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You Can Find “the Very Knowledge of God”

You Can Find “the Very Knowledge of God”

Draw Close to God

You Can Find “the Very Knowledge of God”

JEHOVAH GOD has put within our reach a priceless treasure, and it is his heart’s desire that we find it. This treasure does not bring material wealth, but it will result in something that all the money in the world cannot buy​—inner peace, contentment, and a satisfying life. What is this treasure? The words of wise King Solomon recorded at Proverbs 2:1-6 explain.

Solomon identifies this treasure as “the very knowledge of God”​—that is, the truth about God and his purposes as revealed in the Bible. (Verse 5) There are several aspects to this treasure.

True teachings. The Bible answers such questions as these: What is God’s name? (Psalm 83:18) What happens at death? (Psalm 146:3, 4) Why are we here? (Genesis 1:26-28; Psalm 115:16) Really, what price would you put on the answers to such important questions?

Wise counsel. The Bible tells us the best way to live. How can you make a marriage last? (Ephesians 5:28, 29, 33) How can you raise responsible children? (Deuteronomy 6:5-7; Ephesians 6:4) How can you find happiness in life? (Matthew 5:3; Luke 11:28) Again, what do you think​—how valuable is reliable advice on such matters?

Insight into God’s nature and personality. The Bible is the main source of accurate information about God. What is he like? (John 1:18; 4:24) Does he care about us? (1 Peter 5:6, 7) What are some of his outstanding qualities? (Exodus 34:6, 7; 1 John 4:8) How much, would you say, is truthful information about our Creator worth?

“The very knowledge of God” is indeed a spiritual treasure. How can you find it? A clue lies in verse 4 of Proverbs chapter 2, where Solomon compares this knowledge to “hid treasures.” Think about this: A hidden treasure will not jump out of its hiding place and deposit itself into idle hands. We have to put forth effort to find it. So it is with the knowledge of God. This treasure is, in effect, buried in the Bible. To find it, we need to put forth effort.

Solomon explains what we need to do in order to find “the very knowledge of God.” The words “receive my sayings” and “incline your heart” show that we need a receptive heart. (Verses 1, 2) The words “call out,” “keep seeking,” and “keep searching” indicate that we need to expend ourselves, earnestly showing our initiative. (Verses 3, 4) To find the treasure, then, we need to make a diligent study of the Bible, doing so with a sincere heart.​—Luke 8:15.

If we show such initiative, Jehovah will do the rest. “Jehovah himself gives wisdom,” says verse 6. Only with God’s help can we fully grasp the truths found in the Bible. (John 6:44; Acts 16:14) Of this you can be sure: If you sincerely search into God’s Word, you will find “the very knowledge of God”​—a treasure that will enrich your life beyond measure.​—Proverbs 2:10-21. *

Suggested Bible reading for October:

Proverbs 1-21


^ par. 8 Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide offer a free home Bible study to those who want to understand the Bible. Why not contact them locally or write to the appropriate address listed on page 4?