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Waswe, Hem Tru Pipol Long Taem Bifor Laef Longtaem?

Waswe, Hem Tru Pipol Long Taem Bifor Laef Longtaem?

Waswe, Hem Tru Pipol Long Taem Bifor Laef Longtaem?

JEANNE LOUISE CALMENT hem dae long homtaon bilong hem long southeast France long August 4, 1997. Hem kasem 122 year!

Samting wea helpem pipol distaem for laef longtaem hem olketa niu medicine, olketa niu samting wea science faendemaot, and olketa nara samting olsem. Bat no staka pipol stap go kasem 100 year or winim datwan. Dastawe nao long nius, olketa savve storyim pipol wea laef longtaem, olsem datfala story bilong Madame Calment.

Bible storyim hao long taem bifor, pipol savve laef longtaem, samfala taem klosap kasem 1,000 year. Waswe, hem tru and iumi fit for bilivim? Waswe, hem tru pipol long taem bifor laef longtaem olsem? And why nao iumi interest long datwan?

Pipol wea Stap Laef Longtaem

Bible buk Genesis storyim sevenfala man wea stap laef for winim 900 year, olketa evriwan born bifor Flood, wea datwan hem happen long taem bilong Noah. Olketa nao hem Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Jared, Methuselah, and Noah. (Genesis 5:​5-​27; 9:​29) Maet staka pipol no savve gud long olketa man hia, bat olketa evriwan insaed long first ten genereson long history bilong iumi olketa man. Pipol savve hao Mathuselah nao hem stap laef longtaem tumas. Hem kasem 969 year!

Bible storyim samting olsem nara 25-fala wea olketa tu stap laef longtaem winim iumi distaem. Samfala stap laef for 300, 400, or 700 year or winim go moa. (Genesis 5:​28-​31; 11:10-​25) Bat staka pipol hard for bilivim olketa story hia long Bible abaotem olketa hia wea laef longtaem. Waswe, olketa story hia hem tru?

Trufala Story or Nomoa?

Long wanfala document wea Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research long Germany pablisim, hem storyim pruv abaotem age bilong Madame Calment wea iumi storyim antap, from samfala toktok wea Madame Calment seleva talem. Samting hem talem hem abaotem hemseleva and olketa relative bilong long taem wea samfala samting hem happen. Samting wea hem talem, olketa comparem witim samfala document bilong gavman, record bilong church, samfala story long niuspepa, and population census. Hem tru, nomata hem hard for pruvim evri samting hia, bat wanem iumi savve from olketa pruv wea stap showimaot haomas year nao Madame Calment hem stap laef.

Waswe olketa story long Bible, iumi fit for trustim? Barava nao! Nomata research wea samfala man duim no pruvim evri samting wea Bible storyim, olketa pruv showimaot wanem Bible talem hem stret witim history, science, and taem wea olketa samting hem happen. * Iumi no sapraes long datwan, bikos Bible sei: “God evritaem talem tru samting, nomata sapos evriwan savve laea.” (Romans 3:4, Contemporary English Version) So, from Bible “hem kam from God,” samting wea hem talem hem barava tru.​—2 Timothy 3:​16.

Moses wea Jehovah God iusim for raetem Pentatuch, wea hem nao first faevfala buk long Bible, hem wanfala long olketa man long history wea pipol barava respectim. Olketa Jew tingim hem olsem nambawan man long evri teacher bilong olketa. Olketa Muslim tingim hem olsem wanfala long olketa main profet bilong olketa. Olketa Christian ting long Moses olsem man wea kam bifor long Jesus Christ and wea showimaot waka wea Jesus bae duim. Bae hem fitim for iumi trustim samting wea disfala important man long history hem raetem!

Waswe, Olketa Bifor Garem Sem Wei for Kaontem Taem?

Samfala tingse wei for kaontem day, month, and year long bifor hem difren from distaem. Olsem example, wanfala year hem minim wanfala month. Bat taem olketa lukluk gud long story long Genesis, hem showimaot tingting bilong pipol bifor saed long taem, hem semsem nomoa olsem distaem. Tingim tufala example. Long story abaotem Flood, iumi readim datfala Flood hem kam taem Noah hem 600 year, “long mek-tu month, long mek-seventin day bilong datfala month.” Then Bible sei, wata hem kavarem disfala earth for 150 day and “long mek-seven month, long mek-seventin day long datfala month, datfala ark hem sidaon long olketa maunten long Ararat.” (Genesis 7:​11, 24; 8:4) So datfala 150 day, hem faevfala month, wea start long mek-seventin day bilong mek-tu month go kasem mek-seventin day bilong mek-seven month bilong datfala year. So, no eni pruv stap for sapotim diskaen tingting wea sei wanfala year hem minim wanfala month.

Tingim mek-tu example. Long Genesis 5:​15-​18 hem sei, Mahalalel garem wanfala boy taem hem 65 year, and hem stap laef for 820 year, and hem dae taem hem kasem 895 year. Granson bilong hem Enoch tu garem wanfala boy taem hem kasem 65 year. (Genesis 5:​21) Sapos wanfala year hem minim wanfala month, then tufala hia garem pikinini taem tufala faev year nomoa! Waswe, datwan here stret?

Pipol wea studyim olketa samting long bifor (archaeology) talem tu samfala pruv, wea agree long wanem Bible talem abaotem olketa hia wea stap laef longtaem. Bible sei datfala olo man Abraham kam from taon wea olketa kolem Ur and bihaen hem go stap long datfala taon Haran. Then hem go stap long Canaan and hem win long faet againstim Chedorlaomer, wea hem king bilong Elam. (Genesis 11:31; 12:5; 14:13-​17) Archaeology pruvim hao olketa ples and olketa man hia really stap. Olketa helpem iumi tu for savve long ples and kastom bilong olketa pipol wea stap long taem bilong Abraham. From olketa story hia abaotem Abraham hem stret, iumi fit for bilivim age bilong hem 175 year.​—Genesis 25:7.

Dastawe, no eni reason for daotem olketa story long Bible abaotem wei wea samfala pipol long taem bifor stap laef longtaem tumas. Bat maet iu ask olsem, ‘Waswe, hem important for mi savve why nao pipol hia laef longtaem?’

Iu Savve Laef Longtaem Winim Wanem Iu Tingim!

Wei wea olketa man hia bifor long Flood stap laef longtaem, pruvim body bilong man savve stap for longfala taem. Olketa scientist iusim technology distaem for studyim gud hao body bilong man hem waka, and wei wea body savve fixim hemseleva. Wanem nao olketa faendem? Body savve stap for longtaem. Tom Kirwood, Professor bilong Medicine sei: “[Wei for kamap olo] hem samting wea medical science no minim.”

Bat Jehovah God hem savve why man hem kamap olo and hem savve tu hao for fixim. Hem creatim firstfala man Adam wea perfect, and hem garem plan for olketa man laef for olowe. Sorre tumas, Adam disaed for againstim God. From datwan, hem duim sin and no perfect nao. So diswan nao samting wea olketa scientist trae for faendem: “Sin hem kasem evriwan long world bikos long wanfala man nomoa. From olketa sin, olketa dae, dastawe evriwan dae bikos evriwan sin.” (Romans 5:​12) From iumi garem sin and no perfect, iumi savve sik, kamap olo, and dae.

Bat plan bilong Creator wea lovem iumi no savve change. Samting wea pruvim diswan hem showaot long sakrifaes bilong Son bilong hem Jesus Christ wea openem wei for iumi kamap perfect and kasem laef olowe. Bible sei: “Evriwan dae bikos long Adam, and tu, evriwan bae laef bak bikos long Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:22) Pipol wea stap laef bifor long Flood klosap long wei for kamap perfect winim iumi distaem, dastawe olketa stap laef for longtaem. Bat iumi distaem iumi stap klosap long taem wea promis bilong God bae kamap tru. Klosap nao evri nogud samting wea kamaot from sin and wei for no perfect bae nomoa nao, and pipol bae no kamap olo and dae.​—Isaiah 33:24; Titus 1:2.

Wanem nao iu savve duim for kasem olketa blessing? No tingse wanem God promisim hem wanfala dream nomoa. Jesus sei: “Eniwan wea herem toktok bilong mi and biliv long Dadi wea sendem mi kam, hem bae kasem laef olowe.” (John 5:​24) So gohed studyim Bible and duim samting followim wanem iu lanem. Sapos iu duim olsem, iu bae followim example bilong olketa wea aposol Paul storyim. Hem sei olketa“hipimap richfala samting for olketa seleva wea bae no lus, wea hem nao gudfala faondeson for future bilong olketa, mekem olketa savve hol strong long datfala tru laef.” (1 Timothy 6:​19) Samting wea iu savve sure long hem nao, God, wea mekem samfala long Bible for stap longtaem, savve mekem iu for laef olowe!


^ For savve moa, lukim buk The Bible​—God’s Word or Man’s? wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim.

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950 NOAH

930 ADAM