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Waswe, Eni Hope Stap for Man wea Dae Finis?

Waswe, Eni Hope Stap for Man wea Dae Finis?

Lanem Wanem Bible Talem

Waswe, Eni Hope Stap for Man wea Dae Finis?

Disfala article storyim samfala kwestin wea iu maet garem and hem showim wea for faendem ansa long Bible bilong iu. Olketa Jehovah’s Witness hapi for storyim olketa ansa hia witim iu.

1. Wanem nao hope for man wea dae finis?

Taem Jesus arrive long Bethany wea klosap long Jerusalem, fren bilong hem Lazarus dae for fofala day finis. Jesus go long grev witim tufala sista bilong Lazarus, Martha and Mary. No longtaem nomoa, staka pipol hipap kam. Masbi Martha and Mary hapi tumas taem Jesus resurrectim Lazarus!—Readim John 11:20-24, 38-44.

Martha bilivim man wea dae bae resurrect. Olketa wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah savve for longtaem finis, long future God bae resurrectim olketa wea dae mekem olketa laef moa long earth.—Readim Job 14:14, 15.

2. Man wea dae hem hao?

Paoa bilong laef wea Bible kolem “spirit” mekem olketa man and animal gohed for laef. Bat iumi no garem soul wea kanduit dae. (Ecclesiastes 3:19; Genesis 7:21, 22) Iumi garem physical body nomoa wea God wakem from dust. (Genesis 2:7; 3:19) Taem man dae, brain bilong hem no waka and hem stop for tingting tu. Dastawe bihaen Lazarus resurrect, hem no storyim eni samting abaotem taem hem dae, bikos man wea dae no savve long eni samting.—Readim Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10.

Tru nao, man wea dae no savve safa. So teaching wea sei God mekem man safa bihaen hem dae, hem no tru. Datfala laea teaching spoelem God. God barava heitim kaen tingting wea sei man savve bone olowe long fire.—Readim Jeremiah 7:31.

3. Waswe, iumi savve story witim man wea dae finis?

Man wea dae finis no savve toktok. (Psalm 115:17) Bat taem olketa wicked angel story witim pipol, olketa savve laea for sei olketa nao man wea dae finis. (2 Peter 2:4) Jehovah tambuim wei for trae story witim man wea dae finis.—Readim Deuteronomy 18:10, 11.

4. Hu nao bae resurrect?

Long niu world, staka million pipol long grev bae laef bak. Nomata pipol wea duim rabis samting bikos olketa no savve long Jehovah bae resurrect tu.—Readim Luke 23:43; Acts 24:15.

Olketa wea resurrect bae garem chance for lanem tru samting abaotem God, and for obeyim and showimaot faith long Jesus. (Revelation 20:11-13) Olketa wea laef bak and duim gud samting bae hapi for laef olowe long earth. Bat samfala wea resurrect bae gohed duim rabis samting, so “God bae judgem olketa.”—Readim John 5:28, 29.

5. Wanem nao resurrection teachim iumi abaotem Jehovah?

Man fit for resurrect bikos God sendem Son bilong hem for dae for sevem iumi. So resurrection showimaot Jehovah lovem pipol and hem kaen tumas.—Readim John 3:16; Romans 6:23.

For moa information, lukim chapter 6 and 7 long disfala buk Wanem Nao Really Samting wea Bible Teachim? wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim.

[Piksa long page 16]

God wakem Adam from dust