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4 God Letem Nogud Samting Gohed Waswe Hem Tru?

4 God Letem Nogud Samting Gohed Waswe Hem Tru?

4 God Letem Nogud Samting Gohed—Waswe Hem Tru?

Maet iu herem: “God rulim world and evri samting wea happen hem will bilong God. From world fulap witim pipol wea favorim narawan, no duim stret samting, and spoelem narawan, masbi God nao bihaenem evri samting hia.”

Samting Bible teachim: No God nao kosim evri nogud samting wea happen long world. Bible sei olsem abaotem Jehovah: “Evri samting wea God duim hem gud, and hem evritaem duim stret samting.”—Deuteronomy 32:4.

God kaen long evriwan, nomata long pipol wea luk olsem hem no fitim for God kaen long olketa tu. Example, “hem mekem sun hem shaen long pipol wea gud and pipol wea nogud and hem mekem hem rain long pipol wea raeteous and pipol wea no raeteous.” (Matthew 5:45) God no favorim pipol bilong wanfala kala skin or culture bat evriwan semsem long hem. Acts 10:34, 35 sei: “God hem no favorim eniwan. Long evri kantri long world, sapos man worshipim God and duim samting wea stret, God bae hapi long hem.”

So, wanem nao kosim evri nogud samting wea happen? Staka pipol chus for duim nogud samting long narawan and no followim wei bilong God for duim stret samting. (Deuteronomy 32:5) Nara samting, Bible showimaot God letem enemy bilong hem, Devil, for kontrolem world. * (1 John 5:19) Bat klosap God bae no letem Devil rulim world. Hem redyim finis samting wea hem bae iusim for “finisim evri samting wea Devil hem duim.”—1 John 3:8.

Savve long truth helpem iu: Maet iu no minim why iu evritaem herem nius abaotem corruption and pipol evritaem duim samting wea no stret. Taem iu savve wanem nao kosim diswan, bae iu minim why evri samting nogud tumas and nomata olketa man trae hard for mekem world kamap gud, olketa fail nomoa. (Psalm 146:3) So winim wei for iusim taem and strong bilong iu for trae changem samting wea maet no savve change, iu fit for trustim olketa promis bilong God and garem strongfala hope for future.—Revelation 21:3, 4.

Taem iumi minim wanem nao kosim evri nogud samting for happen, datwan savve barava helpem iumi taem nogud samting kasem iumi. Taem samwan duim nogud samting long iumi, maet iumi tu talem disfala toktok bilong profet Habakkuk: “No eniwan obeyim law, and no eniwan duim stret samting.” (Habakkuk 1:4) God no hotem Habakkuk taem hem talem diswan bat hem talem hao Hem markem finis wanfala taem for stretem evri samting, and hem helpem Habakkuk for hapi nomata hem kasem hard taem. (Habakkuk 2:2-4; 3:17, 18) Taem iu tu trustim promis bilong God for stretem evri samting, datwan savve helpem iu for garem peace long mind nomata iu stap insaed world wea pipol duim samting wea no stret.


^ par. 5 For savve abaotem wea nao Devil kam from, lukim chapter 3 long buk, Wanem Nao Really Samting wea Bible Teachim?

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Waswe, God nao bihaenem evri nogud samting and wei for safa?

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