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5. Bussin Up Da Aina

5. Bussin Up Da Aina

5. Bussin Up Da Aina

‘God goin buss up da guys bussin up da eart.’​—REVELATION 11:18, NW.

● Mr. Pirri, who live Kpor, Nigeria, he work az one guy who colleck sap from da palm trees fo make wine. He no moa job cuz had one massive oil spill in da Niger Delta. He tell dat ‘it kill da fish, buss up da skin, no can use da watta in da streams…I no moa one way fo make on living awready’.

WAT IZ DA FACTS? Dey tink dat 6 an a half million tons of opala goin in da ocean ery year. Dey tink 50 percent of da opala iz all plastic, an da ting goin drift fo hundreds of years befo da ting break down. Besides polluting da eart, humans dey stay suckin out da resources from da eart moa fas den da eart can hando. Studies show dat da eart need one year five months fo put back all da stuff da humans takin out in ony one year. One Australian newspaypa, da Sydney Morning Herald, wen tell dat if we keep goin lidis we goin need two Earts by da time 2035.

WHY PEOPO NO BELIEVE TINGS GETTIN WORSE? Dey tell humans akamai. We can fix da problems dat get, an save da eart.

DEY RIGHT O WAT? Plenny peopo dey workin hard fo let erybody know wat stay goin on. But still yet da eart gettin all buss up, moa den eva.

WAT YOU TINK? God gotta save da planet—like he wen promise?

Wit da five prophecies we jus wen talk about, da Bible also wen tell about good tings dat goin happen befo da world goin come pau. Try check out one exampo in prophecy numba six.


Befo I wen live in one paradise. Now I feel like I stay in one toxic waste dump.’​—ERIN TAMBER, A RESIDENT OF THE GULF COAST, UNITED STATES, CONCERNING THE EFFECTS OF THE 2010 OIL SPILL IN THE GULF OF MEXICO.


Iz God’s Fault O Wat?

Since da Bible wen tell all dis bad stuff wuz goin happen today, dass God’s fault o wat? He make us suffa? Can find da ansas in chaptah 11 of da book What Can the Bible Teach Us? from Witnesses Fo Jehovah.

[Picture Credit Line]

U.S. Coast Guard photo