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Disaedem Samting wea Bae Mekem God Kasem Praise

Disaedem Samting wea Bae Mekem God Kasem Praise

Disaedem Samting wea Bae Mekem God Kasem Praise

“Man wea wise bae tingting gud bifor hem duim samting.”​—PROV. 14:15.

1, 2. (a) Taem iumi mekem olketa disison, wanem nao main samting wea iumi laekem? (b) Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi storyim?

 EVRIDAY iumi savve mekem olketa disison. Staka disison wea iumi mekem hem smol nomoa, bat samfala disison barava affectim laef bilong iumi. Nomata iumi disaedem olketa big samting or smol samting, main samting wea iumi laekem nao for disaedem samting wea bae mekem God kasem praise.​—Readim 1 Corinthians 10:⁠31.

2 Waswe, hem isi for iu mekem olketa disison or iu faendem hem hard? Sapos iumi laek for kamap mature Christian, iumi mas lane for luksavve long wanem hem stret and no stret and then disaedem samting followim wanem iumiseleva bilivim and no tingting bilong narawan. (Rom. 12:​1, 2; Heb. 5:​14) Wanem nao samfala nara reason why iumi need for lane for mekem olketa gud disison? Why nao samfala taem hem no isi for mekem olketa disison? Wanem nao iumi savve duim mekem samting wea iumi disaedem praisem God?

Why Nao Iumi Mas Mekem Olketa Disison?

3. Iumi shud no letem wanem samting nao for affectim disison bilong iumi?

3 Sapos iumi faendem hem no isi for disaedem samting followim standard long Bible, olketa skulfren and olketa wea iumi waka witim maet tingse iumi no barava bilivim wanem Bible talem and datwan savve mekem olketa nao for disaed for iumi. Maet olketa laea, steal, or raverave and laekem iumi tu for olsem olketa or for haedem wanem olketa duim. (Ex. 23:⁠2) Bat man wea savve hao for mekem olketa disison wea praisem God bae no letem wei for fraet or wei for laekem narawan acceptim hem for mekem hem duim eni samting wea bae spoelem konsens bilong hem.​—Rom. 13:⁠5.

4. Why nao maet olketa narawan laek mekem olketa disison for iumi?

4 Bat staka wea laek mekem disison for iumi, duim datwan from olketa laek for helpem iumi. Olketa gudfala fren maet laekem iumi for followim advaes bilong olketa. Sapos iumi no stap witim dadi and mami, maet olketa relative tingim iumi and laek for helpem iumi long olketa important samting wea iumi mas disaedem. Olsem example, maet olketa laek for disaedem samting saed long medical treatment for iumi. Bible talem olketa Christian for stap klia long blood. (Acts 15:​28, 29) Bat samfala nara samting saed long health, Bible no barava talem stret wanem for duim and iumi wanwan nao mas disaedem wanem kaen treatment for acceptim and no acceptim. * Maet olketa relative laekem iumi for followim wanem nao olketa tingim saed long diswan. Bat taem iumi disaedem samting saed long medical treatment, iumi wanwan wea dedicate and baptaes finis mas duim ‘waka bilong iumiseleva’ and no narawan nao bae disaed for iumi. (Gal. 6:​4, 5) Main samting wea iumi laekem nao hem for gohed garem gudfala konsens wea God hapi long hem and no for mekem olketa man nao hapi.​—1 Tim. 1:⁠5.

5. Wanem nao iumi savve duim mekem faith bilong iumi no olsem ship wea rek?

5 Taem man no strong for disaedem samting, datwan savve spoelem hem. Disaepol James sei man olsem “hem no stedy.” (Jas. 1:⁠8) Tingting bilong nara pipol bae affectim olketa disison bilong hem, olsem man wea insaed long boat wea no garem eni steer, wea strong wind and olketa wave pushim hem olobaot. Datwan bae spoelem faith bilong hem olsem ship wea rek and hem bae blamem narawan for nogud samting wea kasem hem! (1 Tim. 1:​19) Wanem nao iumi savve duim mekem datwan no kasem iumi? Faith wea iumi garem mas “strong.” (Readim Colossians 2:​6, 7.) For gohed strong, iumi mas lane for disaedem samting wea showimaot iumi garem faith long Bible. (2 Tim. 3:​14-​17) Bat wanem nao maet mekem iumi for no disaedem gud samting?

Why Hem No Isi for Disaedem Samting

6. Hao nao wei for fraet savve spoelem iumi?

6 Maet iumi fraet for mekem disison, nogud iumi disaedem samting wea no stret, kasem nogud samting, or mekem iumi for luk krangge. Hem tru, no eniwan laek for disaedem samting wea bae spoelem hem or mekem hem feel shame. Bat sapos iumi lovem God and tinghae long Bible, datwan savve helpem iumi for no fraet tumas. Hao nao olsem? Sapos iumi lovem God, bae iumi chekim firstaem wanem Bible and olketa buk bilong iumi talem bifor iumi disaedem eni important samting. Datwan bae helpem iumi for no duim staka mistek. Why nao olsem? Bikos Bible savve mekem “olketa wea no garem savve for wise and mekem young man garem savve and gudfala tingting.”​—Prov. 1:⁠4.

7. Wanem nao iumi lanem from example bilong King David?

7 Waswe, evritaem bae iumi disaedem stret samting? Nomoa. Iumi evriwan savve mistek. (Rom. 3:​23) Tingim King David. Hem wise and faithful long God. Nomata olsem, samfala taem hem disaedem samting wea mekem hem and olketa narawan safa. (2 Sam. 12:​9-​12) Bat David no letem datwan for stopem hem for mekem olketa disison wea God hapi long hem. (1 Ki. 15:​4, 5) Nomata iumi duim olketa mistek, iumi tu savve olsem David and mekem olketa gud disison sapos iumi tingim hao Jehovah savve forgivim olketa sin bilong iumi. Hem bae gohed for helpem olketa wea lovem and obeyim hem.​—Ps. 51:​1-4, 7-​10.

8. Wanem nao iumi lanem from samting wea Paul talem abaotem marit?

8 Wanem nao iumi savve duim mekem iumi no wari tumas taem iumi disaedem samting? Hem for luksavve staka difren samting wea iumi savve chusim hem stret nomoa. Tingim wanem aposol Paul talem abaotem marit. Hem sei: “Sapos hem hard for samwan stap singol and hem no young tumas, hem savve marit sapos datwan nao samting wea hem laekem. Datwan hem no rong. Bat sapos samwan hem hapi nomoa for stap singol bikos hem disaedem datwan finis long heart bilong hem and hem savve kontrolem hemseleva, bae hem kasem gud samting.” (1 Cor. 7:​36-​38) Nomata Paul sei wei for stap singol nao best samting, datwan no minim hem nomoa stret samting for duim.

9. Waswe, iumi shud warim wanem narawan tingim abaotem disison wea iumi mekem? Minim kam.

9 Waswe, iumi shud warim wanem narawan tingim abaotem disison wea iumi mekem? Hem gud for iumi tingim tingting bilong olketa. Tingim wanem Paul talem abaotem wei for kaikaim kaikai wea pipol maet sakrifaesim long olketa idol. Hem sei maet datfala disison hem no rong, bat hem savve spoelem konsens bilong narawan wea wik. Wanem nao Paul disaed for duim? Hem sei: “Sapos samting wea mi kaikaim hem mekem brata bilong mi for sin, bae mi no kaikaim eni meat nao mekem brata bilong mi no sin.” (1 Cor. 8:​4-​13) Iumi tu need for tingim hao samting wea iumi disaedem bae affectim konsens bilong narawan. Bat main samting for iumi tingim hem hao datwan bae affectim wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah. (Readim Romans 14:​1-4.) Olketa wanem Bible principle nao bae helpem iumi for disaedem samting wea bae mekem God kasem praise?

Sixfala Wei for Helpem Iumi Disaed Gud

10, 11. (a) Wanem nao savve helpem olketa long famili for no praod? (b) Wanem nao olketa elder shud tingim taem olketa disaedem samting wea affectim kongregeson?

10 No praod. Bifor iumi disaedem samting hem gud for tingim diswan, ‘Waswe, mi nao shud disaedem disfala samting?’ King Solomon sei: “Man wea praod bae hem kasem shame, bat man wea hambol nao hem wise.”​—Prov. 11:⁠2.

11 Maet dadi and mami letem pikinini disaedem samfala samting, bat pikinini shud no tingse hem savve disaedem evri samting. (Col. 3:​20) Olketa waef savve disaedem samfala samting bat olketa shud luksavve hasband hem hed bilong famili. (Prov. 1:8; 31:​10-​18; Eph. 5:​23) Hasband tu need for luksavve Christ hem hed bilong hem and hem mas stap anda long hem. (1 Cor. 11:⁠3) Olketa elder disaedem olketa samting wea affectim kongregeson. Bat olketa mek sure olketa “followim nomoa samting wea olketa raetem finis” long Bible. (1 Cor. 4:⁠6) Olketa traem best tu for followim wanem wakaman wea faithful and wise talem. (Matt. 24:​45-​47) Sapos iumi hambol and disaedem nomoa olketa samting wea iumi garem raet for disaedem, bae datwan no spoelem iumi and olketa narawan.

12. (a) Why nao iumi shud duim research? (b) Storyim hao nao man savve duim research.

12 Duim research. Solomon sei: “Man wea plan gud firstaem bae kasem staka samting, bat evriwan wea kwiktaem for disaedem samting bae no kasem wanem hem needim.” (Prov. 21:⁠5) Olsem example, hao sapos iu tingting for startim wanfala bisnis? No kwiktaem disaedem samting followim feeling bilong iu. Duim research abaotem datwan, askem tingting bilong olketa wea savve long kaen bisnis olsem, and tingim olketa Bible principle wea savve helpem iu. (Prov. 20:18) Raetem long pepa olketa gud samting wea iu bae kasem from datfala bisnis and olketa nogud samting. Bifor iu mekem disison, “ting raonem” evri samting hia. (Luke 14:28) Ting raonem hao datfala bisnis bae affectim selen bilong iu and wei wea iu fren witim Jehovah. Iu mas iusim taem and strong bilong iu for duim research. Bat sapos iu duim datwan, hem savve helpem iu for no kwiktaem disaedem samting wea bae mekem iu for wari and kasem olketa problem bihaen.

13. (a) Wanem promis nao James 1:5 storyim? (b) Hao nao wei for askem God for wisdom savve helpem iumi?

13 Askem God for wisdom. Iumi bae disaedem samting wea bae praisem God sapos iumi askem hem for helpem iumi disaedem datwan. Disaepol James sei: “Sapos eniwan long iufala hem needim wisdom, hem mas gohed askem God and bae hem kasem datwan, bikos God hem kaen tumas for givim samting long evriwan and bae hem no kros long man wea askem hem.” (Jas. 1:⁠5) Iumi shud no feel shame for talemaot iumi needim wisdom bilong God for helpem iumi mekem olketa disison. (Prov. 3:​5, 6) Sapos iumi followim nomoa tingting bilong iumiseleva, datwan savve mekem iumi disaedem samting wea no stret. Taem iumi askem God for wisdom and duim research long olketa Bible principle, holy spirit bae helpem iumi for luksavve long wanem nao mekem iumi for laek duim wanfala samting.​—Heb. 4:​12; readim James 1:​22-​25.

14. Why nao iumi shud no isisi nomoa for mekem disison?

14 Mekem disison. No kwiktaem for mekem disison, bat duim research and askem God for wisdom firstaem. Man wea wise bae “tingting gud bifor hem duim samting.” (Prov. 14:15) Bat hem nogud for isisi nomoa gogo iumi no disaedem samting. Man olsem maet mekem enikaen excuse for no disaedem samting. (Prov. 22:13) Wei for duim olsem showimaot hem letem olketa narawan nao kontrolem laef bilong hem.

15, 16. Wanem nao bae helpem iumi for duim wanem iumi disaedem?

15 Duim wanem iu disaedem. Taem and strong wea iumi iusim for mekem gud disison bae iusles nomoa sapos iumi no waka hard for duim wanem iumi disaedem. Solomon sei: “Iumi mas waka hard long evri samting wea iumi duim.” (Eccl. 9:​10) For kasem gud samting, iumi mas willing for iusim taem and strong bilong iumi for duim datfala samting wea iumi disaedem. Olsem example, tingim sapos wanfala pablisa long kongregeson disaed for pioneer. Waswe, bae hem fit for duim wanem hem disaedem? Hem bae duim datwan sapos hem no letem waka for selen and hapitaem spoelem taem and strong wea hem needim for gohed pioneer.

16 Nomata iumi mekem wanfala gud disison, plande taem hem no isi for duim wanem iumi disaedem. Why nao olsem? Bikos “full world hem stap long paoa bilong Satan.” (1 John 5:​19) Iumi insaed wanfala faet wea iumi faetem “olketa ruler bilong disfala world wea hem dark, wea hem nao bigfala sekson bilong olketa demon.” (Eph. 6:​12) Wanem aposol Paul and disaepol Jude talem showimaot olketa wea disaed for praisem God bae insaed wanfala faet.​—1 Tim. 6:​12; Jude 3.

17. Taem iumi disaedem samting, wanem nao Jehovah laekem iumi for duim?

17 Ting raonem wanem iu disaedem and changem samting sapos iu need for duim. No evri disison wea iumi mekem savve happen olsem iumi planim. Maet ‘seknomoa samting wea iumi no tingim savve kasem iumi evriwan.’ (Eccl. 9:​11) Nomata olsem, Jehovah laekem iumi for traem best for duim wanem iumi disaedem nomata iumi kasem olketa hard taem. Disison wea iumi mekem for dedicate long Jehovah or promis wea iumi talem taem iumi marit hem samting God laekem iumi for mas keepim. (Readim Psalm 15:​1, 2, 4.) Bat staka samting wea iumi disaedem hem smol samting nomoa. Man wea wise bae ting raonem olketa disison wea hem mekem. Hem bae no letem wei for bighed or praod stopem hem for changem samfala samting or for barava changem disison bilong hem. (Prov. 16:18) Main samting wea hem tingim nao hem for gohed duim samting wea praisem God.

Teachim Narawan for Mekem Disison wea Praisem God

18. Wanem nao dadi and mami savve duim for helpem pikinini mekem gud disison?

18 Dadi and mami savve duim staka samting for teachim pikinini for mekem disison wea praisem God. Gudfala example bilong olketa nao savve helpem hem for lane. (Luke 6:​40) Samfala taem dadi and mami savve explainim long pikinini wanem olketa seleva duim for disaedem samting. Maet olketa letem pikinini for disaedem samfala samting and praisem hem taem hem kasem gud samting from wanem hem disaedem. Bat waswe sapos pikinini disaedem samting wea mekem hem kasem nogud samting? Maet firstaem dadi and mami laek for protectim pikinini, bat maet wei for duim olsem no helpem pikinini for lane. Olsem example, maet dadi letem pikinini for garem pigpig bilong hemseleva sapos hem lukaftarem gud. Bat sapos pikinini no taengem gud datfala pigpig or putim insaed fence, maet pigpig hia spoelem garden bilong nara man and datfala man askem compensation. Maet dadi and mami nao peim compensation. Bat sapos pikinini waka hard for peim datwan, bae datwan helpem hem for lane from samting wea hem duim and for tinghae long responsibility wea hem garem.​—Rom. 13:⁠4.

19. Wanem nao iumi shud teachim Bible study bilong iumi for duim, and hao nao iumi savve duim datwan?

19 Jesus talem olketa wea followim hem for teachim narawan. (Matt. 28:20) Important samting wea iumi savve teachim Bible study for duim hem for mekem olketa gudfala disison. For duim datwan, iumi mas trae for no talem olketa wanem for duim. Hem gud for iumi teachim olketa for ting raonem olketa Bible principle wea bae helpem olketa for disaed seleva. Tru tumas, “iumi evriwan bae ansa long God for samting wea iumi duim and talem.” (Rom. 14:12) So iumi garem gudfala reason for disaedem samting wea bae mekem God kasem praise.


^ par. 4 For savve moa long disfala subject, lukim insert long Kingdom Ministry Bilong Iumi, long November 2006, page 3-6, “Wanem Nao Mi Need for Tingim Saed Long Olketa Blood Fraction and Medical Treatment or Operation wea Iusim Blood Bilong Mi?”

Wanem Nao Ansa Bilong Iu?

• Why nao iumi need for lane for mekem olketa disison?

• Wei for fraet savve mekem iumi duim wanem, and wanem nao iumi savve duim for no fraet?

• Wanem nao sixfala samting wea iumi savve duim mekem iumi disaedem samting wea bae praisem God?

[Olketa Kwestin]

[Piksa long page 16]

Hao for Disaedem Gud Samting

1 No Praod

2 Duim Research

3 Askem God for Wisdom

4 Mekem Disison

5 Duim Wanem Iu Disaedem

6 Ting Raonem and Changem

[Piksa long page 15]

Man wea no strong for disaedem samting hem olsem boat wea wind and olketa wave pushim olobaot