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Rebekah Was Willing to Please Jehovah

Rebekah Was Willing to Please Jehovah

REBEKAH is a common name in many places today. Do you know anyone who has that name?— * Rebekah was an important person in the most famous book in the world, the Bible. What do you know about her?— We should want to learn about Rebekah because her example can help us to serve the true God, Jehovah.

Rebekah is the second woman named in the Bible who became a true worshipper of Jehovah. Do you know who the first such woman was?— It was Sarah, the wife of Abraham. In her old age, Sarah became the mother of Isaac​—her only child. Let’s now see how Rebekah was willing to do what pleased Jehovah and how she met Isaac.

Over 60 years have passed since God sent Abraham and Sarah out from Haran to the land of Canaan. When Abraham and Sarah are very old, God promises them a child who is to be named Isaac. As you can imagine, Isaac is dearly loved by his parents. When Sarah dies at the age of 127, her son, Isaac, is a grown man and very sad about losing his mother. Abraham does not want Isaac to marry a woman from Canaan because these people do not worship Jehovah. So he sends his servant, likely Eliezer, to choose a wife for Isaac from among Abraham’s relatives in Haran, more than 500 miles [800 km] away!​—Genesis 12:4, 5; 15:2; 17:17, 19; 23:1.

In time Eliezer, with ten camels carrying supplies and gifts for the bride, arrives at Haran with fellow servants of Abraham. They stop at the well because Eliezer knows that in the afternoon, people come to get water for their animals and families. Eliezer now prays that the one he should choose to be a wife for Isaac will reply to his request for a drink of water by saying: “Take a drink, and I shall also water your camels.”

This is exactly what happens! “Very attractive” young Rebekah arrives at the well. To Eliezer’s request for a drink, she says: “For your camels too I shall draw water.” As she is running “yet again and again to the well to draw water,” Eliezer gazes at her “in wonder.” Just think! To satisfy ten thirsty camels, Rebekah needs to bring them up to 250 gallons [1,000 L] of water!

Eliezer provides Rebekah with beautiful gifts, and he learns that she is the daughter of Bethuel, a relative of Abraham’s. Rebekah invites Eliezer and his friends to her family’s home “to spend the night.” Then she runs ahead to tell them of the visitors that Abraham has sent all the way from Canaan to see them.

When Rebekah’s brother Laban sees the expensive gifts that were given to his sister and learns who Eliezer is, he invites him in. But Eliezer says: “I shall not eat until I have spoken about my matters.” So he explains why Abraham has sent him. Bethuel, as well as his wife, and Laban are pleased and agree to the marriage.

After eating, Eliezer and those with him spend the night. The following morning, Eliezer says: “Send me off to my master.” But Rebekah’s mother and brother want them to stay for “at least ten days.” When Rebekah is asked if she will go without delay, she answers, “I am willing to go.” Right away she leaves with Eliezer. At journey’s end, she becomes Isaac’s wife.​—Genesis 24:1-58, 67.

Was it easy, do you think, for Rebekah to leave family and friends behind and go to a place far away, knowing she may never see them again?— No, it wasn’t. However, Rebekah was blessed for being willing to do what pleased Jehovah. She became one through whom our Savior, Jesus Christ, was born. We too will be blessed if we are willing​—like her—​to do what pleases Jehovah.​—Romans 9:7-10.

^ par. 3 If you are reading with a child, the dash provides a reminder to pause and encourage the child to express himself.