) Such Christian elders do not rule over the flock. Rather, they shepherd the congregation and unstintingly take the lead in Christian activities. They deal lovingly with each individual in the congregation, according honor and dignity to all.​—2 Cor. 1:24; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3.

12 By meditating on God’s dealings with Israel, members of “the Israel of God” and their “other sheep” companions develop greater appreciation for Jehovah and his way of governing. (John 10:16) For example, history shows that the human rulers of Israel greatly influenced their subjects, either for good or for bad. That fact impresses upon those taking the lead among Christians that, although they are not rulers like those ancient kings, they must always set a good example of faith.​—Heb. 13:7.

How Jehovah Rules Today

13. What important milestone was reached in 1914?

13 Christians today proclaim to the world that human rule over mankind is nearing its end. In 1914, Jehovah established his Kingdom in the heavens under his appointed King, Jesus Christ. At that time, he granted Jesus authority to go forth “conquering and to complete his conquest.” (Rev. 6:2) The newly enthroned King was told: “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.” (Ps. 110:2) Sadly, the nations have consistently refused to submit to Jehovah’s rule. They have continued to act as if “there is no Jehovah.”​—Ps. 14:1.

14, 15. (a) How are we ruled by God’s Kingdom today, and in view of this, what questions should we ask ourselves? (b) How is the superiority of God’s rule seen even today?

14 A few anointed members of “the Israel of God” still remain, and as Jesus’ brothers, they continue to act as “ambassadors substituting for Christ.” (2 Cor. 5:20) They have been appointed as a faithful and discreet slave class to care for and provide spiritual food for anointed ones and a growing crowd of Christians, who now include millions having the hope of living on earth forever. (Matt. 24:45-47; Rev. 7:9-15) Jehovah’s blessing on that arrangement is evident in the spiritual prosperity enjoyed by true worshippers today.

15 Each of us would do well to ask himself: ‘Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting Jehovah’s way of governing? Am I proud to be a subject of Jehovah’s ruling Kingdom? Am I determined to continue telling others about God’s Kingdom to the extent that I reasonably can?’ As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the appointed elders in the congregations. In such ways, we demonstrate our acceptance of God’s way of ruling. (Read Hebrews 13:17.) Willing submission results in a worldwide unity that is unique in this divided world. It also produces peace and righteousness and brings glory to Jehovah, demonstrating that his way of ruling is by far the best.

Jehovah’s Rule Triumphant

16. What decision faces everyone today?

16 The time is fast approaching when the issues raised in Eden will be resolved. Hence, now is the time for people to make a decision. Each individual must decide whether he will accept Jehovah’s way of governing or he will cling to human rule. It is our privilege to help meek ones to make the right decision. Soon, at Armageddon, Jehovah’s way of governing will permanently replace human-based governments under Satan’s influence. (Dan. 2:44; Rev. 16:16) Human rule will end, and God’s Kingdom will hold sway over the entire earth. In the fullest sense of the word, Jehovah’s way of governing will stand vindicated.​—Read Revelation 21:3-5.

17. What facts help meek individuals to make a good decision regarding rulership?

17 Those who have not as yet made a definite decision in favor of Jehovah should prayerfully consider the benefits that God’s way of ruling will bring to mankind. Human rule has been unable to solve the problem of crime, including terrorism. God’s rule will remove all the wicked from the earthly scene. (Ps. 37:1, 2, 9) Man’s rule has led to incessant warfare, but God’s rule will make “wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.” (Ps. 46:9) Why, God’s rule will even restore peace between humans and animals! (Isa. 11:6-9) Poverty and hunger have been constant features under human rule, but God’s rule will eliminate them. (Isa. 65:21) Even human rulers having the best of intentions have been unable to remove sickness and death, but under God’s rule, the old and the sick will delight in a return to youthful vigor. (Job 33:25; Isa. 35:5, 6) Indeed, the earth will become a paradise in which there will even be a resurrection of the dead.​—Luke 23:43; Acts 24:15.

18. How can we demonstrate that we believe that God’s way of ruling is best?

18 Yes, God’s rule will undo all the harm that Satan caused when he influenced our first parents to turn away from their Creator. And consider, Satan has been causing harm for some 6,000 years, but God, through Christ, will undo all that harm within 1,000 years! What a crowning proof of the superiority of God’s way of governing! As Witnesses for our God, we accept him as our Ruler. Hence, let us demonstrate each day, indeed each hour, of our lives that we are worshippers of Jehovah, subjects of his Kingdom, and proud to be his Witnesses. And let us use every opportunity to tell whoever will listen that Jehovah’s way of ruling is the very best.

As Regards God’s Rulership, What Did We Learn From Reading . . .

Deuteronomy 7:7, 8?

1 Samuel 8:9-18?

Hebrews 13:17?

Revelation 21:3-5?

[Study Questions]

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Jehovah has always maintained his rulership

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Willing submission to Jehovah’s way of governing results in worldwide unity